How to stop complex ptsd triggers and live a fulfilling life

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#complexptsd #triggers #innercritic #sophilialarkwoodbury
HOW TO STOP COMPLEX PTSD TRIGGERS AND LIVE A FULFILLING LIFE// Ever wonder why you get triggered so frequently, seemingly out of the blue? Those of us who struggle with complex PTSD often experience emotional flashbacks that throw us into a whirlwind of feelings that are hard to control. Those flashbacks can be triggered by people, places, things, events, or even gestures, and to make matters worse, the inner critic can rub those triggers so deep into our already overwhelmed minds and emotions and hold us captive to feelings that we feel we may never escape. This video discusses the key things that are necessary for stopping complex PTSD triggers before they become monsters.



FREE Guides and Checklists:


• Obsibilo: Soixante-8 (Free Music Archive)
• Audio Hero: Dream of Grandeur (Zapsplat)
• Mr. Mason: Jazz (Zapsplat)
• Scott Holmes: Positive and Fun (Free Music Archive)
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Do you have a handle on your complex PTSD triggers, or do you still struggle to manage them consistently? Let me know in the comments below.


Great video! This will help so many people!!


Thank you for addressing this topic and providing practical free resources needed now more than ever before.


Great advice. PTSD can be so hard to pull out of and being self objective is a great step thanks


Thank you for sharing. I found it interesting 😊


it's so good that you show and explain that it IS possible to live a fulfilling life!!!! Thanks


This is good stuff!!! Feelings are not facts!!!!


Great video Sophia. You are doing important work. Many of us are carrying wounds and feelings that stuff can trigger. Great that you have ways that can help folks heal.


This is very helpful, I used to struggle with this, but I got to overcome this


When I face triggers, I get such strong direct physiological symptoms that it disrupts my life. I often faint, or get extremely sad or scared. I seem to never get out of survival mode. There was a bad summer where I slept 3 hours every 3 days. Now its quite better, but still not maintainable. I sleep on average an hour a night. I'm trying to not lose hope that ill sleep consistently. Id really appreciate your advice. If you want more context, from 4y.o. to 20y.o., I was a main caregiver to my parents who had cancer on and off and at the same time. Taking care of them was my purpose, especially of my dad, but he was quite... Strict? Borderline abusive. He would constantly get angry at me no matter how much I would follow his instructions 100%. Anyway, I became a total people pleaser. I tend to give too much and really care about people and the world. I just started taking care of myself in the last couple months. But I haven't been able to effectively stop the constant sleep deprivation for more than a week at a time. A doctor diagnosed me with severe anxiety but medication didn't work. I know I need to go to the doctor more often, but anything medical or hospital-related extremely triggers me. Let me give you ridiculous examples: I saw so many needles and metals and plastic tubes enter my parents' bodies at the hospital and at home that I get extremely nauseous/ nervous/ dainty/ scared at ANYTHING that enters the body. I do not have ear holes and am repulsed by piercings, faint at blood tests, and get panic attacks during sex. Honestly, if I can just get to sleep consistently, I think I can have a great life. But I just don't know what to do anymore. When I'm stressed, my inflammation is up the roof and I'm just SO incredibly EXHAUSTED. I apologize for this huge paragraph, but I hope that you can point me in the right direction. Thank you for your videos ❤ -Sarah Aziz (Montreal, Canada)


I did that, when my sister kept talking and it bothered me i just got up an left i didn't want to but i got triggered....
