Stop questioning reality: defeat gaslighting now!

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Learn how to fight gaslighting and protect yourself from manipulation! In this episode of A Narcissist Explains, Lee Hammock shares valuable tips on how to combat gaslighting and not question your own reality. Don't miss out on this empowering discussion - stay tuned, like, and subscribe!

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

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So true! Even with concrete evidence supported by experts they will still deny the truth and hold on to their delusions.


J.A.D.E. is the acronym I learned. Don’t Justify, Argue, Defend, or Explain.

It’s just a waste of time to engage with gaslighters to try to justify, argue, defend, or explain your position.


So true. We'd get stuck in 2-3 hour rages where he'd refuse to listen to my point of view or anything he didn't agree with. Literally everything I ever said, he wouldn't accept, he'd have to Google it, and then he'd say Google was wrong! 🙈🤣


I fell off my bike and my left hand swole up. He tried to tell me, “One hand is always bigger than the other.” He went on to show me his hands.😂 I just told him to get me some more ice as I plunged my hand back into a bucket! Don’t argue the truth is right, Lee!


I'm at a point in my life where my bf has made me question EVERYTHING!


He keeps rambling about something that don’t make sense. And I said it doesn’t make sense. Then he says it don’t need to make sense. It drives me So I told him he’s speaking Mumbo Jumbo. Then he says oh really so this relationship is Mumbo Jumbo. 😤😤😤😤


I’ll share a recent time I was gaslit. I filed for divorce but my narc “never saw it coming” and in his desperation for a new supply he has been all over the place trying to line someone up. He came home and instead of watching tv and checking out or going to the guest bedroom where he’s been like normal, he went into the master bedroom and closed the door. I then hear him on the phone talking in his quiet storm voice so I know he’s talking to a woman. The conversation I hear also confirms it. I listen outside the door and when he’s done open the door and just look at him. I don’t say a word but look long enough for him to know he was caught. I then walked away saying nothing. When caught a narc needs you to engage so they can gaslight you. I’m in my office working later and he busts in and says, “Are you going to act like this every time my phone rings?” See what he did? I didn’t “act” any way at all. I also didn’t even hear his phone ring but he started the conversation with a specific narrative so we would then argue about whether I did those things and not about him being a hoe. He even went so far as to say he was talking to his “boss” but I knew and didn’t engage. Cue the rage after that but standing in truth is key. No one argues reality except someone who needs to change it to prop up a lie.


I was confused until I woke up and wasn’t! I didn’t know what to look out for, because as a rational person you do wanna look at yourself and take some accountability. That’s what he was counting on!


Post breakup I still struggle with gaslighting myself. Because he did it so much to me. And he made me think he was a safe boyfriend but he wasn't.


I'll share a specific experience of gaslighting that just happened an hour ago. My wife is a covert narcissist. She typically will gaslight during an argument, which we were having. Somehow the beginning of our thirteen year relationship came up in the conversation. We never really started dating. We just started making out and had sex one night. We were just kind of a couple ever since, got married and had two kids. She tried saying that we "dated" for a while before hooking up, which is not true at all. Even when I said that I know she knows that what she's saying isn't true, she immediately goes into "narcissistic amnesia" mode. "I thought we started dating before we hooked up." We've talked about that first night plenty of times. It was the beginning of a romantic relationship, . which was actually just trauma bonding and love bombing.


This is so true. It happened to me last night. For the past couple of nights my ph calls have been forwarded to voicemail. When I asked why?! I was told that I wasn’t being forwarded. I then stated, regular voicemail says “leave your message after the tone. Clearly these particular times I’ve called said” your call has been forwarded to voicemail” The response was, it must be something wrong with your ph, because how did I know you called, and how are we talking now?! I just said ok good night lol It’s too much for me at times.


This guy i dated recently lied about so many things, some big, some so stupid its like why would you lie about? In one of the conversations post breakup, I told him how i caught him in so many lies, he literally said "its only lying when you get caught" !!!
So of course when i reacted and responded to that comment, he tried to gaslight me then and say he never said that! He literally said it moments ago then tried to say he didnt say it! The delusional reality these people live in is astounding.

But i told him to F off and hung up. Like what the actual F.


This week I was told it was my fault he didn’t wake up to make dinner and slept all night because I fed my hungry child at 5:15pm, I’m inconsiderate because I placed a lunch box on the counter, and was criticized for bringing his alcohol into the house (I purchased for him as asked) instead of leaving it outside to get cold. That’s a very light week. The more he screws up the worse gaslighting gets.

I question my reality everyday. It’s just part of the abuse.
Appreciate your videos to help validate my feelings.


We argued about the weather and temperature all the time! So aggravating.😡


😭 thank you for this video I'm really struggling. I am coming out of something in literally I have felt like I am going crazy. .. I'm never been through anything like this in my entire life 😞


Don't let them talk too much. Period.


My narc boyfriend and daughter always trying to gaslight me, and I put them both in their place.


@mentalhealness On a side note... Sooo I was watching one of those snapped like shows and who did I recognize as one of the actors.... You. That was so unexpected. But great job!


My good friend is a narcissist (great guy) and he was always worried people were trying to gaslight him so I started using phrases like, “let’s agree to disagree” and “we must be remembering things differently” in these situations instead of arguing and getting upset/angry/stressed. It took some time, but he is able to remain calm with me during most disagreements now instead freaking out or accusing me of gaslighting him!


I think there’s this strong urge to “hold court”with the person who continues to hurt you while they’re rewriting history. But what helps is reminding yourself that you already “held court” to figure out this person is a liar and uncaring, and it’s called your EXPERIENCE with them. You don’t need nor is it wise to rely on the abuser to sign off on your reasoning. …Yes! That line “Well you’re just gonna believe what you wanna believe”. They even said, “Yeah keep thinkin”. I finally responded “Yeah, I will keep thinking! 👌”. 😆
