Wim Hof Guided Breathing Session - 4 Rounds For Beginners No Talking

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It is best to start with a warm-up round of just conscious breathing.

0:00 INTRO
0:12 ROUND 1 - 1:00min Breath Hold
3:03 ROUND 2 - 1:30min Breath Hold
6:23 ROUND 3 - 1:30min Breath Hold
9:44 ROUND 4 - 2:00min Breath Hold

Simply relax and breathe in through your nose into your belly then into the chest into the head and then let it all go out of the mouth. Think about how you breathe and focus your attention on the breath only.

After the warm-up you can proceed with the first round. I suggest you start with a slower pace with shallower breaths and work your way up. The last round should be your maximum breathing speed and maximum depth of the breath.

But be careful not to force anything. If you experience any discomfort, just take it easier.

Remember, the goal of doing this is to make you feel good :)

The Wim Hof Breathing technique in general is meant for everyone who would like to improve the way they feel. Performed correctly and daily, this breathing exercise tends to strengthen the immune system and relieve symptoms of stress in the individual.

Step by step instructions:

1. Breathe in through the nose or mouth. Inhale deeply into your belly, then into your chest, and finally into your head. One complete circular motion. Then exhale. Just let the air out naturally and do not force the air out. Repeat this until the round is over (30-50 breaths)

2. On the last exhale of each breathing round, hold your breath for the duration shown on the timer.

3. After the breath hold, inhale fully and hold your breath for 15 seconds. Then let the air out of your lungs again and start again from the beginning.

4. Repeat each round :)

Safety information:

The breathing exercise has a profound effect and should be practiced in the way it is explained. Always do the breathing exercise in a safe environment (e.g. sitting on a couch/floor) and unforced. Never practice the exercises before or during diving, driving, swimming, taking a bath or in any other environment/place where, should you pass out, a serious injury could occur.

Also please be aware that Breath Central is an independent content creator and is not in any way, shape or form connected, affiliated or endorsed with Wim Hof, The Wim Hof Method or any of their associates.
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And thank you for all the support on this channel! :)


I’ve had horrible morning anxiety for over a decade and this exercise helps me more than anything else. Thanks for taking the time to make it.


Thank you so much for this. It was very thoughtful of you to create and share it.


After two years of faithfully practicing the WHM, I've found that four rounds comprised of 1:00, 1:30, 1:30, 2:00 is my sweet spot. Deeply grateful! Love starting my day with this.


First time getting a 2 minute breath hold day!


Had heart surgery due to 100% blockage in 1 artery and 75% in the other 2, could barely walk at that point 2/12 years ago. I started Wim Hoff back back then and was lucky to hold my breath for 30 seconds. But I've been doing the exercise daily since then. Now I walk 3-4 miles daily. I can hold my breath 2:30...the results speak for themselves. Thanks Wim!


The breathing sim is perfect for inflating air in your lungs. The waterfall sim generates a connection with nature even at home. Excellent audio, thank you very much! 🙏🙏


Relaxing without the talking, brilliant x


I love this too. Changed my life. Long covid. Now I'm being my health strength and energy back. It's so wonderful


This is my favorite one. Pauses from breathing are not too long. The best on YouTube.


My first 2 min breath hold today. It's encouraging. It was my first time trying. I did 30 days of mastering the 130 breath hold. Great achievement today. I find when say to myself, "Just listen." All thoughts and distractions disappear and allow for a better and more consistent breath hold


Wonderful - been doing wim hof breathing for years, it has a very special place in my heart. I think it helps oxytocin with people - brings some love back to our often disconnected modern lifestyle. Sobriety, wim hof, weights, running, working on arts - huge benefit to the soul - the best kind of stress to callus and outweigh the toxic with our deep love and authenticity


I used this today to help refocus during prolonged work at the computer. Instead of getting derailed from fatigue, I was able to use this to re-energize and re-focus.


I’m trying start every morning like this, thank you 😊.


Yess, First time 2 min breathhold 💪🧘 so grateful and proud ✨


I like most of your shorter renditions but do love this one with the flute and ocean.


I have a feeling that if we practice this for prolongued time, our life could become enhanced in a unique way that we dont yet know since the wim hof method is fairly recent. I wonder what will bring practicing this once a day through decades.


This video took me from a minute of holding my breath to 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Thank you


I love this breathing meditation, I love this music, I love the scenery.This is for me the best every morning.Love from Slovakia .Thank you so much ❤


I love this - guidance without talking, timing, everything. Thank you! 👍💗
