Total Body Exercise Ball Workout Video - Express 10 Minute Physioball Workout Routine

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Make sure you balance yourself or else.. The ball will roll everywhere.. It was hard at first but now I'm loving it!!


I've been doing this everyday for the whole summer and I've seen *results* .My abs are already showing and I can rock a bikini.I feel more energetic and healthier than EVER! PLEASE do this exercise and *YOU WILL* see results.


I’m reading comments regarding losing balance on ball. No disrespect intended... the reason you can’t get control is because you don’t have the equilibrium it takes right now plus it takes stomach muscles to do this with control. I at first lost balance too. I’m 62 have been working out for years but before the COVID-19 I never used my ball. I love my ball now! Ladies don’t give up keep trying, you will get there I promise. The instructions are really good this is a good clip. By the way my pic is very recent. Exercise is key


I love this workout. a small amount of exercise for big amount of results. at the moment i have a fat pop belly after having 3 kids and no muscle tone at all, also my pelvic floor muscles are non existent and after just 3 days, i can feel the results i can feel my muscles building up under the fat. my stomach is trying to suck in and my slouchy posture is changing for the better. Thank you Fitness blender.xx


I love this workout!! I can't believe I've gone my entire life until now without an exercise ball...These things are gonna change my life! Thankyou<3


I’m 66, in great shape, and I repeated this workout 3 times, and I’m seriously sweating! Thanks for the burn. And the ball didn’t move all over the place either!


Those were the longest 10 minutes of my life! But I can't say I regret doing this routine. Thanks for this very helpful video!


Thank you. I may actually use my ball after watching this video.


I have been working out regularly for 6 years. Lots of HIIT yoga and workouts. OMG! I can barely walk today after doing this yesterday. I play my workouts on my TV. So, I kept the remote with me so that I could pause after each exercise and do a second round of each. I am sore from head to toe. I'll be doing this at least twice a week for a while. My only suggestion would be to go a bit slower between exercises so that we can set ourselves up. But, as I said, if you can play Youtube on your TV, just keep your remote close by so you can pause to set yourself up. Excellent workout!


A little bit of a warm up before I get into my cardio yoga flow - thank you!


Just finished this workout & I love it. You can definitely feel it! :)


I need a ten minute tutorial for how to get on the exercise ball hahaha


Wow, this is a great workout. I can really feel it. The last two excercises killed my legs :D


amazing work out video helpful commentary throughout which helped distract me from the amount of exercise i was doing instead of doing it in silence.


This also needs introductory lessons how to keep balance on your ball. I think all of my calories burned because of trying not to fall from my ball while exercising, not from the actual exercises. Good video though.


Thank god for that 5 minute advert in the middle


Fav workout for a mom like me who has limited time but need to get sweat thank you


I fell from the ball at least 10 times...


l just got my ball so I'm happy l can start today! ! hope l stay on top of it lol wish me luck


Thank you for so many good videos D & K. Thumbs up. If I may offer you constructive feedback of the time management of your videos - there are those of us with limited mobility because of age or coming off an injury, etc. Going from the mat to standing or ball takes some setup time. You edit these changeover times out. We can't keep up. Consider also logical grouping eg having the 'ball push up' then the 'ball back entension'. Keeping the mat exercises together, standing exercises together will reduce our setup time. Trying to pause then play then pause the video is abit awkward when we're exercising. Thanks.
