How to Get 10,000 Steps Every Day

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In this video I explain how to get 10,000 steps every day. Watch the whole way through because as you go through the video you'll find more tips and tricks to getting 10,000 steps every day snuck into bits of the content.

00:00 - Intro
00:37 - BJJ Training
01:20 - Step Count
01:49 - Lunch
02:00 - Why 10,000 Steps?
06:58 - Walk around the block
09:37 - My best tip for getting your steps in
10:40 - A walking pad?
14:03 - Common Qs about walking and health
20:33 - Cut Update
23:02 - Walk with the family
24:35 - Something different
28:58 - Cardio workout
29:56 - Did I get 10,000?
30:37 - Closing thoughts

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Videography by @lazorkophotography

Do NOT subscribe unless my videos are actually helpful. The point of this channel is to help you, not promote me. So if my videos don't give you value...don't subscribe. If they do, though, please hit the sub button (it helps a lot!).

You and I are going to drink a lot of coffee together. Like, borderline dangerous amounts of coffee.

So, first things first. Pour yourself a mug and I’ll introduce myself real quick.

My name’s Jordan — but everyone calls me “J” — and I’m a 27th degree black belt in chugging coffee.

But listen.

This channel isn’t for fame, publicity, cash, props, fist bumps, likes, pings, pows or whatever else there is.

It’s a place where you and I can chat.

I’ll never sugar coat, lie, or beat around the bush. I’ll tell you everything exactly as I see it. Some stuff you might like. Others you might not.

And that’s totally cool.

Either way, my goal here is to create a discussion. A place where you and I can get together, exchange ideas, and motivate each other to be better every day.

Like I said, we’re gonna drink a lot of coffee together — borderline dangerous amounts — but I’m excited. Because there aren’t too many online communities in which the sole purpose is to inspire and motivate one another.

And that’s exactly what you and I are going to do here.

To your success,

Рекомендации по теме

Hi Jordan, this is aunt Nancy. Your videos inspire me to get up and get moving. As an older woman, it’s not easy to hit 1, 000 steps per day, but you motivate me to do the best that I can. I’m very proud of all that you’ve accomplished, and am thrilled for you and your lovely wife on the birth of your gorgeous baby girl. With love, Nancy.


I think walking pads are more affordable now that they are more common. I bought mine for about $125 about 3 months ago. I was in a really reclusive space and avoided leaving my house as much as possible, but I needed to change. Getting the walking pad was my first step to moving my body again. My phone showed that my daily step average from Jan-Sept 2023 was about 1500 steps. After I got my walking pad in Oct 2023, I ended the year with a step average of about 12, 800 steps. Not all the steps came from the walking pad, but using it was my catalyst for change. I'm really proud! ☺


Do you ever stop and think about how many lives you’re improving and changing just by being you?! I lost 97lb and have gained back about 30 but with you by my side, how can I fail!!? Thank you for being so encouraging and helpful. Love your family and only want the best for you! Some day I’ll join the inner circle! Until then, love
Love the content! F words and all!


Your Instagram and YouTube content is so inspiring. Thank you for that!
I am a 53 years old woman who was obese a year ago. And most people say it’s impossible to lose weight in menopause but you inspired me to prove them wrong. I started to walk and eating in a small calorie deficit. 10 months later I reached a healthy weight and feeling so much better. And it was not hard to achieve at all, because I allowed myself to eat all kinds of food every now and then.


Hi Jordan! Thanks for the walking pad recommendation. I purchased it to use with my stand up desk. Unfortunately, I have motion sickness using it while working. Instead of returning it, I schedule 2 twenty minute sessions at 10am and 3 pm. I am able to clear my head while getting steps in. Consistently hitting 9200-10k now! A little tweak from the original plan instead of giving up on myself. Thank you for being the voice of reason in the back of my head!


