Signs of Codependency--Are You Suffering From Codependency?

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Unfortunately the world is codependent--at least to some degree. Many of our glorified love story--movies depicted on Hollywood's big screen--and certainly most of what we see on reality television--and more than likely--most of what we witnessed in our homes growing up--was codependent in nature.

When you care more about--or obsess about what other people are doing--what they are saying--and how they feel--and you have no clue about how you feel--or what you need--aside from the constant worry and anxiety that shows up while in relationships with others--it can be a maddening experience.

Many of us have unresolved needs--and seek validation from outside of self--and by doing so--position ourselves as the last man on the totem pole--unknowingly seeking to gain validation by anticipating the needs of others.

If we are involved with married men/women--we think about how hard it is for them--to be married and to at same time be having an affair--rather than attend to the fact that we are losing ourselves in the dysfunction of an unhealthy relationship.

If we are married and our spouses abuse us--we don't even know how to ask ourselves if we are happy--we are too afraid to rock the boat.

If we are dating--and our girlfriend or boyfriend says something cruel--we worry about appeasing that persons opinion of us rather than addressing the cruelty offered.

If you believe you suffer from codependency issues, narcissistic abuse, and or have been raised by narcissistic parents this channel is for you. Whether you come from a dry home (non alcoholic-emotionally-verbally-psychologically-physically-sexually abusive home) or an alcoholic/drug addicted home, you may suffer from codependency programming.

I believe codependency personality disorder--is real, and it is the result of being raised to believe you are unworthy. When you are raised to believe you are unworthy, every thought that passes through the filter in your mind--is tainted by that thought which eventually becomes a belief.

I am not a licensed psychologist--and I am glad I am not. I am glad I am not because I am not certain my own opinions would not have been indoctrinated OUT OF ME.

The fact that we live in a society--and exist under this umbrella called 'Psychology'--and most of us when we enter into therapy are not asked about 'how we felt about our parents--or how we felt our parents felt about us' growing up is a huge problem! In addition, we are a world FULL of adult children of alcoholics--self absorbed--codependent parents--and yet--we are routinely treated for the way we feel, rather than addressing WHY we feel the way we feel.

What will help us all, is when we learn about how our childhood--and our brainwave states impacted our impressionable subconscious minds. Why? Because what you learned about your Self between the ages of 0-8 has become your psychological set point; how you see your Self and the world. Why? Because children are hypnotic brainwave states during this time of their life.

If you were not loved unconditionally--you have been downloaded to believe you are not worthy of love. For the rest of your life, you may seek outside validation to fill that void--AND in the process attract narcissists who NEED to be sought after--taken care of--and praised.

It is my hope that this channel opens your eyes to the divine YOU that lays in waiting--until you wake up and realize--its not you--its your programming. (copyright Lisa A. Romano 2015)

Lisa A. Romano is a Breakthrough Life Coach who specializes in helping people heal their childhood programming. If you have been raised by alcoholics, narcissists, or if you are struggling with codependency, and have been attracting narcissists into your life these videos will help you unravel the dysfunctional beliefs that are holding you back.

This channel speaks to those interested in "codependent counseling", "codependent therapists", "codependent no more", question "What is codependency?", "narcissistic abuse survivors", "codependency issues", and "codependent recovery".

If you are interested in reading Lisa's books they are;

The Road Back To Me
My Road Beyond The Codependent Divorce
Loving The Self Affirmations-Healing Unconscious Codependent Belief Systems
Quantum Tools To Help You Heal Your Life Now
Loving The Self Affirmations-Healing Childhood Brainwashing

To subscribe and listen to "Lisa A. Romano's Blogtalk Radio Show"

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it's to do with a low self esteem. people need to take time out to get to know themselves and to self help themselves to love themselves appreciate them selves and make yourself happy and not to rely on anyone to do it for you.i have learned to do that. it can be easily mistaken for love if someone is codependant to you. it's not love at all.


I do not relate to this at all with my narc. I never wanted to enable him or take care of him or mother him. He demands and forces me to. He threatens me if I don't and makes my life hell if I don't cook, clean, take care of the bills, do errands for him, take care of him when he is sick, etc. I was never internally motivated to any of that once he started to treat me poorly. I only did acts of kindness when he was nice in the beginning of the relationship. When his anger outbursts and threats came about, I gave up trying and just did what he asked to make him shut up and not hurt me. What do you call that? Is that still codependency?


I feel I'm going to fail. How do I deal with this?
