Why To Never Eat Less Than 1,500 Calories

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WHY I MAKE THESE VIDEOS: When I first went plant-based I gained 30 lbs of weight and didn't see or feel the benefits of going cutting down on animal products. After getting coached and testing a lot of approaches I found the way to make plant-based work for a lean, toned and strong physique and have now helped 2,000+ clients over the past years.
My goal is for you to avoid the mistakes I made when I first started and help you lose weight, tone up and thrive.
IF YOU’RE NEW: I don’t have a posting schedule, so subscribe/ring bell if you want to know when new videos come out.
WORK WITH ME 1-ON-1: I don’t work with everyone, but if you want my help to transform your body and health in my program, and you are:
Not afraid to invest in your health
Podcast: Plant-Based Fitness Secrets
Instagram: @fritz_horstmann
My goal is for you to avoid the mistakes I made when I first started and help you lose weight, tone up and thrive.
IF YOU’RE NEW: I don’t have a posting schedule, so subscribe/ring bell if you want to know when new videos come out.
WORK WITH ME 1-ON-1: I don’t work with everyone, but if you want my help to transform your body and health in my program, and you are:
Not afraid to invest in your health
Podcast: Plant-Based Fitness Secrets
Instagram: @fritz_horstmann
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