Euro NCAP Crash & Safety Tests of Dacia Spring 2021

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Euro NCAP performs a series of crash and safety tests on car models:
- a frontal impact test, 50% of the width of the car is striking an oncoming deformable barrier, also travelling at 50 km/h
- a frontal impact test, the car impacts a rigid full width barrier
- a side impact test, a mobile deformable barrier impacts the driver's door
- a pole test, the tested car is propelled sideways into a rigid pole.
A series of pedestrian tests are conducted with different impactors, adult and child head form, lower and upper leg form and whiplash tests are performed on a sled as well as AEB pedestrian and cyclist tests.
Active safety is tested based on the car’s equipment: autonomous emergency braking car-to-car scenarios, occupant status monitoring (including seatbelt reminders), lane support and speed assistance technologies.

All details on the Euro NCAP Website:
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I gotta say 1 star in 2021 looks quite good. A couple years back this is how a 5-star test crashes looked like.


Those kids have grown quite a bit since I last saw them…


James May's favorite car manufacturer.


Holy shit I was expecting worse, thats actually really good, I ve seen renault kwid in india crumple like a soda can but this thing is solid


I drove this car several times for a day at my local Renault dealer and its really fun to drive. Speeds up from zero pretty fast, goes up to 125 Km/h, so engough for comfy Autobahn commute, has good heating and AC, back up camera, power windows, mirrors and locking and has an range of about 180 Km, depends on how you drive it. Obviously when you turn on the heating all the time, its not that much. The build quality is what you expect from a chinese made car, but it does its work. I would definitely buy it for 12000 Euro as a secondary car for city driving. Enough space for 4 adults and a some luggage.


Well, comparing with the cars we happily drove 20 years ago, this does not look too bad actually.


The colision avoidance works. The passangers are not squized inside, aribags work. Seem to be a good car !


1 star insinuates that this is a dangerous car. I appreciate standards are changing but maybe the grading system needs reviewing too.
After watching this video, as a potential buyer, I do not think the Dacia Spring is an unsafe car.


Now compare that with what the crash of the chinese version had, seems like the company did a great job at making it safer despite being a very small budget car....

I don't understand the 1 star rating. Even that pole/tree to the side test looked fine. It even has AEB which worked beatifully. I really don't know why it's rated so low.


I would prefer injuring myself in Spring rather than dying in a Fiat Punto


At Dacia Spring, I expected that, because it's really cheap, but ZOÉ? I didn't expect that...


Safer than the ZOE. I wasn't expecting that spring will have only 1 Star as Its the most unsafe EV Crossover. Hence why it's the cheapest EV in europe but the thing is it keeps getting popular across Europe 😢


From tests, it looks like a 3 star car but there will be always room for improvments (the only weakness are the basic things that are very cheap or the lack of basic stuff)


This would have been 4 or 5 stars 10 years ago. Structurally it's solid, it's just that the airbag tuning and seat belt tuning aren't the best so forces are quite high and sudden. These new star systems are overly dramatic.


If this is a one star car then I hate to think what my car would be rated 😅


Good news! The Dacia Spring EV gets a 1 star rated crash test!


Vreau sa va impartasesc experienta mea cu Dacia Spring. Am primit-o in
decembrie ! Am fost rugat de dealer sa o platesc integral in noiembrie
ca aveau "targhet". M-am bucurat ca un copil... 200 km, fatidici, cand
am fost lovit de o masina germana. Am crezut ca sunt pe lumea cealalta
cand o "domna" a inceput sa vorbeasca cu mine, dupa socul loviturii.
Masina, a sunat singura la 112 !!! EXTRAORDINAR !!! Eu, victima. Masina
nemteasca,   agresorul. Masina nemteasca daune 0, Dacia Spring, am
estimat eu, dauna totala. Daca ar fi fost facuta din carton, s-ar fi
prezentat mai bine la interactiunea cu VW.

Dar totul e bine cand nimeni nu moare asa cum se intampla prin alte
colturi ale lumii. Viata si-a urmat cursul, masina a ajuns in
reprezentanta Dacia cu promisiunea ca va fi reparata. Asta inainte de
sarbatoare nasterii domnului de anul trecut (nu am relatii stranse cu
domnul, dar am folosit pretextul pentru a localiza actiunea in timp). A
trecut covidul, a venit razboiul iar masina mea tot in REPREZENTANTA
DACIA fara sa dea nici un semn de viata pe aplicatie. Dupa 3 luni de
asteptare ascetica am considerat ca este momentul sa intervin
fulgerator. M-am prezentat usor ciufulit la REPREZENTANTA DACIA
revendicandu-mi masina.

Rasete. Asta este tot ce am putut obtine. Piesele de schimb necesare
nici macar nu au CODURI pentru a putea fi comandate. Am plecat trist
caci masina mea de 18.000!!! euro nu poate fi cu mine. Poate intr-o
viata viitoare, dupa ce va fi topita, cand va renaste intr-un VW vom fi
din nou impreuna. Nu stii ce-ti poate oferi karma


Congratulations for these really good results! And the Styling of this car is quiet interesting.👍


The car actually looks very sturdy and safe! For city/commuting, even a small trip, this looks really good 👍
