Calvinism: Does God Hate Some People?

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The fact that Jesus was suffering for our sins and stopped to listen to a truly repent sinner shows just how potent that love is.


Sadly, John Calvin predestined me to reject Calvinism.


I percent agree with you, but some people take the saying as “ I love you even though you do bad things, and there’s no need to stop doing what you’re doing.”


Here in my hometown, there's a poster reading "God loves seeing a sinner die and suffer.", which is the most heretical thing I've ever seen, so much so that I think the person who made that's an Gnostic or something, he can't be referring to Yahweh, can he?


Man imagine Loving your child but hate when they sneak out at night....


"For God so loved the world"
Unless you weren't chosen, then he hates you....


It's right to say that before salvation you were God's enemy or a "child of wrath" (Ephesians 2:3), but it is the very love of God towards His enemies that allows them to move from Children of wrath to Children of God.

I think the problem with just saying "God loves you" without a call to repentance is that it doesn't address the sinners need for reconciliation with God. But one should not divorce God's love from the dangers of sin, for is it not his kindness that leads us to repentance.


Im not a Calvinist but those documentaries were straight FIRE! I agree with IP here but love those documentaries and highly recommend them. One thing I love about my Calvinist brothers in Christ is that they never sugar coat things. They are typically straight shooters and very strong on theology.


It was pre-ordained that the Calvinist would say something heretical. XD


On Calvary he said, “Father, forgive them…” and it meant something. God reads hearts.

There’s a huge difference between ignorance, being imperfect - making mistakes and continual intentional unrepentant offensive behaviour against God.

Well said IP.


But doesn’t the scripture also say “God hates the doers of iniquity”?
My non-Calvinist pastor would say this verse means God hates people, as people are all doers of iniquity.


As someone coming from a "MacArthurite" context - a million thank yous. I'm so tired of that nonsense. In fact, I'd love for you to tackle some of these issues more at length.


Whether you're a Calvinist or not, you should be following the apostles' model for preaching the gospel.


“The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes; You hate all who do iniquity.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭5‬:‭5‬ ‭


Speaking as a non-Calvinist, I want to say that people in the comments are being pretty uncharitable towards Calvinism. Look, I disagree with Calvinism, full stop. But many objectors to it simply do not fundamentally understand it. Don't make a strawman out of a belief system, even if that belief system is wrong.


I’m pretty convinced none of them have read the Bible, which is very clear that God hates sin, but loves us a lot. Don’t know how someone can say that’s wrong.


It's always been a strange misnomer to me, defining "all" as "all nations" and not "all people" when a deeply personal God is Who called me tp repent and blessed me with faith in Him.


Context is important, and not just when we exegete Scripture.


Would you please look at psalms chapter 11 verse 5 and 6 please . Thank you in advance. Also in advance this guy you are rebuttaling is actually correct. Because it bluntly says directly God hates sinners you can fight against God all you want and you will still lose because His word is Truth. When the word of God speaks plainly seek no other option. Because any other option will lead one astray.


If I understand correctly, what I think he is saying is that the phrase has been overly used in more seeker-sensitive churches to promote the idea that God does not have a fundamental problem with the unbeliever himself but simply with the way he acts. In reality God does not just hate our sin but who we are in our sin which is why He calls us out of it in His love. From what I understand from the extended clip, the documentary states that there is a sense in which God hates the sinner in his sin but simultaneously deeply loves him in offering him eternal life (this is what explains God stating He hates certain types of people in the book of Psalms for example - like the double minded - but still offers them grace and forgiveness). Both can coexist even if it does not make perfect sense. But yet again I think the main critique is of the tendency to preach that God is only interested in changing our behavior and not our very identities.
