Re-Parenting - Part 10 - Balance

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Being healthy is the result of balancing all of the needs and responsibilities of one's life. But it is very complicated, especially for people with Complex Trauma. Learn why this is so, as well as healthy tools for becoming balanced.


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Tim Fletcher is not a doctor or licensed therapist. Tim’s videos are for informational purposes only to provide understanding, learning, and awareness about complex trauma. No information published here can replace professional evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment.

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I have been watching your series alongside therapy, and I must say that I have gotten more from you than my therapist!


I’ve learned so much from your teachings. Thank you so much!


I think what goes hand in hand with this concept of balance is *emotional regulation*. If we build up our mindfulness skill, we can sense when we are becoming dysregulated and come back to center. An overall balance comes from small moments of maintaining our balance and staying within that window of tolerance.

Thank you for another great video. I've watched many hours of your videos and recommend them to anyone I believe could use them.


Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom to help us all, brother Tim! God bless you!!


I'm learning a lot from your videos. Thank you very much for making all of this amazing information available for free. I deeply appreciate it. I also appreciate that you separate out the religious part from the non religious stuff so that people of all faiths or lack thereof can benefit. It's really nice. Thank you.


This has to be the most relatable video yet. I feel so vindicated which allows for a measure of acceptance. I feel like i xan accomplish more, because i want to... because i see the value more -- for me and for others.


This one hits in the core and is something i come to terms with that i have to deal with. I'm going to start a lifestyle program to get a grip on the practical stuff in my life, building on routine, consistency and healthy habits.

These videos of yours helped me alot over the last year, not always a fun ride, but nessecary and very insightful on what to value, how to set boundaries and how to build up. I'm starting to believe in myself and I'm able to picture a realisticly healthy version of me, it gives me hope. I can't thank you enough.❤


Greetings Mr Fletcher. My name is Sheryll and I too I'm enjoying your videos, full of valuable information for me as well as others I imagine. I sure hope so, because nobody deserves this trick. I feel tricked, duped, ripped off, but I am seeking help, doing my homework by watching your videos. May God bless you I appreciate part 2 ✝️💜


Thank you. Thanks for the blessings from our Lord in the prayer you gave.


Excellent message 👏 Each one has amazing insights!


Just gave you $10 didn't know I could edit and tell you how much you have helped me find out the remaining parts that psychedelics didn't explain! I like the Christian parts too because they confirm psychedelics most likely gave Jesus and Moses their visions and mushrooms ARE consciousness aka God!


Way too much to balance. Just listening to this overwhelms me


Thank you very much, thats so helpfull as usual 🤗❤️


I don't have any alone time and cannot adjust my scrdual. Is this why I feel like I'm going crazy help.


WOW! SO THANKFUL for women's rights!! I can't imagine having to do ALL of that, just to survive. I probably would have been a prostitute 😂


What if you are afraid of success and that is why you don't balance yourself and stay in the limbic brain.
