10 Tips To LOSE WEIGHT Fast! | Marisa Peer

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The result of over 30 years of careful and rigorous study, Marisa’s unique Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide to overcome their own personal challenges and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

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1. Don't talk about losing weight.
2. Wait for better, healthier food.
3. Don't have it in the house.
4. Keep it out of sight.
5. Raise your metabolic rate.
6. Change your emotional response.
7. Dialogue with your mind in a better way.
8. Buy ingredients, not food.
9. Lower and monitor your blood sugar.
10. Ability to respond.


I used some hypnosis last year to do this, not on purpose, just listened out of curosity, took my craving away from drinking beer, than the weight melted away, i could fit into clothes i had from my twenties.


I’m a graduate of Marisa’s RRT program and I’ve chosen to specialize in weight loss based on everything I’ve learned from Marisa. I’ve also lost 45 pounds myself by allowing other RTT students to do practice weight loss sessions with me.

Marisa has given me a huge gift through her teachings, I gift that I’m able to pass on to others.

I highly recommend all of her programs! ❤


So brilliant!! I put 5€ in a jar, when I didn't drink alcohol. I started in August 2020. When I did drink alcohol, I didn't get 5€. I have saved more than 4000€ now, without any effort. If you take something away, you must give something back!!❤❤❤ Love these videos!!❤❤


Gaining and keeping muscle as we age is vital so just losing weight is not enough ! People can be thin at their ideal weight and still get frail ! Lift weights women and men ! It keeps you metabolism healthy and bones strong ! Improves the entire body ! Stop all the cardio constantly as it stresses the adrenals ! Do short HIIT not long cardio !


Just say the word, I am slim, I am slim, I am slim whenever you can!! I love Marisa peer, she do give great advice ❤❤


Leaky gut is caused by processed food and stress and too many grains . That causes inflammation and insulin resistance then high blood sugars and high blood pressure . I started drinking bone broth and having kefir and it immediately lowered my high blood sugars and healed my gut !


I love her approaches, her wording and how she feels about people. I tried to help my mother and sister with their food addictions (sweets), but nobody respected me in my family. You have to save yourself!


I'm a Nutritional Therapist and I use your techniques with my patients and it works amazingly! Thank you Marissa 😊 💓 love you ❤️


I love this!!! Explaining how my body is not "broken " but doing exactly what it's supposed to do. And now how to help. So brilliant!!! Thank you Marisa!!!


I have your book, how to be thin. Its a really good way to look at how we eat. I find it sticks with me, and I’m not over eating ❤


You are so alive, Lady!I love you, I love the way you look, I love the way you act, I love the way you speak, you have it all! All the best...


100% correct, about all of it. I used to control my blood sugar by making sure if I ever had sugar there was always fat with it, or else I’d have a sugar crash. I learned that naturally over time. Everything Marissa says is practical and absolutely correct. Don’t be afraid or fat in food (natural fat, not trans fat), be more wary of sugar. It will make you eternally hungry (sugar does)


Good tips….one thing though, intermittent fasting can help heal metabolism


When I was young I believe from the age of 2, my mother made us breakfast every day: a big bowl of porridge with milk and sugar. I was the youngest of 3 and needed less than my siblings but we were always forced to finish our plates completely. Same with dinner. Now as an adult I keep eating until I feel full and nauseous, and whatever I buy or go out to dinner I will always finish my plate. I guess in the back of my mind I am sure 'someone' will get mad/angry with me if I don't finish it all. I do believe the porridge gave me a big sugarrush at the time and also becoming nauseous was as if I was not in control. I lost the connection and balance with my body.

I understand my mother was struggling with the responsibility of how to feed her children as a single mom, but for me it lead to having boulimia in my teens.

I do not purge anymore but I am still struggling with overeating. I hope one day I will come to the point where I reprogram my mind that I am allowed to stop eating when I am full (not when I am nauseous).



Amazing perspective! The first 2 minutes alone are a tremendous help already ❤


Love your work! I'm looking for different fat loss approaches, and the 'rice method' keeps popping up. Have you had any experience with it?


Such eye opening and powerful explanation that I really needed! Thank you so much!


I just bought your book, "Tell Yourself a Better Lie" That excellent title is a lesson in itself


I am grtting leaner leaner leaner every day in every way.
