Narcissistic Parent Recovery: Never Feeling Good Enough - Why you don't and why you should!

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Hello! In this video I discuss why children of narcissistic parents, narcissistic mothers, alcoholic parents, and other emotionally immature parents *almost* never feel good enough, why we should feel good enough, and how we can start feeling good enough today and in the future. I hope it's valuable to you! If it is, please do subscribe to this channel, like the video, and comment to tell YouTube to share it with other children of narcissistic parents, too! THANK YOU!

Did you enjoy that little moment of me reflecting on how shadows are weird...? Do you feel the same? Let me know. I'm curious.


I've been a bit distant recently, and I apologize! I hope you've been well. My life's been a bit kookoo lately, but wow, things are falling into place! I'll definitely share a life and family update with you soon! Stay tuned, and feel free to share a life update of your own with me in the comments below. I love getting to know you. I DO care about you. If you care about me, too, know that I feel your love and I'm sending love right back to you!

I wish you all the best in planting a seed of self and life appreciation, and nurturing that little seed into a whole, resilient lifestyle!

Until next time, take great care.

Happy Healing (:

PSSSsssssssssssst. If you're reading this, comment the seed emoji, the sun/cloud/rain emoji, and then your FAVORITE plant emoji in the comments!! I'll do the same!! Let's growwwww!
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My mom would rather criticize and say I'm not good enough because of my grades rather than help me out and try to work with me.


I struggle to wrap my head around why some grown adults don't have the skills to exercise their personal frustrations personally instead of dumping their shit unto others.


I literally just got a passing grade in a math course at an adult community college that I have struggled hard with for 6 months and I still can't feel proud of myself. I still feel like "well you are not where you want to be in life yet so you are not allowed to feel proud" or similar thinking of "you're not allowed to feel happy unless you achieve X Y and Z." In fall I'm gonna do the college test and hope I can get into college next spring. But even if I get into college I know I'm gonna doubt myself every step of the way, like I'm not motivated for the right reasons, sometimes I'm more motivated by self hatred it feels like. Or to be honest the self hatred makes my motivation dissappear and make me feel depressed and just want to give up.


Yep. You were right all along. Turns out that the seed starts feeling good enough when it's not being sabotaged 24/7. I ended up leaving with little to nothing too, but even homelessness was so much more mentally peaceful than being around him! Thanks for the videos! 😊


You won't believe how much this meant to me. I'm in a narcissistic family and its extremely exhausting for me :(.


realizing now that i wasn’t genuinely appreciated for WHO I WAS by parents ….. being told you are ‘loved’ which yes i know i am, yet feeling so unlovable and made felt like the problem by the same exact people. definitely feel like therapy would help and heal me and most importantly the entire family now that i think about it. thank you for this beautiful video ! :)


Thank you Allisun. This has been so much on my mind this last few weeks. Coming out of a valley of despair and finally waking up to the fact that "I am enough", "I am loved" and "I'm a good guy" and really starting to believe it when I say it and repeat it. Thank you


I've been really distant too lately. I'm really struggling with my mental health and enjoying all of the successes and opportunities I have. I don't reach out or reply to ANY of my friends and important people in my life. It weighs on me. But I don't know why it's so hard. It feels like I'm on autopilot. My mother came to visit for a week and she had a meltdown in a restaurant on day 2. I shouldn't have even invited her in the first place but I guess I was hopeful it would work out. I'm worried that I'm using the trauma as a clutch. Sorry for the bummer update.

A positive seed that I want to plant is my life as a master's student. I started an MSc in geography this spring and I'm going back into the field (the arctic!) next week with my amazing supervisor. I am so grateful to have a wonderful woman as my supervisor / mentor. There are great people to help tend my garden. Let's hope the seed grows.


I love your voice the way you talk is so cute lol. Thank you for the advice I was raised by narcissistic parents as well and I been going through this lately that's how I found your video. I appreciate it.


My 'parents' ALWAYS treat me like a child, they CAN'T see me being independent, i knoe i can do soooo much, but everytime i am being independent like a 29year should be, they come up with something to bring me down or make me insecure by what they say and they REFUSE for me to grow. FUCKING WEIRDO'S. I really need to get out of here 😭😭🤲🏾 May God help me and everyone with a hardship! 🤲🏾


I was always told I was worthless and lazy, and never going to amount to anything. Spent my whole life thinking I couldn't do anything to be good enough, and I'm still trying to get past it.


Thats s very good in my 40s and whole life felt like iv ndver been enough.. conditioned from an early age


My dad belittling me this evening… for doing community service. CAN. YOU IMAGINE THAT?! NOTHING I EVER DO WILL BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR THIS MAN! I’m so hurt. It feels like he will never ever be proud of me! He only praises my younger sister!


I was the scapegoat and I’m trying to heal. Thanks for the video ❤


You're such a sweetie, I can feel the good vibes coming from you. I might get infatuated, lol


4:27 "we are good enough okay!" 💜💜


I had to go on Quora to ask what it was like to have a loving mother. I only got one answer. How sad is that?


Why don't this video have more views it needs more omg Thank you so much for this video!!!❤❤


Hey, beautiful girl! I connect to everything you're saying. I personally stopped searching for milk and home depot a while ago. The realization that there was no milk at home depot was so painful, but seeing it through this analogy kind of mellows things down a bit. CPTSD is a real thing, but it's a temporary mental state. It's not who we are, it's what we do with our minds as a result of, ultimately, I believe, our fear of being beautiful, loveable, intelligent, and self-validating. It's conditioned by fear of losing what was not real in the first place, or what could have been "only if." Transitioning from CPTSD into a balanced life is much of a grieving process. And the grieving process is not because someone passes, but because we choose to annihilate a mental image imbued with hope. I think the pain is much like pulling out a baby tooth - if you do it slowly, there is pain dosed over a longer span of time. If you just pull it out at once, then you have severe pain, but it's short lived. Either way, beyond the pain, there's much space left in our hearts to love - to love ourselves, our passions, our friends, and, eventually, to love those that harmed us. Love and compassion are choices, and they are our path into freedom. There's no other way but genuine forgiveness, a brutal drop of expectations, responsibility, love, compassion and wisdom.


Venus is in Libra, which has me feeling fancy as well lol. Love your videos!
