Things EMTs say.

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This is how nurses feel about paramedics, and how doctors feel about nurses. And how surgeons feel about all the lesser human peasants.


As an EMS first responder, even lower on the ladder than EMT was back in the day, I was handed a paper cup and told, "don't let the ambulance leave with out this". My job on the scene was to make sure the severed finger made it into the ambulance with the patient...that was probably one of the biggest responsibilities I ever had as an EMS first responder. I did good too, the finger made it to the hospital with the patient.


"I enter emt school and leave emt school with the same amount of medical knowledge."
That hit close to home.😅


My EMT instructors said “if your patient is dying, asking forgiveness is much more kosher than asking for permission, fix it” and that always stuck with me


One time my medic walked on scene and said “BSI THE SCENE IS SAFE.” And we all about died laughing 😂


"BSI SCENE SAFE" was like the EMT equivalent of "the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell".


"I feel like I started EMT school and ended EMT school with the same amount of medical knowledge."

Yes. I discovered that EMT school is not about learning how to save people. It's about getting permission to help the medic save people.


On my NREMT assessment exam, I looked at the patient and said, “I know you’re scared and struggling to breathe but I need to call the hospital and argue with a nurse for 20 minutes before they’ll let me speak with the doctor so I can give you this EpiPen.” The examiner was trying so hard not to bust out in laughter!!!! I actually passed too. 😂


Gotta love how a Good Samaritan can follow the instructions on a pen and be perfectly covered but an EMT needs to spend thirty minutes fighting to talk to a doctor and get the green light to do the same thing.


I was once unable to move, stuck on the ground, for an hour in the cold becuase my back seized up and hurt too much to move anything. It was one of those moments of "If im not laughing, im crying" as I made stupid jokes to the dispatcher trying to keep myself calm. The EMTs that came to help were the nicest pair. They made sure to grab my jacket and packed me a little bag of essentials (wallet, phone, shirt and whatnot). The one that was in the back with me kept me talking and we had a really nice conversation about becoming an EMT (He even offered to turn on the lights and sirens for me! I said no, but what a kind gesture). Fastforward 2 years, and here I am in an EMT course, applying for a medical dispatcher position, hoping I can give the same comfort to others as they gave to me.


I'm in my 5th week of EMT school and I have said about 90% of everything shown here.


I had a seizure at a Barnes and Noble a few years ago. One minute I was reading and the next an EMT and Paramedic were in front of me taking my pulse. My first question was " Why are you here?"; which one of them answered. I then asked, "Which of you is the EMT and which is the Paramedic?" I didn't understand until I started watching these videos why one of the guys had a grumpy look on his face as he pointed at the other guy and said "He's the Paramedic", and the Paramedic had this shit eating grin on his face.


Been out of the fire service almost a decade now and "BSI SCENE SAFETY" triggered my EMT school PTSD.


as an EMT student and a person who has to carry an epipen, the whole thing about having to get permission from medical direction to administer it is both hilarious and horrifying


I was in the middle of a lecture about fire trauma and explosions when someone set a dumpster on fire at my apartment complex. Instead of asking if anyone needs help i ran out saying bsi scene is not safe! My neighbor who is in another emt class started busting out laughing,


You know, as a new emt, this actually makes me feel good about my “lack of knowledge” ... like I know I need more training, but it’s good to know that other EMTs are in the same boat


Turk 182!
"Paramedics save lives, EMTs save paramedics! “ 😹🤣 gotta remember that one.


To be fair most of emt school is "oh dont worry your department will cover this", the department " you got the certification right you should know everything ".


As a current EMT student I seriously can't go anywhere now and not think about BSI Scene Safety lol


I was once told by a paramedic I worked with that if he ever was experiencing a cardiac episode he would much rather have a BLS transport him than ALS. When I gave him a puzzled look as to why he answered, " Because a BLS will assess the situation, throw my ass in the bus and get me to the appropriate higher care. A ALS will assess the situation, argue for 15 minutes about what exactly the issue is, then try to treat that incorrectly with drugs, I.V., incorrect EKG readouts etc. before finally transporting me to higher care".
