The Best Foods For A Raw Food Diet

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"A healthy diet is a healthy lifestyle. What you eat goes a long way towards being healthier or otherwise. Take steps now towards an ideal lifestyle and live longer, live healthier.

Anna Maria Co-Director of The Hippocrates Health Institute will address the multitude of issues that face families in this high-speed society by using compassion, proper enzyme-rich food, movement and a wide array of noninvasive and supportive therapies.

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Passionate believers in whole food plant based diets, no chemicals, minimal pharmaceutical drugs, no GMO's. Fighting to stop climate change and extinction."
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Started strong but got whacky near the end. Pretty sure the clouds are still clouds and no one is geo-engineering the weather. Eat plants. Be happy.


I was disappointed when she went ‘nutty’ .


Sprouts, wheatgrass juice, celery, cucumber, watercress, leafy greens, asparagus, corn. Raw juices, exercises, sleep.
Kidney: No coffee, alcohol, meat, dairy, eggs. Foods that are green. Don't add salt.
Cancer: she goes bonkers and starts spouting complete crap. Guess, not every PhD is really knowledgeable. Really need to look at who gave her a PhD and what is written in that thesis.


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Hippocrates on the wall meaning hypocrite. Interesting?
