Why Regeneration Cannot Precede Faith (all 9 parts)

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Combined all 9 parts of a series showing from scripture why regeneration cannot possibly precede faith.

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Just something I discovered to day comparing scripture with scriptures. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace ye are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.

Some read that verse and say, see, faith is the gift. But, if we compare that with Romans 6:23, For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. We see the gift is eternal life, not our faith. Faith comes from hearing, hearing from the word of God. AMAZING GRACE, JESUS PAID IT ALL AND WE PAID 0 IT IS FREE


Heard the Gospel in a Rescue Mission in San Antonio in 1983 while hitchhiking around the Country. Still walkin’! Thank you so much for your ministry Bro!


Boy HOWDY! I was hopin' you'd put it all together like this!
PRAISE JESUS & Thank you!


calvanist are to smart for me so I'll believe scripture as you do Kevin


Hi, Kevin! Another verse you could add to the Scripture side @ 22:18 in this video, is John 5:24. Jesus says "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life."
Let's look at the order:
1) Hear his word.
2) Believe on God the Father who sent Jesus.
3) Given everlasting life instead of condemnation/Is passed from death unto life.

Seems pretty clear that JESUS believes Faith precedes regeneration; which ties in perfectly with Romans 10:17! 🙂


"He came to seek and save the lost" Luke 19:10


Praise the Lord for this series of videos. It is very obvious according to Scripture (KJV) that the Calvinist puts the "cart before the horse" when dealing with salvation. It is very unfortunate because in doing so they are frustrating the grace of God. Keep up fighting the good fight of faith Kevin!


another great video Pastor God bless your ministry, I love how you use the authoritative word of God to engage and not presuppositions, I love how clear and authoritative you teach and it does become clear when you address it without our own presuppositions, that's how Jesus taught with authority, their are many teachers on YouTube but they cant handle the bible it's too much for them, you handle the word with authority and I dont mean your interpretations but what the scripture is saying, what is written, like you always say it's the fundamentals of learning how to read and comprehension, we all need to become teachable and let go of our presuppositions, I was raised Baptist and kind of went to CATHOLICISM for a bit when I got married and came back to the and I've led a lot of my family and friends out of CATHOLICISM and I'm working on calvinist now, I did drift into calvinism because it's very easy to kind of get into that whole election dogma when your eyes become dull, but I thank you for completely getting me out and I see the scriptures without the false presuppositions I used to have, theirs scriptures that you cannot tie together with calvinism, you will eventually stunt your growth and hit a dead end, and become a miserable Christian,
be blessed in loving spirit thank you brother Kevin


Thanks for putting all nine parts together.


Thank you so so much. I'm coming out of a calvinism church and because of this ministry my husband and I are experiencing such freedom in Christ. In the past, I was only pointed to calvinist preachers, teachers, authors... by my pastors. Do you recommend any resources I can go to for daily sermons and or authors to supplement my personal devotion?


Though, as it turns out, Pelagius was not wrong, because he never taught the things attributed to him. It was a hatchet job by Augustine. See "The Myth of Pelagianism" by Ali Bonner for a compelling case. Or if you can't afford the book, watch one of the interviews with her floating around on YouTube.


Keep up the good work Kevin. Some one will believe and be saved. The two scariest verses in the whole bible are in Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. but only those that do the will of my Father in heaven. They call Him Lord, and tell Him about all their good works. How they cast out demons in His name, they did many wonderful works. They kept the law.

But Jesus says, depart from me I never knew you. Not I did know you, and now I don't, I never knew you. Why did He tell them that. 1, they trusted in their own righteousness by keeping the law, and thought there good works would get them to heaven.

Verse 21 tells us why they were not let in. They did not do the will of the Father. What is the will of the Father? John 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent me, that all that seeth the Son, and beleiveth on Him, may have eternal life, and I will raise Him up on the last day.

Those who are trusting in Jesus plus something else, are not saved. Only those who trust Jesus plus nothing are saved. John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on His name.

Calvinists, Arminians, and Lordship salvation people are trusting in something else and not Jesus alone.

Calvinists are trusting in their works, and that they were chosen. Arminians are trusting in themselves and their works. Because if you believe you can be lost, then you do not believe the gospel that all your sin debt has been paid in full. If they did they would know they can not be lost.

