The plan for doubling your max pull ups!
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This is one of my favorite pull up programs. It is available for free (downloadable PDF) on my website.
Do this program 3 nonconsecutive days per week, like Monday Wednesday and Friday. Depending on your starting max, this program is pretty much guaranteed to increase your max by 50-100% in 8 weeks.
Day 1
3 max sets. These are essentially sets to technical failure.
Keep your rest at 5 minutes between sets
Day 2
10 sets with 50% of your best set on your first max attempt
Keep rests at 1 minute between each set
Progression- do not increase reps until you reach all of your sets at the prescribed rep range, and after that, increase target reps by 1
You rep count is determined by day 1 performance, and is NOT adjusted to new PR’s as the program continues, instead you increase reps by 1 per set as you perform all 10 sets with your target rep count.
Note: It is common to be unable to complete all 10 sets at your target rep range. This is ok. Just get what you can and try to complete more sets at your target reps the following week.
Day 3
Day 3 is an ascending ladder workout, starting with 1 rep, and working up to as many rungs as you can do before fatigue prevents your from exceeding your previous rung.
For instance, say you perform 1, then 2, then 3 then 4 , but 4 is starting to get really challenging and you aren’t confident you could get 5, well then you would stop the ladder there, reset back down to 1, and repeat the process.
Perform 5 total ladders
Take 30 seconds between rungs and ladders
Run this program for 8 weeks, and you can expect to see a 50-100% increase in max reps.
Let me know how it goes!