How The Narcissist Keeps You Trapped BEST ADVISE GIVEN

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15,555 Terms & Phrases on Domestic Violence, Narcissistic Abuse & Parental Alienation


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Hoping 2023 will be a year of healing for all of us who have been hurting so deeply from these toxic individuals. 🙏 ❤️


I'm no longer trapped by him. I have the gift of not thinking about him any longer. He no longer pulls on my heartstrings. I'm truly free. Praise God! You can move on from the narc, and I have!!


They don't keep us trapped. We keep ourselves trapped by believing anything that comes out of their mouths or their love bomb antics. Once we see who they are we decide to stay because of our hearts. We gotta remove our feelings and remove ourselves. We MUST develop strength and better boundaries. Our empathetic hearts is what keeps us tied to them because deep down we know they will never change.


You just explained why I feel like I am 8 years old around my toxic family. I finally went no contact. The constant abuse cycle was driving me crazy. There will never be a resolution with people who want to fight.


Thank you so much for this video. The trauma bond is so hard to break. Each time I think it is broken, it comes back and I can't understand why I just can't fully detach knowing who he is and how he treated me. It takes so much work to keep moving forward. Extremely grateful for these videos to get me back on track each time I fall off.


I’m out since May from a marriage of nearly 30 years… best thing I did


They don't detach from you bc they know you stil love them and prolly wil always have a special spot in your heart that is theirs.


Brilliant analysis the trapped components of how this people behave really dangerous be aware of them.
They are planning from the beginning they meeting you. Leasing the important message she give to as.
Brilliant keep up the great work 💪


Powerful video - Bravo!
It was like the switch to the light bulb just turned on.💡 Makes so much sense now. I did feel trapped because i could not figure out why I put up with sooo much, for years, and yet stayed. It is our inner childhood wounds that they trigger. This explains why the discard is so painful, and so difficult to move on from as well. Anoushka, thank you once again! ♥️


Yes, I saw the whole thing play out as you have stated. I saw it all and new it and said it but, I couldn't make sense of it. This is so very true. I called it self sabatoge.


I'm trapped in this cycle, she left but won't stop contacting me but when we arrange to meet she always lets me down last minute or just goes quiet. Then I get so up set I try and block and then end up unblocking her and she will contact maybe a week later, it's like I'm obsessed with her.


Great information Anoushka keep the videos coming and helping us with the truth. I simply am more attracted to my ex more like its an addiction, period. Don't know why, I have know and been around other beautiful women, but with her its like no bueno. Its all jacked up, but it is our emotional thinking that keeps us trapped as well as the traits that come along with being empathic among other things; be it co-dependency or self esteem issues or something or all of he above and stuff. I watched a great video also that talked about how they actually regress us to childhood because when they mirror us, we basically are given somewhat of a unconditional love from some one other then a parent, then when they discard us, we are still craving that unconditional love as though we were a child seeking our father or mother depending on who is who and what gender or whatever, it is some sinister subconscious jacked up stuff on some deep levels.


I can not put it into words how you have explained this it is so true and thank you x


I reLized waking up today that its finally over


Hi Anoushka! Hope you are well today! Last night's live stream was great & it was really fun to be able to support you and interact! I love it!
Wow is today a hard day, but my 🚫blocks are now 6 weeks strong 💪 and will stay in place permanently. My narc mother & sister do NOT deserve me! I was their punching bag. A lot of hoovers from sister/(flying monkey for mother).
I feel lonely and overwhelmed but also at peace because a narc free life is drama free.
After 51 an empath... I can honestly walk away!
I am building a life one little step at a time!
My evil, demonic,
narc mother loved pushing my buttons and threatening and frightening me. How does one ever trust people...or the world as a safe place when their own mother is mommy dearest? I went silent on her and I won't harp on it or let it consume me because like I wrote to you in the chat "THEY DON'T PAY ME TO RENT SPACE IN MY HEAD" 🙏 🌻💗🌸Thank you for all you give of yourself Anoushka! You get it, validated everything and are in my corner.


My niece has opened up to me and shared that she has experienced the Narcissist gaslighting, manipulation tactics, CONTROL, intimidation, dominance and insidious accusations she now understands why I cut out my Narc sisters out of my life, but she is unable to get set free from them.


Yes, that's exactly what happened to me. My hopes and dreams for us were picked apart every day. I'd leave many times and go back believing in his lies. I am now in my healing process and getting better. I actually have been n on contact with him for months. Blocked all flying monkeys. I've never been in such a manipulating evil relationship. I am having trouble trusting a man, does that get better with time?


Great video...💯...stay true to yourself...God is with us❤


so very true…tricky to understand…but I got it…thank you!!!


Have written in journals several times, "I'm trapped here"