They do not believe Romans 11:6 That salvation is a free gift of God and not by any works good or bad we do. Salvation is done, not do. They all base their salvation on something other than what Jesus did on the cross. They both have something to boast in. In my opinion only bible believers are saved and have eternal life. All believers have received the free gift of the Holy Spirit and have eternal life. John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me HATH ETERNAL LIFE.

The only reason people are not let into heaven is not because they do not sin, we all sin, but they never trusted Jesus as the only way to be saved. Romans 8:9 Without the Spirit of God, there is no salvation. With the Spirit we are saved forever.

Second Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless, the foundation of God is sure, having the seal, (the Holy Spirit, ) the Lord knoweth them that are His, and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

God knows us because we have His Spirit in us. John 6:39 Jesus has never lost one. Hebrews 13:5 He will never leave us or forsake us. John 10:28-29 Double eternal security. Jesus paid it all and we paid 0. it is free.

Oh, but I love them. Oh, you just have easy believism. What would you rather have, hard believism? Oh, but you just want fire insurance. Do you want to go to hell? I don't want to go to hell. That Is why I believe I can not go to hell because I have no sins to pay for. Jesus already took the punishment I deserve. I deserve to go to hell, but Jesus paid my way to heaven.



How in the world can ANYONE believe regeneration before faith?


Great work Sir! I have been blessed by your videos, so clear and simply SCRIPURE!!!


I appreciate this so much!
The regeneration section is very helpful. I believe the born again verses are speaking to Israel. They were under the Law and needed to be RE generated or born again; this time by the Spirit.


This is a stunning tour de force!
Praise God!


