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In this YouTube Video, I will discuss the Symptoms of codependency in your relationship you might not be aware of. Codependency symptoms include an overwhelming sense of guilt. When you are codependent, you feel responsible for things that are not your fault. Another sign of codependency is that you worry more about others than yourself.

Are you codependent and don't even know it? In this video, I breakdown 13 signs of codependency and help you understand how codependency might be destroying your life. Codependency is tied to childhood trauma and the sense that you could not trust that you were worthy to be loved. Growing up feeling abandoned, has caused you to develop deep feelings of guilt and shame.

Codependent relationships are unhealthy and toxic relationships. Often those with codependency traits and symptoms attract abusive partners. These codependent narcissist relationships take on toxic tendencies. If you are codependent, it is important to know that healing codependency is possible. Codependency recovery is essential to your mental health and living a fulfilled life experience. To heal codependency, you must first become awakened to the idea that you are codependent and need help to overcome codependency.

The problem is, many of us have been taught to believe that living for others is a great way to live. We have been encouraged to be codependent and to worry more about what others think of us than what we think about ourselves. Our society praises people-pleasing as a form of selflessness and virtue. The problem is, if you are codependent, you are living for everyone else but yourself.

Healing codependency means you have finally found a way to self-love, set boundaries, and you are learning how to start putting yourself first.

If you would like help healing codependency, visit my online Codependency Recovery Program

#helpforcodependency #codependencyrecoveryprogram #lisaaromano
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OMG. This is me, while you were talking, I saw myself. Please I need help. This all stem from my child hood. I never got the live of my parents. I want to be the opposite of my parent when i had my children. These was all about me, this is scary. I love your post, I found out through you that I was married to a narcissist person. I threw him out to regain my soul back. I was in a toxic relationship from day one. My mother and father gave me no live skill to be my best self. I push people away. I see myself while you speak. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I learn alot.


Why I appreciate you
I'm empathetic and I don't identify as codependent.. but I so appreciate your work on narcissism & codependency

It's allowing me to 'relationship' with the antithesis of my being and best ways to confront them on their Narc-ness... so THANK YOU

It's also allowing me to peek inside ... My siblings and I were kidnapped ... so my issues are unique no alcohol, no narcissism ... dysfunction is relative in this case because both my parents loved us to life...but at the same time I 'see' myself seeking approval and wanting/ fighting against being stuck ... due to grieving & loss

#12 I attract narcissist since my sister died... empathy impaired mates ...

So I'm learning a lot about the impact of the kidnapping ... different from codependency but 'sum-thing'


2 years ago I discover my self codependent, by watching Lisa’s videos and working on myself I have recover, my life is now peace full and most of the time o am happy and joy full and there is no narc in my life now


Every time I listen to you you open a closed door in my mind- my subconscious mind specifically. You are blessed by God’s mercy.... I like your aura sister...


#codependency #codependencyrecovery #codependencyrecoverycoach #codependencynomore #codependencyanonymous #codependencyisreal #codependencycure #codependencyissues #codependencycoach #codependencycounseling #codependencyproblems #codependencysucks #codependencyhealing #codependencyatitsfinest #codependencyexpert #codependencyawareness #codependencywarrior #codependencyisnotlove #codependencyonart


Codependency is also the perfect soil for OCPD ... Dear Lisa, thank you for the light you shine on all of us! Your straightfowardness and compassion really helped me along my journey. After living "under the veil" for so long, repeating to myself "it's just the way you are" and not asking why, it's amazing to finally have a place where I can feel all of this collective codependent empathy!


This is me!! I noticed every point you name is me. Can you help me? I never knew my parents and my foster parents, I believe were codependent, so I didn’t get the upbringing as I should. There is a things in me that needs to change.


“It never crosses your mind what you think about this person. Instead it is I’m going to get dressed and I hope he likes it.”
This has been the story of my life. Never thought of what I thought about someone. As if it just never occurred to be able to do so.


Using a computer as example My thick firewall is out of order and my antivirus needs update. So that's why I'M listening to lisa's video's, how to become less/not dependend. My mom was verry codependend I copyd her since i was verry little.


Both my parents died when I was very young. My new carers never made me feel like part of the family. I was just an obligation them. I think that is what made me codependent and I am so mad now because I realise I had no reason to be. Thank you Lisa!


Thank- you again Lisa. Recognizing it is the first step but probably the easiest too. I found myself continually getting into one sided relationships and then kicking myself for not having learned and then I became the Codependant Airbnb host letting the homeless friend run off paying customers and bending over backwards trying to please customers so they'd return. I continued to let people disrespect and condescend to me until I had had enough. I suppose it was somewhat like an alcoholic having to reach rock bottom.


ACA helped give me the true understanding of codependency and who I became a a person. It answered the 50 questions I couldn't get answers to. Alanon helped me implement boundaries around toxic people so I could heal. They ARE the 1:2 punch that has truly given me happiness and joy. Never give up searching. God could and would if HE were sought 🙏


You are awesome. You are so loved and appreciated. Thank you for all you do for Humanity at this time.


Although I have been in recovery from codependency for about three years, it is still so important to hear this. I am so much better now, but the programs are still there and have the ability to come out if I don't practice the new programming I have learned. In the past, I always knew something was wrong, but I could never put my finger on what the issue was. This information really does help as it continues to gives me the lens to analyze my past experiences.

I remember my Mom would always belittle by father every time he came home with a small device (like a portable CD player - remember those :-) ). I remember in my early 20's how devastated I was when a peer commented on how my shoes didn't match my outfit that I spent hours putting together, hoping that I would look cool enough to be accepted (which led to me having a meltdown). I also sadly remember how I would allow someone to have unprotected sex with me multiple times; I was afraid if I told him no, he was going to leave me. I will forever be grateful to Lisa and all of the other educators as I have learned tools that have saved my life and sanity.


Thank you Lisa 🙏 for creating this wonderful video and teaching me more things about codependency. Please do more video on this topic. This sounds like me in many ways.


Lisa, you are amazing.. Thanks for always posting videos and for offering so much help.. I feel like your videos speak to me at such a deep emotional level and I'm so glad I don't feel crazy anymore, now that I'm able to identify why I function in the way that I do.
You are just an amazing human being.. Thank you. ❤️


Wow this is absolutely the truth. This is me


100% me grew up in alcoholic home. Both parents!


Some of this is also inside of me: Especially the perfectionism while writing lists or even following my hobbies. While the childhood neglecting came from my father, my mother was way too overprotective. Maybe you could also make a Video about this type?


I watch videos and read books and have gone to coda meetings
