How I Increased my Pull Ups by Over 50% in 1 Month

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I also increased my pull-ups 50% in a month. From 2 to 3.


"I was never able good at pullups. I could only do 16."

Who shed a tear?


I did my first muscleup today and 16 pull ups in a row.I feel like I can do anything rn.


14 to 22 is great.i used the same basic method to go from 6 to 14. I had more rest days but I am probably 30 or 40 years older than you. Took me one month.


Dave back again with an awesome vid 💪 Who else ❤'s pull ups and chin ups?


This is our favorite of your postings. It really has helped.


I did something similar.... I decide that i want to increase my push ups so i did 400 push ups(ofc in sets and different variations) every day for 30 days... After 30 days i went from max 40 push ups to 95 push ups and i significantly increased my chest volume but if someone decides to try it i recommend to take some rest days. I had luck and i didn't over train myself(thank God)

Sorry for bad English


Yo I'll try this one out, seems pretty legit. And I like the fact, that you back up your training plan with fundamental logic. Keep it up


0:57 this comparison is pure gold man. Thank you for that.


At age 50 I got up to 35 pull ups in a row using push up pull up super sets with decrementing reps and lots of sets and volume, but it became a chore and risked overuse injury, so I stopped doing them. At age 59 I restarted and could only do 4 pull ups. Did push ups and pull ups (just two super sets, decrementing) every other day, adding a couple of reps every week and in 2 months got up to 30 pull ups and 30 feet raised push ups. High reps require good cardio and had I restarted hill repeat cycling at the same time. But these high rep numbers are better at maintaining endurance rather than gaining hypertrophy and I didn't want to slip into drudgery/overuse again. So I now use weighted vests to reduce the rep count and to make the early easy garbage reps more strenuous. The 10 lb vest only reduced reps to failure from 30 to 26, but the 20 lb vest got me down to 20 reps. So currently doing 20 lb weighted 20/20 super set followed by a 16/16 super set and then weighted plank ring rows (for archery) and I am done, every other day (when you get older this is frequent enough and allows for full recovery). Hill repeat cycling on the "off" days. The weighted vest reduced garbage reps, is better for muscle mass gains, and finishes the workout sooner. Fairly certain this will increase my unweighted max pull ups too. But if you get to 20+ pullups, it's time to add weight.


Mine increased from 12 to 15 in just 10 days. I was stuck at 12 reps for around 4/5 months. This stuff works.


This is exactly the lesson I needed !!! Thanks a lot and as usual your video is really inspiring and motivating!


How the heeeck can you perform the one arm pull with 14 being your max. Impressive.
I once hit 23 bw reps, 6 reps with 37kg and 3 with 45 but the one arm pull was the struggle of my life.


Man I have to make something clear here for a second. Your videos are the best I see here on YouTube. Very informative and at the same time entertaining. Please keep the good work up and good luck to you.


The good thing about your approach is that you never push too far and thus avoid injuries.
But it's not the most efficient way to boost your pull-ups. You will eventually hit your plato of 25-30 and get stuck there for a very long time.
A faster but much more dangerous road to break 30 would be through killer pull-ups with extra weight. Doing 5-8 reps (1 min rest) to make sure you push your max in the last 2-3 sets.
I've seen some workout guys reach 40+ with this approach within a couple months. But your system works better for me, especially after losing 3 years of training on rehab after a shoulder injury. Train safe and stay strong bro!


Thank you so much for uploading this video. I had no idea how to approach progressive overload for unweighted pull-ups and this structure has completely solved that problem.


I was wondering did you just set up the camera to record yourself climbing up the wall and then climb back down to get your camera and the climb the wall again?😂🤣😂


I looked up the Russian method, but I think i like this method better. I work from home, so I would just set a timer every 15 minutes. Dope video


Progressive overload in terms of reps. Great job my dude!


Some things come to mind:
increase volume
consider and target weaknesses in the musculature involved in a pull up motion
eccentric pull ups (slow negative)
weighted pull ups (weighted vest: 5 or 10 kg or a belt with a plate)
