Healing My Gut Days 2-4 | My Bloat, Energy Levels & Diet | Kendra Atkins

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Healing My Gut Days 2-4 | My Bloat, Energy Levels & Diet
Alright we have made it a few more days on my gut reset. I'm am working this month on healing my gut health after finding out I have a lot of issues going on after doing a stool test. I'm on this journey of finding out ways to feel better through food naturally.


Member: 23809167

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Hi everyone! My name is Kendra and I create videos to help motivate you in different aspects of your life. I am a mom to identical twin girls who are 3 1/2 and a little boy who is almost 1! I hope all of my content can serve you in some way. Whether that's entertainment, encouragement or just to feel like you have someone who knows what you are going through. I am a stay at home working mom and going through all the same things all of us moms go through! Thanks so much for stopping by and I will see you soon!


FTC: Some links may be referral links. All reviews and opinions are always my own!
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Wait until you add fruit back in, it will taste like candy! When I cut out all processed foods and white sugar, fruit started to taste AMAZING to me. Fruit is basically my snack/dessert now and I crave it. I’m going to keep my eye out for your Mexican stew recipe because that looks delicious! So glad you are seeing positive results.


I’m so proud of you for sticking with it!! Thank you for sharing your journey!


So happy you are feeling so much better. The soup you made looks so delicious. Your yard is really coming along nicely!! Hope you have a wonderful time at the river!! Blessings and love..♥


Thank you for putting yourself through this so we can see the results! It's got to be tough with loss of energy etc. My emotions go crazy when I just do low carb I can't imagine being as strict as you are with this.


Making your own nut milks is so easy. You can buy the nuts at Costco and it’s a fraction of the price of buying it pre-made. Cashew milk doesn’t even need strained. I find it to be the easiest to make.


Good luck. I’ve been on a gut healing journey for 18 months with SIBO. Your diet looks like mine. It gets easier. I like pure coconut milk. You can water it down but I can usually find organic natural coconut milk at the Natural Grocer. They are my favorite grocery store for all organic food. For a treat try raw coconut flakes. Im on biocidin too. Works great. Maybe explore eating only three times a day. That helped me a ton. Good luck.


Amazing! I am definitely waiting for the results. The soup looks so yummy and omg I have missed so much but u are having a pool putting in😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤


So glad it’s working for you. I’m jealous. I have so many GI issues that it doesn’t mattter what I do or don’t eat.


Yes! Trader joes has too much processed foods and not enough clean options. I couldn't do my weekly shopping there. Sprouts all the way :)


It sounds like it’s been a good experience if you’re having those great revelations! In regards to the almond milk, keep in mind that milk only made with water and nuts has a much shorter shelf life. That’s why it’s so hard to find. I definitely agree it’s better for you, but it won’t last as long so it’s harder to stock in stores. Your best bet is definitely to make it yourself if you can. I’ve been doing the Fodmap diet for a long time after speaking with a naturopath and gastroenterologist because i have bad IBS. But you should check if you’re ok with almond milk vs almonds. Because on low fod diet you can’t have almonds but you CAN have almond milk 🥳. That’s what i have, but I recommend buying organic cause almonds are heavily sprayed. Keep it up, I always love seeing people working to feel their best. 💪🏼


Watching your journey is very motivating. You’ve got this!!! 💜


If you like the taste of coffee and the ritual of it, try Dandy Blend. It is gluten free and tastes similar to instant coffee and is non-acidic. No caffeine. Great for digestion! Tastes great hot and iced. They do have an organic version as well.


Try 3 or 4 parts to 1 part gluten free oats for your nut milk. You won't regret it! It's so creamy and coats your mouth like a cows milk, very satisfying and delicious! I added cinnamon amd dates for a healthier creamer option.


Amazing!!! Can’t wait to see how week 2 goes and what ur able to eat!


Very inspiring and yes you totally look lean and no swelling even in your face!


I know you are familiar FLAVCITY, Bobby Parish, but revisiting his channel again could be helpful! He’s very informative on gut health!


I love our Almond Cow! Totally recommend. So easy for making your own nut milk. 😊


How did you know what supplements to take


Do you drain your ground beef or keep the grease in the slow cooker when cooking the meat?


I am glad you are starting to feel better. What brand is your slow cooker?😊