Really helpful especially knowing the benefits of just 5000 steps for women in midlife- I am 56. This has encouraged me to go for a quick walk in my lunch break which added to the 25 minutes before work means I’ve reached nearly 6000 already. Great practical advice. Thank you


I did struggle with my health and weight loss and it helped me get some perspective when I started watching Jordan and likeminded coaches work. Seeing how you are honest and offer realistic solutions for people to stay healthy. And Jordan tells the truth without trying to scare people into something unrealistic. Good job man, and I appreciate how you and the team always helps make being healthy not a scary process. Helps me have hope too always


This video dropped on my inbox as I was putting shoes on to go for a walk so I listened to it the whole way. I made sure the walk would put me in a place to get to 10k today! I sent it to my mom so she could hear the goal of 5k steps. Thanks for the great video and information! You are always inspiring and I love your content. As an elementary teacher, I love that you have openly discussed your learning journey, you are a model why people should pursue passions and that test scores don’t represent who people are as humans.


I love how real you are! No fluff. No bullshit. Just real! And you so your homework to give us the best possible answers. Thanks for that. In a world that tries to be someone else, be yourself. You rock!


I like to "walk" on an elliptical for a little bit more than 1h per day because it's the length of an episode of a series that I watch, so I don't feel "guilty" for watching it.


Walking is one of the reasons I lost 75 lbs a few years ago. Watching your mini cut has helped me understand the fluctuations I see on a daily basis, especially those that I don't have any explanation for. Thank you for always having such solid content.


Thankyou so much for the menopause pep talk, I was in tears…happy at that. Finally someone who spoke that yes it’s difficult like any other transition in life but one can achieve weightloss at this time and a healthy mind to boot. Also ❤ I could look at those baby blue eyes of your little cherub all day, she is divine.


This video couldn't have come at a better time. I've been aiming for 10K steps everyday since last week and so far have been consistent! I've never watched one of your videos the whole way through and enjoyed seeing you go through the day doing your 10K steps. I have a walking pad at my standup desk and end up watching YouTube videos to pass the time when I walk. Now I'll be watching your older videos while I get my steps on my walking pad!


your email came while I was walking into my college campus. I had a student taking a test and I picked up some extra steps walking around while proctoring the exam. I call that double dipping! Great content as always👍🏻


I just recently started following you and find you to be awesome - upfront, no bs and encouraging af. As a menopausal woman, I find it difficult to lose weight, and find it’s redistributing more around my middle than ever. I’m trying to put into practice a lot if the things you talk about, so thank you 😊 Your cutie baby is just the cherry on the cake!


I cannot even begin to tell you how much your content is changing my life and especially the way I think! I now have a sustainable calorie deficit, have increased my water intake, am taking more steps and taking better care of my mental health. My number one takeaway from all your posts has been “you can’t fuck this up!” I even have the photo of you holding the sign saying this as my phone Lock Screen so I see it hundreds of times a day! The freedom that one sentence has given me is amazing. Inconsistency and giving up were always my biggest problem. I have been overweight for most of my life but finally at age 48 I believe I can do this - without all the stress, binging, overthinking, beating myself up and without cutting out whole food groups or all the foods I love! Love your attitude, love your no bullshit approach ❤ much love, thanks and appreciation.


I have been watching your mini cut. I am 56 and I have been working to keep off the 80 pounds I have lost over the past 4 years . 10 pounds has crept back on and your cut is truly inspiring me. I plan to set goals for using my treadmill and calorie deficit. I know it can be lost again, even in my 50' s and even during menopause. I am so impressed how in tune you are to women's issues. Thank you for that. Your insight on breastfeeding was spot on. I am a retired OB nurse. It didn't matter how a baby was fed. The important part is the baby got fed. You ROCK


I truly enjoy your easy conversational style. You are very clear in your instructions, well-researched and therefore very inspirational. I have gleaned more advice from you regarding weight loss goals and health goals than on any other platform. You go into depth and in a way that makes complete sense. I am 66 years old and am walking between 8500 to 10 000 steps every day now and absolutely CANNOT believe how much easier it is than I mentally imagined! Keep up the great work!


Jordan it’s like mental telepathy. You just know when I need an email. My daughter asked to go for a walk tonight and I first said no, but your email came soon after and I knew she would have air pods in so I said let’s walk and i listened to you and got my steps in. What an enjoyable way to walk and I learned so much!!


I started implementing 10, 000 steps a day two weeks ago and it is not as hard as I thought it would be. I workout and then I go on two walks around my 2.5 acre property and I also walk around my house during commercials.I also walk while I am on the phone.
Your tip about making time for walking is the best advice I have heard. We make time for everything else why not this?!
Thank you for making a video about this.🤗
You have a beautiful family!
