Re-Parenting - Part 17 - Accepting Others

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Every child needs to know how to find healthy friends, and how to distinguish between safe people and unsafe people; and they need to know what process to undergo in order to figure that out. They also need to know what to do when they encounter parts things in people that make them feel uncomfortable or annoyed. Do they reject the person or accept them?


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Tim Fletcher is not a doctor or licensed therapist. Tim’s videos are for informational purposes only to provide understanding, learning, and awareness about complex trauma. No information published here can replace professional evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment.

Рекомендации по теме

God works through men like tim. Thanks again Tim. ur the man


This is the first time I've understood what trauma bonding really means, thank you, you explain things so meticulously, you are a wonderful teacher


Tim has explained how friendships develop and what to look for in a friend. I’ve never had any education on friendship. It’s taken me until I’m 50 to understand. Thanks Tim


Us CPTSD folks don’t know this stuff…omg, thank you ❤


Tim’s talks are like listening to a stranger diagram the wiring of my thinking.


Unbelievably brilliant information thank you you described my experience completely


I’ve decided people are not safe, and until I can fix me- it’s best to go it alone because you don’t know who is safe or not until you get in a relationship with someone. I have never understood why we need a surrogate family when we’re broken. Nobody can help me but myself.


TIM is the father many needed, or need now, who speaks to our 5 yr old trying to make sense of the world.
Our adult may think it s simple information or didactic or not think it pertains to us. Listen in and lean in, and it resonates hugely, as if Tim lived as an angel and watched us grow up! We cant help but agree and relate to all his examples and keep sayjng YES! mom DID behave like that! I never knew she was an emotionally immature person! I never really knew the meaning of hvaing needs, codependency, narcissism as its equal opposite, freeze, abuse cycle etc.
Tim explains all of LIFE in all his videos!
He s a true pastor, mentor, counsellor, guide, angel and father.
Bless ur heart. ❤
And to think i discovered you on Theo Von s podcast is pretty funny.


What a wonderful person. He is able to articulate things people just feel somewhere deep inside but are unable to describe. I love how he is not judgmental. Feels very safe and understanding. I also love that he gives people reassurance to let go of some relationships, even those they feel like they must keep or else they are not good people. I have been accused of holding grudges towards a narcissist. It is very important to realize the difference between a self preserving boundary and a grudge.


I am deeply in pain that is exactly my situation and keep fighting to be in healthy place all the time


I feel like you're articulating everything that I've already known about myself for some time now. Thanks, Tim


This man reminds me of the essence of the scripture passage that says,

"Proverbs 16:7-31 KJV. When a man's ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. "

Tim, it is evident you are a servant of God who has humbled himself under the mighty hand of God, where God is now lifting you up using you greatly for many! Thank you for your devotion to God and his kingdom service to others. God bless you


By these criterion, none of the people i call friends would pass this test 😢😢


Tim, I thank you for your helpful content dueing my season of self discovery and I thank God for making sure I came across it.


You are helping me to find God and my authentic self. Get rid of toxic shame and allowing life to happen, understand boundaries, understand myself, how to live life. You are helping me heal. Thank you 🙏


What I like about Part 16 and 17 is that it's really a take on radical acceptance.


Excellent lecture, thanks! I enjoy the addition of the bible study, very interesting.


Thank you! Iam in trauma treatment.. The more I understand and going through healing the more people around me must go... I ty to set boundaries but their actions tell me they don't approve.. I have had a lot of trauma bounding with others throughout my life..And I've set boundaries and many of them aren't able to change. That's why I can't be with them if they don't take responsibility over their behavior. . I have had to cut some people out and it made my life smaller.. Iam working on.. It's OK not having alot of friends.. I need funktionell, respectful relationship. It's still hard setting boundaries.. Often it's all or nothing or.. When I set boundaries I get the silent treatment for setting boundaries from that so called friend... I don't feel safe around new people anymore..


This is an incredible breakdown of a very complicated process. Thank you so much for sharing.


Well, I am glad at this age to at least have a road map now as I have been struggling all my life with how to create a healthy life with safe people. And, myself trying to be a safe person. Tim, you have really done a beautiful thing here with these videos, thank you -
