How I lost 30 pounds without dieting

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This video was a great at highlighting how adding things to your routine can change your life for the better instead of focusing heavily on what you need to remove. Thank you!


A friend lost her face fat by lowering her salt consumption, thanks for your tips :)


I always eat snacks because you are what you eat


I cannot begin to tell you how helpful having a big meal is! It keeps me full for a long time without craving for a snack every now and then. I now eat 2 big meals and a snack instead of snacking throughout the day.


I’m glad you told us how to lose weight in a healthy and realistic way. A bunch of influencers just promote romanticized EDs and I’m so grateful that’s you’re breaking the stigma that you don’t need to suffer to lose weight! As someone who has definitely struggled with losing weight and a continue ED, this is so helpful and positive. Keep going :)


keep in mind!!! the coffee won't help everyone, especially if your coffee has sugar. sugar can increase cravings and so can caffeine + caffeine can also give you the risk of dehydration which is bad for your metabolism. if you want to get rid of waste more often then try something like fruits, nuts or even popcorn (great snack for losing weight btw, just don't drown it in butter or cheese dust)


The eating more is definitely what helped me and I have PCOS so it really is crazy how much this helps. I haven’t even cut out dairy or gluten (which is often recommended for PCOS) and I DON’T exercise beyond a daily walk. I don’t know the science behind it but I will say my diet was extremely poor before I started eating more. My breakfast was usually just tea and a pastry and I generally didn’t have real meals, I’d just snack consistently and despite the fact that I am definitely eating more volume and more calories, I feel a lot better overall, not just weight wise. Don’t get me wrong though, I don’t eat a lot of junk food and *generally* try to meal prep but I certainly haven’t cut out any food groups, restaurants, sweet treats, etc. but actually feeling full has helped me reduce cravings and the amounts of these “guilty pleasures” that I’ll indulge in.


Please note: you don’t need to drink coffee to have more regular bowel movement. Eat more fibre and drink plenty of water! Switch to whole grain carbs, eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Oatmeal and chia seeds are also great.


Your messages make my day Fr. Thank you for all you do


Good job. Eating full meals is so damn important. I’ve met a couple women who skip breakfast and their meals aren’t even nutritious enough for what your body needs. Plz don’t do that to yourself.


I literally appreciate this so much, like it's literally just exist and you'll lose weight

I like that:) it's crazy how a majority of people are under the impression, especially young girls that you have to do some crazy stuff to lose weight or stay skinny but I love how you emphasize eat a big meal, a big healthy meal because that is something I personally struggle with, feeling guilt about that kind of thing


Honestly, I know this is supposed to be inspiring and I really I am so happy for you. That’s awesome right now I’m trying to relearn how to love my body because I had this happen to me where I naturally lost weight changing a few of my habits without thinking about it, but then I went through a surgery on my leg so I couldn’t really do much for three months and I pretty much gained all the weight back I remember I used to be so happy that I just lost all this weight because it felt so easy but now it doesn’t feel so easy and it feels very daunting to think about so if there’s anyone else feeling this way, maybe it’s just me but I just wanna say remember that you’re beautiful and it might be harder for you to lose the weight but you got this and working hard on yourself just makes you stronger❤️


Black coffee works like a charm too, if little to no sugar added


I feel like so many girls don't know the secrets they deserve to know. I found this book, ' The Irresistible Seduction Formula' by Olivia Simmons and it’s literally life changer. Has anyone else heard of it?


Congratulations! 🎉 You look beautiful no matter what! ✨


This is really the best advise video for anyone who is trying to lose weight in a healthy way. I am not looking into losing weight but what you said here are really good points like having good meals and protein. People underestimate the power of right eating and just focus on other things.


The constipation thing is something not enough people talk about. Like when you stay constipated you’re unable to lose weight. I was at a stand still then I started learning how to deal with it then my weight loss continued


"always constipated" felt that at the spiritual level


Aghhhh finally!! I’m so sick of seeing people trying to restrict eating so they’ll snack instead! That is not the way!! Meals are healthier, more filling, and better quality than snacks


You were very pretty last year too. But you should always go with what makes you feel better mentally and not superficially. If you feel better now then congrats!
