How I Lost Weight & Got Healthy - My Life Changing Experience

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Brian’s health and wellness program has been amazing. He’s basically changed my life. He’s taught me how to workout. He’s taught me how to eat. As you workout with him you don’t constantly do the same thing. The workout program is forever changing. You keep progressing and he keeps pushing you a little more and a little more. Working out with Brian, no matter how hard it is, he always makes it fun. You just feel good at the end of each workout session. Even though it’s hard during it but at the end of it you are so glad you have done it.

When Robert came in I could see that good heart. I could see that gentle giant in there. Cause I used to be a pretty large guy. Because his health was so compromised coming in he wasn’t able to express that. So this is what we have done with this young man to help him lose the weight and get healthy in two and a half months. Not only did we drop 33 pounds of solid fat weight off his life. It’s changed every single thought.

There’s been a whole change that has taken place, a transformation that has taken place already with me.

Now he comes in, he’s happy, he stands straight up and he’s all about spit and vigor now when it comes to life.

I feel great! I have a lot of energy. I have a lot of people complimenting me and telling me how great I look. Also what he had told me originally is he is going to make me ten to fifteen years younger and people have started to notice that.

And guess what’s happened? His heart has even gotten bigger because now he’s got the ability to do what he does best and that is to love. That’s to take good care of people on the inside and that is why I am so proud of him. He’s amazing.

There you have it. That is how I lost weight and got healthy. My life changing experience. Brian is awesome!

I want to say thank you so much for what you and your fine workout program has done for me. When I first met you back in February 1999, I was fifty pounds over weight, out of shape, unhealthy and unaware that I might be depressed. At 49 I was very concerned about turning 50 and being in the same out of shape for the rest of my life. I received your brochure in the mail and debated on contacting you for a couple weeks. I had joined a few Health and wellness clubs in the past years without any success but I needed to do something. Because I was over-weight and I was uncomfortable about coming into a workout center but I was very impressed with you and what I saw. I have continued to be impressed with you, your workout program and your staff everyday for almost 6 months now. You have been such a pleasure for me to meet and get to know. You have a great and positive attitude and everyone else around you has it too. I think it's really great how you introduce new clients to your existing clients and everyone is so friendly.

What pleases me so is that you know and I know that today I'm truly in great shape. I've lost over fifty pounds. I can brag about my cardio vascular. My doctor has me off my blood pressure medication as a trial. The whole situation with my fitness and weight couldn't be better. I have muscle definition like I never thought possible.

Your workout program has not only educated me in weight lifting techniques and work out programs but you have effected how I think about food and the effects food has on me. This has "hit home" with me like never before. I never realized that alcohol depresses me the next day, or that caffeine makes me sluggish in the afternoon. I didn't have a good handle on what foods were high in carbohydrates or proteins. I knew about fat. I now know so much more about how food and sleep effects me.

Again, I would like to thank you for helping me select my equipment for my home gym and working with me to develop my home training program. You have made a difference in my life.



TheissCare, LLC
20750 Ventura Blvd., Suite 160
Woodland Hills, CA, 91364


Рекомендации по теме

"At the beginning of 2017, I was introduced to TheissCare by a dear friend who was concerned about my health. After an initial meeting and evaluation with Brian Theiss, it was determined that I needed his help more than I realized. Brian is an amazing man who understands the human body in ways that most people wouldn't comprehend. After 2 1/2 months of following his instruction on diet and exercise, I lost 35 pounds of fat in a healthy and constructive way. Brian has transformed my body as well as my mind and spirit about lifestyle and my future.

The value of this program along with the education I’ve acquired is priceless and more than ideal for anyone wanting to change his or her life.

Thank you Brian for giving me the opportunity to live a better and longer life."

- Robert Florio - Editor/Director/Producer


You mentioned ideal candidate for your program was over 45, why is that?
