How NOT To Stall Your Motorcycle / Friction Zone Clutch Training

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This book is going to help you understand the important “dos and don’ts” of the motorcycling world!
If you have trouble stalling your motorcycle, this is what you need to practice.


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How To Ride A Motorcycle
how to ride a motorcycle for beginners
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Рекомендации по теме

This is one area I think MSF courses should spend more time on. I struggled so much in this aspect making errors stalling thinking I had to squeeze the living F out of the clutch.


Good to know i stalled 7 times my first motorcycle ride haaa i do much better now


I am going to conquer this frickin friction zone!!! Thanks


Thanks for doing these beginner video's they helped me alot this weekend when i took and passed the MSF course. Instructor liked them too when i showed him one.


My instructor never really went over adding throttle as I'm releasing the clutch so I stalled a lot.


I'm a learner and am loving the way you are explaining how to ride. Fantastic!


This is a great thing to practice. I took the MSF course after having my bike for a few months. At first this was going to be a dumb exercise, I was wrong. Good for anyone to practice. I haven’t stalled since.


From one firefighter motorcyclist to another, we know the dangers of riding. I recently upgraded to a bigger bike, I can't even begin to count how many times I've stalled it, getting used to it still. Been riding for roughly 4 years, started on a 250 which was perfect, I feel like I was fully confident of my capability and the bikes capability. Upgraded to a Suzuki Boulevard C50t, It's a lot different than my old bike. Just like in the fire service, you're always training and learning. I believe that you should never stop learning when riding motorcycles. I find myself trying to read the "body language" of cars and an escape route if they try to take me off my 2 wheels. I've seen how people react when a firetruck is hauling down the road and they don't know what to do. It has scared me to ride a few times but I usually always hop back on. I've been on a few bike accident calls and heard stories and that terrifies me. I'm glad that I got my license through the MSF course, I have learned a lot and would like to take the advanced course. As always, ATGATT.
Anyway, stay safe brother.


I'm tanking my license in Europe and I've just had my worst lessons, stalled going up a cliff with a bus and 3 cars behind me, the motorcycle i was using is very old and the gearbox got stuck between first and neutral, couldn't go anywhere until i put it in second and first again. After that, i was seriously nervous as it's been like 2 minutes of me trying to start the bike. So I stalled again, almost dropping it in the process. This video helped me knowing I'm not the only one, and for anyone reading this, try to beat my fuck up xD


thank you. I have already made it a habit to look for your videos whenever i have a question or want to check my 'bad' habits :)


Guys just throttle a tiny bit as soon as you feel or hear the engine engaging. Very easy to get but realistically you'll be stalling VERY often either way.


I've been riding electric motorcycles and a DCT for the last year-and-a-half, I just picked up a little 150 last. 5 speed. I got my license on a clutch bike, but I've never been very comfortable on a clutch. Just took a few spins around my neighborhood, got it up to 50, going up through the gears and down is super easy, but starting in first and not stalling has been difficult. I decided to put a video on and yours is the first one that popped up and I didn't even think to just practice letting the clutch out without giving it gas and finding that zone, I just didn't even think about that possibility, thank you so much, that just solve the problem for me. Can't believe I didn't think to do that.


Thanks for all the videos Dan, learn something new from each one!!!


I'm glad I found your channel Dan. I'm learning alot. Slowly pulling my bike out the garage day by day. Your videos have boosted my confidence drastically. I'm still not ready to take her on city streets. But you will one day make that possible for me. God bless you and I hope you stay safe brother.


Great help bro thanks to your video I got a hang of clutch control.... Love it


I just took the first day of the MSF course and I SUCKED at the speed of which I let go of the clutch. Lots of stalls. I didnt even know you dont even have to give it gas to start rolling from first. This is a game changer.

To shed some light I have NEVER touched a bike before today and I was told I was doing good for my first time ever.


New rider here and in the middle of my BRC. We talked about the friction zone but there was little practice with it. We did power walking but the bike we used required throttle to get it going, so learning the friction zone didn't happen so much.


I was told that the Grom has one of the hardest friction zones. I learned on a grom for my msf. Your bike here, you hardly pulled out your clutch at all and you got moving. Wow - really short friction zone compared to the grom. I had to pull the clutch out about 3/4 of the way to hit friction zone on the grom.


Dan. Watching all your videos. Love the training.


What a gorgeous clean and surfaced parking lot!
