This REDUCES BLOOD SUGAR Faster than Anything Else (short and long term)

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What is the fastest way to bring your blood sugar down?

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - The Fastest Way to Bring Blood Sugar Down
0:31 - Glucose Transporters (GLUT4) & Insulin
1:50 - Movement & Insulin-Independent Glucose Uptake
4:36 - Use Code TH20DE for 20% off and FREE SHIPPING on Signos' Continous Glucose Monitor
6:29 - Chronic Exercise & GLUT4 Expression (better glucose uptake)
10:12 - The Bottom Line

Please watch: "Costco Diabetes Haul | Best Foods for Diabetics & Insulin Resistance @ Costco"
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I’ll back this guy 100%. I’ve been monitoring my glucose after meals for over a year now. (Checking every 30 minutes after eating). I have started working out 10 minutes after eating, even carbs and sugars, and my glucose comes down within minutes of working out. From 158 to 118 (in 15 minutes) and staying at 118 for an hour. Best way to lower glucose in my opinion. (My work out is 20 squats, 20 push-ups, and 20 donkey kicks. Only take 7 minutes to lower my glucose 40 points. Hell yeah! Try it people !!!


There's a Lebanese saying: after breakfast work, after lunch sleep, after dinner walk!


As a nurse I hear so many diabetics complain about the cost of insulin. I give the same suggestion, keep carbohydrates under 50grams and exercise, then you don’t need the insulin. I get the “how dare I” look followed by “ my diabetes is hereditary and can’t be cured!”. It’s a myth that diabetes is a death sentence. Stopping eating sugar is the cure, losing weight is the cure. But people prefer to eat everything and watch tv and complain about the cost of insulin.


I lowered my A1c from 11.5 to 6.0 in 3 months with minimal meds (and normalized my blood sugar levels). Personally, I found that limiting carbohydrates and intermittent fasting were more significant than exercise. From what I can tell, my previous addiction to heavy cardio was actually damaging since it caused carbohydrate cravings: i.e., I needed to consume carbs that gave me enough energy to run on the treadmill every night. Ironically, the harder I exercised, the more weight I gained. Just a personal anecdote....


"...without getting super, over the top science-y..." Nope. Too late! 😂 Great information, Mr. DeLauer; you've helped me in my "fitness journey" immensely by getting entirely too "science-y." Keep it up! Down 100+ lbs, A1c down to 6.2, and walking 3k twice a day. THanks!


I am almost 70 now and have noticed that when younger, my workouts energized me. Now they are very tiring.


I have been trying to get up at work every hour to take a quick walk. Also, I bring my own lunch and then go for a walk after I eat. My sugar is in a great place. I do my gym workouts in the morning but have been doing the 20 squats, 20 pushups, and 20 leg raises 2 sets at night and this has been a game changer. great video Thomas and I love your honorable mention of Pixy


Love you man, but you could’ve done this comprehensively in 5 minutes ❤️


As a type 1 diabetic, I use a CGM continuously. I’ve noticed if I workout 5-7 times a week, along with eating clean and cutting most processed foods and sugars, I have been able to cut my necessary insulin intake by probably a third.


Funny how what’s described here was a day in the life of our ancestors. They WORKED for their food. Could you imagine how efficient your glucose uptake would be if you searched for and gathered your fruits, dug for vegetables, or hunted for meat? We were never designed to be stagnant as it leads to decline. In fact, the complete absence of measurable activity is death.


Fascinating information! I would appreciate more specific information on the suggested exercises, though. Could you do a video with more specific information as to how long after a meal to begin the exercise and more specific ideas of what exercise we can do to be effective, including resistance exercise ideas.abd how many reps, etc. If walking, how many minutes we need to walk, etc. This would be very much apprecisted!


Still doing keto and intermittent fasting but this is amazing to know!👏🏽❤


crazy how Thomas just so happens to be on the board of the company that sells this new device and it’s so ironic it’s what he telling us about…. crazy !!!


My 12 year old daughter has type 1 diabetes and I have type 2, thank you for sharing this information Thomas.


Great video! I personally like to use juniper berries too since it has a substance that acts exactly like insulin that drops high blood sugar. I also like gymnema sylvestre that if you take this herb 15 minutes before meal, and when you eat, around 80% of sugar/carbs are blocked from absorption. I also like magnesium malate and chromium polynicotinate for insulin receptors.


Typical Elitist thinking - MANY, MANY, MANY elderly do NOT have cell phones, which is what it takes to use this app you're suggesting. SO, please, think again.


Another factor to consider here may be cortisol. I am/was a type II diabetic but have learned to manage my blood sugar and keep my A1c under 6.0 for the last 3-4 years. If I eat something bad, the absolute best way to lower it quickly is to walk on my treadmill. I don't even need to use an incline and can walk at a slower pace like 2 to 2.5 mph with amazing results. Last night, my neighbor brought me some home made Chinese dumplings and after eating them, my blood glucose was 215. I walked for 50 minutes on my treadmill at 2.4 mph with no incline and my blood glucose was 135. I have tried using my Bowflex and lifting weights for a similar amount of time and might only get a reading that is 40 points lower or less. The same goes for my Bowflex Max Trainer. I can abuse myself for 20 minutes on that nightmare and only drop my glucose 20-30 points. I wonder if leg muscles are the real key and/or if avoiding the activation of cortisol (or both) are why a moderate walk is the magic trick for my blood sugar. Also, I discovered something else new that is an awesome alternative to rice, potatoes, etc. It is starch resistant pearled barley. I made some yesterday, reheated it today and after eating probably a cup and a half, my blood glucose was only 135, which is really good for me considering my type II diabetes. If I had eaten the same amount of pasta or rice, it would have been over 200. I have tried starch resistant rice and it was a "little" better, but not enough to be a good idea for me to eat the stuff on a regular basis. The barley is also really tasty if you cook it in beef broth.


This was covered pretty simply in “ The 4 Hour Body” by Tim Ferriss. Great read.


Sweet! Did legs and back today. Had a huge chicken, lima bean, kilbasa, potato goulash and stomach stayed flat! ....GLUTE- 4 ACTIVATED BABY! 💪😎😜


I seriously hope this type of monitoring gets cheaper fast. It's SOOOO expensive!!!! It's definitely not doable for the average person but it would be a complete game changer for people.
