Euro NCAP Crash Test of Jeep Wrangler 2018

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Euro NCAP performs a series of crash tests on each model tested:
- a frontal impact test, the car impacts a rigid barrier
- an offset frontal impact test, 40% of the width of the car is striking a deformable barrier
- a pole test, the tested car is propelled sideways into a rigid pole
- a side impact test, a mobile deformable barrier impacts the driver's door

A series of pedestrian tests are conducted with different impactors, adult and child head form, lower and upper leg form and whiplash tests are performed on a sled.

Active safety is tested based on the car’s equipment: autonomous emergency braking systems (car to car, with a pedestrian and a cyclist target), lane support and speed assist technologies and seatbelt reminders.

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Anybody who accuses Euro NCAP of bias, keep in mind that the Jeep Renegade was given a five star safety rating by the same organization.


According to the test report...

"In the frontal offset test, the connection between the A-pillar and the trans-facia beam was damaged in a way that indicated the structure
would be unable to withstand higher loads. Similarly, deformation of the footwell showed that the structure had reached the limit of its
integrity. Although dummy readings indicated good protection of the knees and femurs of the driver and passenger dummy, structures in
the dashboard were thought to present a risk to occupants of different sizes and to those sitting in different positions, and protection of this
body area was rated as marginal. Dummy readings, together with the penalty applied for the unstable bodyshell, resulted in protection of
the driver chest being rated as weak. In the full-width rigid barrier test, dummy readings of chest compression showed marginal protection
of the driver chest. For the rear passenger, dummy readings showed weak protection of the neck and, combined with high shoulder-belt
loads, poor protection of the chest. In the side barrier test, the Wrangler scored maximum points, with good protection of all critical body
areas. No pole test was conducted on the Wrangler. Tests on the front seats and head restraints indicated good protection against
whiplash injuries in the event of a rear-end collision. A geometric assessment of the rear seats also indicated good whiplash protection.
The Wrangler is not equipped with an autonomous emergency braking (AEB) system."


Being designed for off-road use isn't an excuse - because the majority of its time will be on a road.


Suddenly all Americans turned into crash test experts


its incredible to see how far safety has come because if you compare this 1 star the wrangler was awarded with a car that was awarded 20 years ago, this car looks so much safer


No curtain airbags? At least they could have put some padding on the side where poor jimmy hits his head in the rear.


And people said that Duster's 3 stars is a bad result


What? No~that can't be right 🤣 They look so tough with chrome rims, bull bar and lift kit at the shopping mall car park😂😂😂


Who's here after the 4 star rating of Mahindra Thar? 😂


Jeep doesn't seem to care about the back passengers.


Still the most versatile and capable 4x4 in the market. It retains solid front axle, the fenders can be easily detached for more flex, doors are easily detachable and the windscreen folds like every old Jeep. People buy motorcycles for the same price as a rubicon jeep yet those are literal death trap.


....Welp :, ) * Remembers this video every time i drive mine for the rest of forever *


and people said Jimny 3 stars were bad ...


Wow Mahindra Thar Scored 4 stars in Global NCAP today.. And this expensive trash here.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Usually body-on-ladder cars have weaker cabin but stronger chassis because main emphasis is given only on chassis & not the cabin for such vehicles.


I know it got a 1 star and all, but I was surprised to see how little damage it took from the full width crash.


These tests are based on the worst case. so ok not that high off a score, but 12 years at the fire and rescue services I've seen tons of accidents so the first thing that you have to think about, is that you very rarely hit a static object this size, meaning that the kinetic energy has no where else to go as in the car. In 80% of the cases we have car on car accidents and cars having the bigger mass always deccelareted much slower than light cars accelerate away. Just imaging being in a Mini and hit by a Wrangler where do you think most of the energy will go... Or a car hiting a 12t Truck even the car having a 5 star rating. My experience tells me that I would rather be sitting in the truck. If I remember correctly, ther were only two cars (an we have an average of 1.6 crashes we're called to in a week) i've seen hitting a Wall this way. On both occasions it was intentionally (suicide attempt) 1 of them being a LR Defender with the occupant suffering only minor bruses... Btw even hitting a three that way tends to extremly deform a car because the energy is concentraded in one point and a deformed car means in this case absorbed energy that doesn't reach the occupants. But yes they are Not cheating at NCAP but the worst case scenario doesn't always reflects the reality (momentum, kinetic energy, an all the other laws of physics) they don't care of stars or test ratings an this is not only thrue for this topic.
Enoug said, have a nice day an stay safe folks !

Ps. Please don't mind if some phrases sound false or weird I'm not a native English speaker ;-)


Automated braking and lane keeping systems should not factor into 'crash testing'. Those systems can easily fail under numerous weather conditions, as well as during regular wear and tear, and they do nothing for the actual crash itself.


This car got only 1 star because it did bad to reduce the G forces on the passengers.


O problema é que esse é um carro off road, ele é alto demais (a suspensão é para passar por cima de rochas, areia, e tudo o que vier pela frente...), ele é um carro desmontável (nele é possível tirar portas, teto, parabrisa... Tudo!)
Uma pessoa que compra um carro desse, não está dando atenção para segurança, porque não é um carro para rua, é off road. O que essa pessoa mais teme é cair do penhasco! hahah

The problem is that this is a car off road, it is too high (the suspension is to go over rocks, sand, and everything that comes in front ...), it is a collapsible car (in it it is possible to take doors, ceiling, windshield ... Everything!)
A person who buys a car from that, is not paying attention to safety, because it is not a car to the street, it is off road. What he fears most is falling off the cliff! hahah
