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CPTSD can be easily set off by triggers -- a shock, a feeling of abandonment, or even something unconscious. Triggers can easily dysregulate you neurologically and emotionally, and this can make it difficult to manage your life. Getting dysergulated sometimes is unavoidable, but if you can learn to quickly notice this and get re-regulated, you can heal much faster from the long-term adult symptoms of abuse and neglect in childhood.

In this video I talk about what it's like to find yourself dysregulated, and teach you ten "hacks" to quickly get your brain back online.

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You always nail it. There are a lot of good therapists with lots of good information, but having experienced this yourself, you know exactly what it’s like and know what we need. Thank you.


1. Notice you are triggered
2. Say aloud to yourself, "I am having an emotional reaction" or "I am getting disregulated"
3. Make sure you are safe (pull over if you're driving; tell the person you're with that you need to go to the bathroom)
4. Stamp your feet on the floor (remember left side, right side; feel the ground and where you are in space)
5. Take 10 slow, deep breaths. Can push your tongue to the back of your teeth.
6. Sit down and feel the weight of your butt in the chair.
7. Eat something (includes protein)
8. Wash your hands
9. Take a cold shower
10. Get a good squeezing hug (put arms around self to get pressure around torso)


One of the side effects of my childhood trauma is my inability to “feel” immediately when someone hurts me. It used to take about 3 days. I’ve managed to reduce it to an hour or so now. It’s helped me to “save face” and think before I react, but I’ve had to learn some automatic responses to protect myself. The suffering has manifested in chronic pain I live with 24/7, because “the body always keeps score”. Love from Australia 🇦🇺


EVERYTIME you say it’s not our fault it makes me wanna cry. Thank You


Mine happens when I feel disrespected. I get a huge surge of adrenaline, shaking, intense, hot rage and I cannot control how I react or what I say. I've never been sure that I "actually" have CPTSD, but I've been a victim of loads of gaslighting in my time, so I tend to not trust my judgement (or think I'm just looking for attention, or overblowing something that isn't there; being "too dramatic", etc). I'm still not sure, but it helps to hear you give voice to similar experiences. It's funny, because I see other people experience similar situations (like my husband) and I could never understand how they just...tolerate them calmly without losing their mind. lol


1:36 "It's not our fault we're like this. It's an injury that comes from traumatic experiences."

Wow, I really needed to hear this. I almost cried. Thank you.


It’s definitely being criticized, rejected and overlooked that is a trigger. Brings back feelings of powerlessness and despair that are hard to overcome. But, I have started a routine of saying positive affirmations daily to combat any negative thoughts that arise. As soon as something tries to start, I knock it back. I also take the time walking my dog repeating these thoughts. I also limit contact with the main person who is the main source. Unfortunately, he is my husband, and now due to COVID, he works from home and I lost my job. Time to walk the dog! C’mon Charlie!


Normal in certain circumstances is a trigger for me, particularly when I see love between a parent and a child. I was watching a movie earlier, there was a point of compassion and pride, when the father gently touched his daughters face. It’s an experience utterly beyond me. This form of kindness and affection pierces my heart, the loss is palpable. I was wondering if any fellow C-PTSD sufferers, feel such sorrow, that want and lack love they never had, when witnessing other loving or normal families? ♥️🕊


I grew up with trauma and never realized how much it has affected my adult relationships until now. I always thought “this is who I am” but now I know this is who I have become because of what I went through. I am no longer a victim, I can finally spread my wings and heal. THANK YOU. GOD BLESS YOU ♥️


I was talking with a customer service person on the phone recently and felt myself being triggered. I told the customer service person what was happening and asked if they would call back when I had calmed down. They said OK and called back the next day, The 1st thing they said was "Thankyou for telling me what was happening with you". I was a bit amazed, but the lesson was clear I did not have to make up a story as to why I wanted to terminate the call, all I had to do was tell them the truth.


Why do the feelings seem so real at the time? Sometimes I get so caught up that I want to quit my job, sell my house, rehome my pets but when it passes, I can't even connect with who I was when I Felt that way a few hours earlier.


"It's not your fault you have this, you didn't do this to yourself, it's an injury, it comes from trauma" Thank you for that reminder, it helps me to let go of some self judgement🥺


I flew into a rage last week. BUT it only lasted 2 days, not a week. I'm better, now.


My response is always tears, no matter what I’m feeling—I don’t even recognize the feelings anymore. It all just turns to tears which is not great when you’re very much too old to be crying over everything. I need these!


Hugs to anyone who doesn’t have anyone to hug! You are stronger than you know and you deserve all the love in the world.


Wow. Thank you! My sister always said when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. No doubt some kind of zen philosophy, but I have watched three of your videos this morning, and I feel like there is hope for me. I have recently been thinking about the 72 years of my life and was trying hard not to spiral into depression! Thank you for showing up!


"like an altered state that is creeping through your body"

That was creepingly accurate.


Your enthusiasm to share your knowledge and experience is a gift to the people that need it


I wish I could convince my loved one’s this is real and how it works. Their lack of support and antagonism is, of course, a trigger.

It has been so bad for me for so long the “dysregulation” is so mature and ingrained that I have developed a major somatic disease called Pseudo-pheochromocytoma. Sweats, tremors, vision problems, severe hypertensive paroxysms.

I really need a heavy hammer of a tool to stop dysregulation. What works best is heavy exercise, sleep, massage, meditation.

Thank you for your help. I hope you look into the pseudopheo and understand really super advanced outcomes of CPTSD, of being adrenalized by PTSD for decades and white knuckling it.



I fall apart when speaking to a man who is in a position of authority. I can't maintain eye contact and I feel like an 8 yr old
