Was it childhood emotional abuse?

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What is childhood emotional abuse? There is childhood emotional abuse and there is childhood emotional neglect, while they may be similar, they do have some differences. I just made a video about childhood emotional neglect which I'll link below. Childhood trauma may manifest into ptsd or other unhealthy behaviors if not dealt with -- such as codependency, unhealthy relationship patterns, dissociation, addiction among many other things. In this video I will also talk you through what childhood trauma may look like then and today, and how to begin your healing process from childhood abuse or trauma. Whether you experienced physical abuse or emotional abuse by your mother, your father, your primary caregiver or even another member who had a significant parental force in your life, or a sister or a brother, you can still experience the effects of this abuse into adulthood. So beginning a childhood emotional trauma, ptsd or abuse healing journey is important and vital for a free life. I always love to hear your experience on these subjects in the comments, so feel free to share or ask any questions.

0:06: Emotional abuse is often overlooked and can be hard to recognize, especially in childhood.
4:14: The video discusses the signs of emotional abuse in childhood and its lasting effects on adults, emphasizing the importance of identifying and navigating the impact in the present.
7:22: The video discusses the signs of childhood emotional abuse and the impact it can have on adult relationships.
Recap by Tammy AI

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It took many years of sensing something was always "wrong"....into my 40's and past, to realize how much abuse and neglect actually occurred.


I realized that loyalty was just keeping secrets. My mother often said, "Anything that happens in this house, stays in this house." I brought that into my adult years and finally realized that not talking about abuse allowed it to keep happening.


I just turned 33 and realizing how badly I've been treated my entire life. I'm now working on healing.


I'm 50 and only last year I learned about the level of abuse I experienced as a child and teen. I went no contact with my parents and underwent therapy. I still battle the internal negative voices every day. Luckily I'm now surrounded by amazing and loving people.


I’m 36 and won’t even let people in anymore. I’m lucky to have a husband and a beautiful 6 year old boy who was just diagnosed with level 2 autism so my hands are usually full. Im too busy trying to make sure I’m parenting correctly for my son. I just don’t need anymore heartbreak from others. Emotionally I can’t take anymore.


You are SO right about not remembering childhood. In my case, I remember emotions in those years rather than what happened, because I simply cannot remember anything specific. However, any big betrayals I do remember because those events stuck with me.


It took me leaving my parents to live on my own to realize that I have been emotionally neglected/abused. I am in the process of recovering from what happened to me.


Thanks for your uploads Katie. You've really helped me feel better by realising that what I went through and felt in my childhood wasn't me being crazy/weird/drama queen etc, but that my mother is in fact a narcissist with my dad being her flying monkey. I finally came to this realisation at the age of 40 and it was so liberating. I felt like concrete had been lifted off my shoulders


My parents were very emotionally abusive towards me from when I was 18 to when I was 24. Dozens of mental health professionals abused me from 23 to 25. I'm not sure whether or not people's current stance towards my stress and the results of it count as gaslighting, but the incredible lack of compassion from so many sources is.mind boggling.


My family and childhood was so toxic that even listening to this video hurts as it brings back many memories which i tried hard to move on from.


My parents would yell at me a lot when I was a child. Mostly when they would argue with each other and take their anger out on me. I became very quiet growing up and be scared of what people would say about me. I thought I was alone. This video made me understand a lot about why I am still shy and afraid to speak my mind


At 67 this has opened up issues that need further attention I thank you Katie😊


Wow Kati, the timing of this video is perfect. I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with cptsd. Both my therapist and psychiatrist used the word abuse. I've had trouble accepting that word, not because I think my parents were perfect, but because it seems to convey bad intent, which I'm certain my parents never intended.
I grew up in a relatively normal home (which I now know can be part of my own normalization) and have some extremely mentally healthy and secure siblings, which begs the question- what happened to make me struggle with trauma when they're perfectly fine? I do know though, that it's the sensitive kids among us, who are dealing as adults with mental health issues. So I guess it was abusive but didn't effect some and ruined others. I find that crazy.
After 17 years in therapy I feel like it's time for me to face the trauma and the truth of the abuse of power my parents used. It's hard, bc as you mentioned, there's no real proof, and that can drive you crazy.
I have all the signs you mentioned, so I guess the aftermath can be proof of the abuse as well. Thank you for organizing my thoughts better.


People used to tell me emotional abuse isn’t as bad as physical/sexual abuse or it’s “not a big deal”…


I shouldn't have clicked on this video. I keep unlocking these revelations about how damaged I truly am, and I'm getting overwhelmed. I'm 33. I've lived this way with these problems since I can remember. I don't know what I can even do to heal everything that's wrong with me. I'm a bipolar, codependent, emotionally scarred child and I have to heal it all on my own. I can't do all that _and_ go to work, _and_ take care of my physical health. I can't rely on those around me, because I'm too damaged to let them in. I'm not going to make it without support, guys. I have to let people in, but I _can't._ I'm really scared I'm not going to win this round with the bipolar.


I grew up in a Christian fundamentalist family in Tennessee. You can imagine what that's like.

Being afraid I was going to be left behind when the rapture happened and then burnt forever in hell. Sometimes, when I couldn't find my parents, I would begin to panic. I wasn't the only one who experienced this. I heard others talk about it. My mom even joked to me once.

"Did you think ylthe rapture happened and you got left behind?" Laughs.

She told me I'm going to burn I hell just a few days ago.

The gaslighting is real.

"You send yourself to hell!"

I've never been officially diagnosed with ADHD but I've looked at the symptoms and I match all of them to a T.

My family wouldn't recognize neurodivergent disorders. The Bible said it's just because I'm sinful so don't spare the rod.

I remember one of the pastors when he was preaching.

"We need to stop drugging our kids and give them a good whipping, out of love!"

Thos was met with cheers and applause.

I got beaten to the point of red track marks across my gluten that ended in a bruise.

Me and my dad have been I shouting matches over that before.

"You don't know what it's like raising kids!"

That's completely irrelevant! I was the one who was hit with a foreign object on an intimate part of my body! I know what it did to me!

I'm agnostic now.


Some people do not deserve to be in your life, it was my hardest realization and I have never liked it but it is better than them being a part of my life.


I've experienced emotional and verbal abuse from therapists so I'm done. Its all very well to say keep looking for one but I cant risk anymore trauma. The covert narc ones know who they can take advantage of. Your videos are all the therapist help Im going to get and Im ok with that.


This is something I’ve slowing been realizing over time. I’m 29 now, but I feel like a lot of how I am today, was shaped by how my mother raised us. But I had everything I needed and I was a good kid with both parents still together. But I never would let my mom in, and I still like to keep things private from my parents. I don’t think they know about half of the experiences I’ve had in life. My mom would be upset with me as a kid that I didn’t “tell her things.” But I never knew why that was the case or why I felt that way.

Getting a very late adhd diagnosis also has me questioning all of my traits, issues, and struggles.

I would never be able to bring this up to my mom without her freaking out and most likely telling me that I am ungrateful. I also do not want to hurt her feelings because she has no clue. Such a difficult situation.


Kati I have been watching your videos since my divorce in 2018. You have this way of being so inclusive and authentic in your counseling. I am so grateful you are sharing your gift to heal so many. Keep doing what you do! You're making a difference in this world, I promise.
