If you're skinny, this is how to quickly gain muscle

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Want to gain more muscle mass?

While losing weight is the number one fitness goal of most people, some are struggling with being skinny.

Let me tell you, the best way to put an end to your skinny days is to put on muscle.

Whether you have a certain goal like getting into bodybuilding, or you simply just wish to fill out a t-shirt, you’ll eventually have to begin somewhere.

Muscle building is only scratching the surface, which we will be tackling in a while, as there are other things you can do to quickly gain muscle.

So stay tuned because we will be going over the ways to pack on as many pounds of muscles as possible each week.

1. Eat muscle fuel foods
Needless to say, eating is the most crucial step in gaining muscle.

For starters, you need to consume tons of proteins, which are building blocks for muscles.

Another thing is that your body needs carbohydrates to provide energy for your body.

Insufficient carbs will cause your body to start using muscle and proteins as sources of energy.

Muscle fuel foods include rice, oats, nuts, chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, pasta, and steak.

2. Maximize muscle building

Did you know that the more protein stored in your body, the more your muscles develop?

Still, your body is regularly using up its protein reserves for other functions such as producing hormones.

As such, your body is left with less protein for muscle building.

So, to solve this you have to have to develop and store new proteins faster than your body can break down old proteins.

3. Eat more and often
When gaining muscle weight, it’s important for your body to get all the nutrients it needs.

Eating three meals a day isn’t enough.

For instance, it’s best to eat a heavy breakfast, then have a snack two hours later.

Eating something every 3 hours should be enough to aid your body in building muscles.

4. Focus on compound exercises
Do away with those fancy machines and elaborate abs exercises.

Frankly speaking, they aren’t that effective, particularly at the start of training when you have to pack muscle all over your body.

You have to perform highly engaging exercises like squats, bench presses, deadlifts, dips, pullups, bent-over rows, and military presses to challenge most of your body’s muscles.

Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps with around 1-minute rest between sets.

5. Have a drink first
A shake that’s rich in essential amino acids and carbohydrates is best for gaining muscles.

Since exercise boosts blood flow to your working tissues, having a carbohydrate-protein mixture before your workout may result in greater uptake of the amino acids in your muscles.

Protein drinks are usually taken before a workout since they absorbed faster.

Around 10 to 20 grams of protein should be enough for your shake.

6. Lift every other day
After performing a full-body workout, make sure to follow it up with a day of rest.

According to studies, challenging weight exercise boosts protein synthesis for as long as 48 hours right after your workout session.

Also, your muscles grow when you’re body is at rest, not when it’s worked out.

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Let others know what tips have helped you gain muscle 💪⬇⬇


I hate how people get disgustied when someone gets fat shamed, but when someone gets skinny shamed nobody cares


Shoutout to all my skinny guys. Let’s get this weight gain together 💪🏾


Here’s a tip:
Stop watching multiple videos just do the damn workout ✊✊


A lot of people want to lose weight, but gaining weight and muscle is way harder.


Muscle grows when it's at rest..
Me: resting for years..


- Workout 3-4 times a week and make sure you stretch AFTER
- Drink a protein shake before or after your workout... Creatine helps a lot
- Consistently eat high protein, high carb, healthy foods through the day
- When doing workouts, don’t do them super fast, do them slow and focus on it more it will build more muscle
- Drink lots of water and get 8+ hours of sleep a night


I worked out for years thinking I was a hard gainer, but the reallity is I just had a poor. I then tried the Agoge Diet, and started seeing much faster and better results.


If you want to gain quality muscle
1. Eat in a slight calorie surplus
2. Sleep 7-9 hours
3. Weight training 3x a week


"Eat a lot"
Me, looking into my empty wallet: ok..


Man I know on my example that nothing comes over night. Losing fat was so easy for me but getting muscle and strength was such a pain. Its not that I didnt know how to lift I just didnt eat enough and I didnt eat right food. I had to invest in a meal plan. When I got on from Next Level Diet things just started to get better and I realized what mistakes I have been doing.


I'm an asian and I've been eating rice my whole life yet I'm still skinnier than average

(edit: I just wanted to clarify that I don't eat rice alone like some of you think, its just a major part of our diet as Asians)


me in 2017: "how to lose weight"
me in 2020:"how to gain weight"


You guys can do it, I was 95 lbs in 7th grade, now I’m 143 in 10th, you guys just have to eat more you can handle and workout 1 hour later. Keep repeating that process 3 times a day, give yourself a resting day and repeat for a couple months, you’ll see an amazing difference, just keep motivated and don’t let negativity ruin you.


3. eat more and often

I'm literally fasting right now
(edited) Happy Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim friend


"Well the best way of getting rid of skinny days is to put on some muscles"
*Skinny rates drop to 0%*


Eat more often (especially proteins and carbs)
Compound exercises
Make sure to rest for a day if your muscles ache, don’t over work.
Drink before workouts.

Good luck to all my fellow skeleton boys out there.


3:17 “Muscles grow when your body is at rest”
I worked out and have been resting for 2 months
*Where did i go wrong?*


To all the skinny guys in comments... I used to be very skinny and had no confidence at all. I was doing some workouts here and there but one thing was obviously missing - diet. It is true when they say you can't overtrain a bad diet. When I finally started taking care of my diet (which I created online, from Dietarize) my body responded very well and I managed to put on some muscle. I started out because of the girls, but now they are the least reason I exercise. I do it to stay healthy, both physically and mentally.


For all those watching, there ISNT a quick way of getting muscle. It takes time and craft and the sooner you start the more grateful you’ll be in the future
