Childhood trauma sets us up to believe we have to hide

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Childhood trauma sets us up to believe we have to hide, blend in, and catch up to the “normal” world. Did you come up with ways to hide and blend in to survive? Healing comes with the grief process of realizing none of that was necessary and we lost time. #childhoodtrauma

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Childhood Trauma Resources and Offerings

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Exactly. The thought process of my inner child says " If I hide I won't get a beating" .The most important thing was to survive, to stay alive. Being invisible was the safest place to be.


It doesn't help when you're repeatedly told all your childhood that basically everyone is out there to use you and hurt you in some way. What a bunch of bs.
Keep on keeping on.


I like hiding and blending in; it feels safe. However, I have no desire to "catch up" to the "normal" world. The "normal" world is a dumpster fire that I'm glad I'm not fully a part of.


It's scary being seen. But once you can be seen, while being authentic, it starts to feel really good being yourself again. Keep going!


And also the constant suspicious thoughts because the words do not match the behavior are tiring. Thank you


Yeah, I’m still hiding. I feel like everyone who lays eyes on me can immediately tell that I’m a loser. So I avoid people 😭😭


This is one thing I am actively making sure that I do not pass onto my own children. I was made to feel like I was “weird” and “annoying”. That I didn’t fit in. All of my interests were mocked. So I stopped having interests. Then it became “she never does anything”. Well jeez jan I wonder why? I now celebrate my kids and all of their interests. They pick out their own outfits and even the craziest ones I make sure that they feel happy and confident within themselves. It’s amazing seeing their faces light up. It’s one of the greatest feelings. I truly do not understand how any parent wouldn’t want to see that in their own child.


So true. This thinking is the birthplace of perfectionism and chronic striving.


This made me want to cry. When I was a 12 year young girl, I shopped in the male section and bought oversized clothes. I felt best, blending into the background. That’s really quite sad. Thank you for this. ❤


My whole life, i felt inhuman, i know now that it wasn't me who was disconnected from reality, it was my parents.


THIS. I have always had to remind myself “I have as much right to walk this sidewalk as anyone else. I have as much right to breathe this air as anyone else, ” etc.


So true! Add TBI, autism traits & autoimmune issues and you’ll end up putting all your energy in navigating life & every social environment. It’s been hard to find the way back to mySelf, but at least I’m on my way 🐢 🙏🏼🌺


You can say, write, sing this all you want. What sucks with complex PTSD is that your body has its own timeline on healing. When born into survivor mode THERE IS NO ROOM FOR THIS HIGHER THINKING.


I did not know this comes from trauma... and that the others feel the same. Thank you Patrick. It is very helpful what you're doing. I do not know if I can change but still. I feel understood and normal. All the best to you too!!


This post literally read my mind. Thank you for sharing and healing with the work you do.


Depressed = deep rest. I put in a brave face to the world but just get exhausted keeping up the act and trying to fit in. Sometimes, just sitting at home with dogs all weekend, in my own safe home, is what brings me happiness ❤


Exactly! Took me soooo long to realise that


How much of it is a lie when the world is often so punishing towards those they deem "different?" But the fact that it began at home, that there was nowhere we could feel safe to be ourselves, not even with our families, that hurt. That still hurts, the most.


As a mom with twins who have special needs, I agree! One hundred percent! I think that I was telling them the other day, they only have to be themselves... Susan


This is what I go back and forth with ; hiding, blending in or being behind. As much as I coached my inner child to just be free we don't care anymore. Be good to yourself 😊