4:04- Genesis 15;6. Still occurs, Ezekiel 36-37 Is future tense.
4:44- Titus 3;5. Washing of regeneration, renewing of the Holy Ghost.
9:45- Titus 3;5, Romans 10;9, acts 16;31, 1 Corinthians 1;21, Ephesians 2;8, 2;10.
11:02- romans 4., Genesis 15;6. Declared righteous.
11:13- Titus 3;5 “Saved”.
13:01- Ephesians 2;10, Colossians 1;10 walking worthy of vocation.
15:27- 2 Timothy 1;9. Hath saved us.
15:34- Titus 3;5 mercy/washing.
16:39- 1 Corinthians 1;21. Save them that believe.
17:13- acts 16;31. Believe and you will be saved.
17:33- romans 10;9. Confess, believe, be saved.
19:00- Titus 3;5. (breakdown of verse).
19:54- Matthew 19;28 (re-beginning)
20:55- Titus 3;5. Structure of sentence.
22:19- romans 5;2, 10;10, Ephesians 1;13, 1 Corinthians 1;21. Faith into this grace.
24:05- romans 10;3-5. To everyone that believes.
27:04- romans 3;20. Deeds of the law.
27:22- romans 3;21. Righteousness of God without law.
27:54- romans 3;22. By faith.
29:25- romans 3;26. Justifies those that believe.
30:19- romans 3;27. Law of faith, faith and works are contrasted.
30:42- romans 3;28. Justified by faith not law.
31:31- romans 4;5. Faith is counted for righteousness.
33:19- romans 10;9-10. Confession with mouth, believe in your heart.
34:58- 1 Peter 4;18. (The righteousness that is by faith is a precondition to being saved).
36:11- Colossians 2;11-12. Circumcision made without hands.
37:36- romans 4;3, Genesis 15;6, Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness.
38:10- John 6;44, 10;15.
38:14- John 7;38-39. Not regenerated yet.
39:04- romans 4;5. Faith counted for righteousness.
39:37- John 14;17. Shall be (future tense)in you. Regeneration is a church age distinction.
41:52- romans 5;21. Faith is counted for righteousness which leads to eternal life.
43:00- romans 5;2. Access by faith into this grace.
43:54- romans 10;4. To everyone that believes.
44:10- Galatians 3;6. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness.
44:21- Galatians 3;9. They with Faith are blessed with Faithful Abraham.
44:33- Galatians 3;22. Promise given to them that believe.
45:06- Titus 3;5. “ Works of righteousness“=“ Deeds of the law“.
45:46- romans 5;2. We have access by faith into this grace.
45:57- 1 Thessalonians 1;3. Work of Faith is in ongoing day-to-day work of a believer.
46:01- 2 Thessalonians 1;11.
46:14- Titus 3;5. “ But according to his mercy“ in scripture mercy is associated with unbelief but salvation is only for believers.
46:37- romans 11;30-32. God concluded them all in unbelief so that he might have mercy upon all.
47:12- 1 Timothy 1;13. Obtained mercy because he was ignorant in unbelief.
47:39- romans 1;21. The reprobate is turned that way because when they knew God they glorified him not as God.
47:48- romans 1;25. Because they changed the truth of God into a lie.
48:27- 2 Thessalonians 2;10-11. Because they received not the love of the truth.
48:37- 1 Corinthians 1;21. God saves them that believe.
51:07- Titus 3;5 by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost.
51:31- 1 Corinthians 1;21. Who Does God save? Those that believe.
52:17- 2 Corinthians 5;14-15., hebrews 2;9., 1john 2;2., 2 Peter 2;1. Jesus died for all, tasted death for every man.
53:43- Ephesians 1;13-14. After that you believed. Hear the gospel, believe/ trust, sealed.
54:13- John 16;7-11. The comforter will convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.
56:47- Ephesians 1;13-14 “ Purchased possession“ they believed.
56:53- 2 Peter 2;1. “ That bought them“ these false teachers were not sealed with the Holy Spirit
57:56- 2 Thessalonians 2;10-12. Refused the love of the truth.
58:32- romans 8;23. Believers are waiting for the adoption, the redemption of the body.
58:50- 1 Corinthians 6;20. You are bought with a price.
59:20- Ephesians 4;30. Sealed unto the day of redemption.
1:00:13- 2 Corinthians 1;22. Sealed us and giving us the earnest of the spirit in our hearts.
1:01:00- romans 8;15-17. Received the Spirit of adoption.
1:01:36- Ephesians 1;12. Trust.
1:01:41- John 1;12. Received.
1:01:54- romans 8;23. We have received the Spirit of the redemption of the body( Harpazo).
1:02:45- Galatians 3;2. Hearing a faith, not the works of the law.
1:03:08- Galatians 3;22. Promise of faith given to those who believe.
1:03:23- Titus 1;2. in hope of eternal life. Life!
1:04:17- Galatians 3;26. Children by faith.
1:05:10- Galatians 4;4-6. The ceiling of the spirit is tied to Christ coming into our hearts. (explanation of adoption of sons).
1:07:09- Galatians 3;27-29. Baptized into Christ.
1:07:36- acts 10;44-45. (model).
1:07:46- acts 1;5-6., acts 11;15-16.
1:08:07- 1 Corinthians 12;13. By one spirit baptized into one body.
1:08:18- 1 Corinthians 12;27. Now are you the body of Christ. (after belief).
1:08:46- John 1;12-13. As many as received/believed.
1:11:30- 1 Corinthians 1;21. Save them that believe.
1:11:51- romans 10;10. Heart believe unto righteousness, mouth unto salvation.
1:12:18- Galatians 2;16. Even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by faith.
1:13:13- Ephesians 1;13. After that you believed.
1:14:08- romans 5;2. Access by faith into this grace.
Everyone has faith, what (Who) are you putting your faith in.
1:15:34- acts 17;31. Assurance, Romans 12;3 every man has a measure of faith.
1:18:15- Titus 3;5.


Even as someone that leans hard to the Doctrines of Grace, I agree that faith precedes regeneration. I do not see how someone could pull the notion of regeneration preceding faith from reading scripture. It’s not there. I do, however, see many of the other tenets of Reformed theology taught within the pages of the Bible. Remember, please, that not every Calvinist/Reformed Christian believes as every other Calvinist/Reformed Christian. We do often have serious differences. As to this point, I do (gasp!) agree with BTF.


Kevin, You're channel has truly helped me to de-Calvinize my thinking after being a Calvinist for over 20 years. This video of faith preceeding regeneration is so insightful, and I appreciate your hard work. I found a great proof text that solidly refutes the Calvinist lie that regeneration preceeds faith by the work of the Holy Spirit

This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
‭Galatians‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭KJV‬

It says that one receives the Spirit AFTER they hear the Gospel and have faith. This is clear.


Romans 12:3

[3] For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
