5 Exercises To Fix Hunchback Posture

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Have rounded shoulders and a hunchback from office work? These 5 corrective exercises can help improve your posture by relieving tension in your chest muscles and strengthening your upper back postural muscles.

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its been 3 months and my posture has seriously improved


Absolutely. These exercises are called "corrective exercises" so you can do them every day if you like. Do them as much as you need to correct any postural issues you have.


This is a brilliant video, the rounded shoulder were causing my traps to shorten and I couldn't move my neck, now I'm feeling better. 👍


I would just like to say that i can;t express my gratitude for this video. I have retired from division 1 track and field, and since have been tasked with reversing the effects of heavy lifting expediting my dowager's hump. The series of exercises demonstrated here instantly helped the pain go away, and eased the effort of standing/sitting up straight. Thank you so much! I will be continuing the program to see if it keeps improving.


If you have a structural issue, it's a tough call. With that said, the exercises in this video are good for you. I would spend 1 hour per day doing the chest compressions (you can also do it against a wall for more pressure, which I prefer), do it against your upper back/traps (I didn't show in this video, but may be the most important to decrease neck tension), and and do upper back foam rolling. Combined with keeping your head back, these three things could make a huge difference!


Mark-Thank you for this video on hunching. I subscribed to you awhile ago. I just wanted
to make sure I acknowledged your no nonsense, mostly basic approach to a lazy. confused
older guy like me. You have helped me immensely and helped teach me discipline. All the Best, Paul


Ugh!Its just so difficult to straighten my back!Everytime I walk around anyone I would slouch/hunch on instinct and I'll slouch/hunch all the way.I have a really low self esteem and I'm really shy and not confident.I tend to put down my head and slouch/hunch around people that I walk across..


Thanks for the video Mark. Brevity, clarity and credibility are the reasons l enjoy your videos. Good job.


Thank you for making this video! I use an application called JEFIT for most of my exercises which I spread out over several days - however, even though they target principal muscle groups and it's supposedly the application with the wettest exercise database, I've noticed that they don't have a separate category for posture, which is a huge problem for me. Thus really comes in handy and helps out a bunch! I plan on dedicating a full day to posture, thank you again!


These excercises will help to improve the muscle tone and posture, but it's important to remember the HABIT of sitting in the right position. Also it's important for people who workout, to train the agonist AND antagonists muscles, meaning that if you are going to work out you pectoral muscles, you should also work out your latissimus muscle (or dorsal muscles), other example biceps and triceps, abs and lumbar muscles. This should prevent the pectoral muscles to pulling your shoulders forward.


absolutely loving the standing row thing included it into my gym regime, it's resembles a posture exercise my physio recommended, where standing you just pull your shoulders back. this takes it to the next level exactly what I needed thank you!


@danveer bhogal - Yes, these 5 exercises should help pull your shoulders back into proper posture. Forward rounded shoulder posture is really common, but performing these exercises 3-5x per week should really help you correct your muscular imbalances.

Kristin, CPT, CHC
BuiltLean Coach


Thank you for this! Everyone always comments on my poor posture and I've always had neck and shoulder pain, so I'm hoping to use these exercises to strengthen those muscles and improve my posture. :)


excellent video, i bought those muscle balls several months ago and u just demonstrated a new way to use them - thank you! I am subscribing!


A really well put together video with very good information and demos.  Thank you!


so im fed up with the tiredness of by back for nearly over 5-6 years.
It affects me at work and im going to try your exercises. Thx for the tips 


Caught my shadow on the wall and I looked like a hunchback, so got on here to look for a fix. Thanks yo, Ill try it


I am starting this tomorrow. I sit many many hours in the office and at home since I do university online a relief to know you can improve posture with simple exercises. Thank you!


At 1:11 the subtitle is wrong. It says, "and feel the stretch on your left." It should say "right".


The pulling motion you show just works your lats, I think it's best to substitute it for an exercise that works your rear delts for more effectiveness in improving posture (i.e pull the band to your face).
