Am I A Narcissist?

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Are you wondering if you’re a narcissist? Many people ask "Am I a narcissist?" In this video, I'll provide you with seven powerful questions that you can ask yourself to delve deeper into this issue.

Are you a narcissist? If you think it is a bad thing to be a narcissist, you probably aren't! But by exploring the questions in this video, you'll be able to gain a better understanding of whether you exhibit narcissistic behavior or not.


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This video was created by Barbara Heffernan, LCSW for educational purposes only. These videos are not diagnostic and provide no individual consultation. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with. Barbara Heffernan is not available for individual consultation via YouTube, social media, or email, and provides services only in the manner mentioned above.

0:00 Intro
0:44 What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
2:01 Question One
3:01 Question Two
4:21 Question Three
4:56 Question Four
6:20 Question Five
7:22 Question Six
8:08 Question Seven

Edited & managed by: Video Editing Experts

#Narcissism #Happiness #Healing
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I loved this video. It really clarified some things. I've feared that I was a narcissist, and I do have narcissistic traits, but it's bothered me for some time that I'm a full on narcissist and don't know it. I don't want to be a narcissist, I know how bad it is because i know actual narcissists. That's why I see it in such a negative way and have such fear of being one. I don't want to affect people that way. They don't deserve that, nobody does.


This is a REALLY good video. Because a lot of times, narcssittic traits are over simplified to the point where you can say yes to a lot of them. But with you here explaining the human and normal side of these traits with comparison and more extreme examples, put it all in a lot of perspective and made so much more sense. Thank you.!


I think the action which definitely makes anyone a narcissist is planning. Anyone can have narcissistic traits but their lives don't spin about what and how they are going to get what they want ( and having no concerns about the damage they are inflicting). I know is a spectrum but all narcissists are always many steps ahead of the victim.


I feel sad For thinking that I might be a narcissist & in the end I still feel sry for myself allowing a narc making me to think abt myself in this bad way


When I studied art, we often got constructive criticism regarding our work - And I really loved how after 3 years of learning to handle the "crit" it really helped me grow as an artist/ graphic designer and I could deal with customers opinions (and managers) and not take is personally at all. I also can appreciate other artists work and not be jealous at all and I encourage others who work with me.


Thanks for this video on narcissism. I find it very fascinating, especially how a narcissist is created in the first place. These types of people are so fascinating yet repugnant. I must admit that I've wondered if I'm a narcissist because I seem to think about myself alot. When I went through your questions, however, I was greatly relieved to discover that I'm probably not a narcissist at all, just someone trying to become a happier person. Thanks again for another great video!


Thank you for doing this video. I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting and wondering if I am a narcissist and you’re examples helped me to realize that I am not and it’s a HUGE weight off my heart. It makes me want to cry. The relief! I also realize I have work to do on myself. And perhaps it’s that I went through narcissistic abuse that I was gaslit to believe I am a selfish person when I really do care about other people a lot.


I once had a therapist diagnose me with NPD after knowing me for all of an hour because I'm severely disabled with really rare conditions that do require special care. I don't think I am special and I don't really like being the center of attention but I find myself talking a lot because I feel awkward. I spent 90% of my time at home in my bed, in excruciating pain. I use my waking hours often supporting others online.

She just didn't like me cause I made her wait like 15 minutes after she made me wait a day and a half without a text or anything.

I was trying to get a misdiagnosis of BPD removed from my chart, it came out of absolutely nowhere. Instead she added NPD.

All my psych and therapists have all agreed I've got C PTSD and neurodivergency but not a personality disorder at all.

It terrifies me how quickly people's lives can be wrecked by a misdiagnosis.


As I think I've been a good target for narcs during my lifetime - especially in my younger years, as I valued being non-judgemental and empathetic towards people, and tried to put unhealthy behaviours into a sympathetic context. This pattern came from my own stuff and it's been really hard to untangle. I can go around and round in my head feeling guilty for judging or shutting off from a person and attempting to understand them or reflect on my own behaviours but I've come to conclude that if I feel very confused around a person, there is something narcy going on with them. This is my barometer now and I trust it. Safe people are not confusing - not perfect (nor am I) but not confusing. Narcissistic intention is difficult to understand but I can sense the energy of it and it is very yuck and nerve-wracking to be around.


