My problem with Calvinism. #calvinism #reformation #bible #christianity #orthodoxy #evil #sin #glory

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I said to my friend 2 days ago "If calvinism is true, then God isn't a just and fair God"


Yes, every single act has been decreed by God, even those man declares Evil. How could it be otherwise, if God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent? You say God does not create Evil? I say God works all things for Good. The most evil thing to ever occur was the Crucifixion of Christ, and we thank God He worked that miracle in, of, and through Himself.


That’s actually Hyper Calvinism very big difference


Just because GOD knows all things doesn’t mean HE causes them, just like Adam and Eve HE knew they would sin but didn’t force them to it, or King David with his affair with Bathsheba HE knew it was gonna happen but didn’t cause it that’s GOD allowing us our free will, But HE chooses to have grace which is undeserved mercy….. no one deserves it. How can we say GOD is the reason for evil when man is the one committing the sin? Makes no sence, it’s not that man can’t come to Christ but man simply won’t due to he loves sin.


If God is all powerfull and all knowing, that is the only logical conclusion.


Before creation, did God know all that will come to pass?


@archangelsbookclub Reality must be sustained and predetermined, according to divine principle. According to your hierarchical and hermetic paradigm, if God being pure Nous is the knower and sustainer of all things (as the Scriptures do say), He is also the determiner of all things. There is not one iota of history that deviates from the will of God. This is what biblically and logically follows.

In order for a thing to function properly, the future of it must be predetermined; otherwise, the individuals would not have fulfilled their purpose (in the same way as Pharoh). There are those chosen for salvation and those passed over.

There is no synergy. There is no sovereignty of man. It is only a perception of sovereignty on our part. There is only the will of almighty God.

Ultimately, that is what will prevail, with or without your willingness for that to be the case.


We have freedom of choice, however God still knows that choice and therefore because He knows it will happen, its still preordained. It's really both. Read the Bible.


There is human free will under Calvinism. This is a straw man. I’m not a Calvinist but I’m intellectually honest and have studied their position. God does control history like a puppeteer, he interjects into history miraculously, and his sovereignty gives Him the right to do this. Read a book.


Lamentations 3:38 Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?

This doesn't make God the author of sin, it just means God ordained what would happen in the garden. But Satan was the one who tempted, not God.
