5 Exercises to Fix Bad Posture | Gentle Stretches for Seniors

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Welcome to our workout featuring 5 Gentle Exercises to Fix Bad Posture | Upper Body Strength and Stretch for Seniors. All of the exercises for seniors over 60 can be done in a chair or standing. Having good posture can reduce pain, increase mobility, and promote overall physical health. This workout can be done everyday.

Specific benefits of good posture include:
✳️ Alleviating back, neck, and joint pain
✳️ Enabling the lungs to expand fully to make breathing easier.
✳️ Improved balance and coordination to prevent falls

00:00 Introduction
00:51 Warm Up
01:50 Double Arm Reaches
03:01 Upper Trapezius Stretch
05:58 Chest Stretch
07:50 Y-T-W-I Stretches (for chest and back)
10:58 Chin Tuck
13:00 Cooldown

yes2next celebrates fitness and joy at any age. It’s never too late to start exercising, creating, and doing. Let’s say “yes” to our next adventures in fitness and life.

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Disclaimer: This program is provided with your health and safety in mind, but every individual has their own limitations. It is crucial that you consult with your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program. This program is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. By participating in this exercise program, you do so at your own risk. Please stop if you experience pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath.
Рекомендации по теме

Boy did I need this. My posture has been getting worse. Thank you for this one and the other one on posture. I will repeat often so I remember the different exercises and can do them in many different places.


I'm so fortunate to have found your channel. Your exercises are so 'doable'. I've always been the tortoise among the hares, but this approach has served me well for decades. I hope more seniors find you and your mom. I hope I'm as fit as she is when I reach my eighties!


Will do these daily. Your Mom is always smiling. She seems to be so happy. Love visiting daily to do a few short exercises.


I’m from Germany and so thankful that I found your videos ❤ I startet daily workout six weeks ago and I feel so much better. Thank you so much 😊


I love your videos and the interaction between your mom, you and the cat. The exercises are benefiting so well. ❤❤❤


Three months ago I started having spine and neck issues. I have about three sessions left with a physical therapist and she has given me some of the exercises you show. This will help as it seems "easier to do exercises with someone" even virtually.


Enjoy watching the interaction with your amazing mom. I am envious. Lost mine at 75 a few years ago.
I teach fitness classes also to seniors. We do a number of daily activity moves, especially posture. These are great. In fact all your videos are easy to follow, down to earth amazing. Thank you very much. I am a ‘sponge’ always open for more. Love your kitty. I have 3. I don’t think he’s hungry. I think he should come to our Zumba classes😹😹


This was great timing! I was realizing I've been getting slouchy lately. Thanks for all of your videos. As someone else mentioned, the exercises are always so doable and you both are just so wonderful and positive. You brighten my day! 😊❤


You ladies are AMAZING!! I suffered a hip dislocation many years ago that is now causing me incredible pain. Your excercises are allowing me excercise, stretch and do gentle yoga without hurting myself!!❤ Thank you!


I like the music, the exercise and love Mochi’s appearance even more!


What a wonderful set of exercises to do at the beginning of my day.


These are wonderful for my daily routine.


This was one workout I needed this morning. Helped loosen the shoulder muscles and neck. I see Mochi demanding to be fed. 😸 Thank you ladies for another great workout. 🌺


I woke up with a sore neck and shoulder so this was perfect timing for me! Thanks!


Excellent exercises for loosening the neck muscles, definitely a daily start up routine. Thank you ❤


Thank you Ladies. I like this version even more than the previous.


Another good one ❤.. keep them coming 😊


This is just what I needed today after a long day at the office!


Είσαστε καταπληκτικες, φανταστικές, υπέροχες..υπάρχει τέτοια αρμονία μεταξύ σας, δεν χορταίνω να σας βλέπω ❤❤❤❤....ευγνώμων!!.τα σέβη μου στις 2 Κυρίες από Ελλάδα!❤❤❤


I needed this workout I'm trying to improve my posture. Thank you