Narc mim(not a mom) response to my telling her the family therapist said she had NPD: She began researching online. The next time I saw her she announced she read about Narcissitic Personality Disorder. She smiled and announced proudly that she is a narc. "And I am proud to be that way, it means I take care of is the best personality to have". 😂


Thank you for this, I needed to hear it. Someone that I love told me either they told me I was a narcissist or they said I did something that was narcissistic I don't remember but it felt like a punch in the gut because ... In the past few years I have had the displeasure of being around and manipulated by several narcissists... I appreciate what you're doing Miss Barbara, and you don't need to respond I don't have comments turned on...


This made me feel a LOT better … I ask myself all the time, as I have a close relationship with a classic


Excellent video. Just got out of a situation with a covert narcissist . Thank you for this


Barbara, I always appreciate your straightforward way of explaining things. And your differentiating reactions to, for example, criticism, for a normal person as opposed to a narcissist's reaction. As well as other issues. Narcs like to claim they're normal, and accuse their targets of being not!!


I love how you made the distinction between how a narc would be the thing vs how a non narc would possibly be the thing (your example on bragging and math).


This was a great explanation! Thank you, I feel I have some traits, but not used in those manners. However, I do know some people who are exactly as you explained and I have limited my time with these people long ago. I just can’t take them!!


I am co-dependent because of my childhood, and recently (at the age of 57), I've gone no-contact with certain family members and some friends. Now, there are some flying monkeys telling me how awful I am, and I am full of toxic shame, self-hate and self-loathing again. I am scared they are right, and I'm this horrible, selfish and narcissistic person.

This test tells me I'm not. What a relief. Thank you for helping me understand myself better.



Translation: My boyfriend/girlfriend left me and moved on to another partner and is now doing fine, instead of being crippled with guilt as they should be.

Sorry folks, this has to be said. If everyone is a narcissist, the term becomes meaningless.


Great topic! Just Saturday I was bit by a snake, I mean a narcissist girl. I studied this topic for years, and I believe among other factors, depends on the rate of the scale, their poison will feel bad or worse. She was like maybe not even 5 minutes next to me'helping 'me... And she practiced fear campaign(she was looking at me like if I were an alien, typical), entitlement, gaslighting, bullying, mental games, she glued her eyes on me like a snake.
I didn t feel the effects right away.
However today
I woke up nervous, afraid, a bit paranoid, ruminating, disforia, toxic shame(a bit), and from this toxic shame to toxic shame spirals(go on and on in circles from all the times another girl have bullied me... But.. Then I started writing on my journal, as my therapist recommended me, and my spiral stopped. Also a bit low self esteemed. My therapist recommended me to label the abuse. To put name to everything. This was in less than 5 minutes, so some of them are really powerful😢... This is a great exercise as before i would blame myself unconsciously for the abuse, or for not having done the right thing, like giving her a dirty look or a direct look as in' I know what you are... The thing is... I was only a client in that supermarket.... And this lady abused me... I could this, I could that... No... An abusor.. Abuses you... It has nothing to do with you... You go out from there... And heal...
I can do that now... But before, specially with the covert ones... Uf, i would feel miserable longer... Very scary, strange, entitled people...


Thank you so much for this informational video! I just got out of a 12-year relationship with an amazing woman who is also an empath and also has a bachelor's in psychology. I carried a lot of my past/ childhood trauma into the relationship without healing or treating the issues and caused a lot of pain I am remorseful about. I made her aware I was not ready for a relationship, yet I still chose to be with her due to our spiritual connection. She labeled me as a narcissist.

Fast forward to 2021, I saw 2 therapists (one currently), and I mentioned these issues. They both have tried to reassure me that I am, in fact, NOT a narcissist, and this video has also helped solidify that for me. It crushes my heart and soul that something so beautiful was destroyed by both of us. I have since put my higher power's will before my own. She is still an amazing person, and I wish her the best.
