Yoga for Beginners Weight Loss & Toning 🔥 15 min BURN

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Get on your mat for this simple 15 minute yoga for beginners WEIGHT LOSS & TONING yoga routine 🔥 for a fat-burning beginners yoga workout to tone, strengthen & stretch.

You'll practice basic power yoga poses including properly setting up a lunge and modified planks to help you build core strength, and BURN *I mean tone* your hips, core, back & arms.

BUT LET'S BE CLEAR: Yoga is not a cure. Yoga is a supplement to a healthy lifestyle. Yes you can get into a fat burning heart rate zone, sweat, strengthen & burn ample calories with power yoga and power vinyasa yoga flows, but if you want to lose weight and practice yoga you must accompany the practice with self-care and healthy habits off the mat. Yoga can be a wonderful practice for de-stressing, connecting mind with body, improving body awareness & learning to love yourself. And guess what? You can love yourself and be a work in progress at the same time! The term "Yoga for weight loss" is a high ranking SEO term, as in it is searched a lot. I use the term to reach a wider audience to help people who are looking for a way to lose excess weight and practice yoga at the same time. I know from personal experience how that feels, as I have lost 40 & 50 lbs from both of my pregnancies and the weight didn't just melt off after. It took at least a year of focused effort, exercise, healthy eating, a mild calorie deficit and this exact type of yoga for me to lose the weight and feel strong and confident in my body. So I created these videos to meet the viewers where they are, help them along in their weight loss journey and hopefully teach them self-love, strength & mindfulness along the way. 💙

00:00 welcome
00:45 Child's Pose
01:57 Swimmers
03:22 Downdog
04:25 Chair Pose
05:16 Crescent Lunge
09:39 Modified planks
11:31 Feel the BURN 🔥
12:50 Low Cobra
14:00 Child's Pose
15:05 Namaste
15:40 Try the FREE 7 day Beginner Yoga Challenge


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Sarah Beth from Sarah Beth Yoga LLC strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge

#yogaforbeginners #yogaforweightloss #yogaforweightloss
Рекомендации по теме

Get on your mat for this simple 15 minute yoga for beginners 🔥 WEIGHT LOSS & TONING yoga routine 🔥 for a fat-burning beginners yoga workout to tone, strengthen & stretch. You'll practice basic power yoga poses including properly setting up a lunge and modified planks to help you build core strength, and BURN, I mean tone, your hips, core, back & arms.


"It's when you challenged that you find your strength. It's in the discomfort that you grow. It's through the adversities, setbacks, pains, challenges the you find you strength."❤️
Thank you Sarah Beth.


This is my first time doing yoga. I am a big chested big bellied girl so I just about killed myself through suffocation. However, I am clearly still alive since I am writing this with a smile on my face because I actually DID IT! I did the whole thing. No hospitalization needed! I didn’t do it perfectly but I did it better than I had anticipated. Thank you for the video that has gotten me on the road to being all around healthier. I can’t wait explode you’re other videos😊


I'm so grateful that I found you on YouTube. It's been two months doing yoga with your guidance. My body feels amazing, I'm in a good mood the whole day.
I loved the way you teach me to let go of the need to control and learn to trust. I'm a highly sensitive person so it's been really frustrating to see the circumstances nowadays, absorbing too much negative energy from the news.
Doing yoga with you every morning is like a sanctuary for me.
Sending you love from my rainy tropical country 💓💓💓


Thank you, SarahBeth for helping me gain strength and confidence through yoga. I love the way you explain how to do the poses and give encouragements through the video. And letting us know that it's okay to struggle. I love these short beginner videos. They are doing a great job helping me learn!


I have been stretching and exercising with you for YEARS now and you never disappoint. It’s so nice to see you’re still doing videos and they’re always on point. We love you Sarah! Keep it going forever!


I absolutely loved this video. Very concise and to the point. I’m glad you didn’t spend 5-10 minutes focusing on breathing. And there were no distractions in the background. Loved it.


I just started doing yoga yesterday by finding one of your videos and I’m so thankful, you are making me feel so positive and happy with myself


Hi Sarah Beth, just wanted to add to the thank yous. Your videos are great - easy to follow, challenging yet inspiring, and even calming (sometimes 🙃). I plan on doing the 7 Day Yoga Challenge SOON. Anyone looking for videos that make you feel like you can actually learn and do yoga, you’ve found them.


This was extremely impactful to me:
“It’s when you’re challenged that you find your strength. It’s in the discomfort that you grow. It’s through your adversities, the setbacks, the pains, the challenges that you found your strength.”


I appreciate these beginner yoga videos so much. I've avoided yoga for years because of the slow pace and my lack of strength. Somehow I found Tai Chi suited me better but I was never consistent with that either. These short videos are not only helping me learn the poses and strengthen my body but they've also helped me to ease into the slowness of yoga. I'm sure as I grow stronger and more confident in my poses that I'll be able to do yoga for longer durations of time. Thank you, Sarah Beth.


Thank you thank you for this video and these words. I decided to do yoga out of anger because my treadmill was having issues. I've only done yoga about 3-4 times before in my life and right now I'm having a hard time in my life. Listening to you at the end made me cry because I could feel the storm inside and it was like everything stopped for a second. Will definitely do more of your videos. Thank you!


This 66 yr old recently found your videos and made a promise to herself, will on this every day for 1 year and see how I do! First day was hysterical 😅, 5 minutes out of 15. Uphill from here😂. Thank you!


Thank you for the pep talk in the middle! I was feeling discouraged with my shakiness when you recognized how hard we were working. You are wonderful and so encouraging. Always the right balance to keep me going!


Its been a month I was following your old 15 min beginner yoga. From now on, this one goes on in my routine. THANK YOU SO MUCH sarah for bringing these wonderful yoga sessions✌️❣️


Thank you Sarah Beth for another awesome yoga workout. I'm not a beginner but I love that you offer routines that are accessible to everyone no matter their personal yoga journey! I appreciate that you offer modifications because I have sensitive wrists and am unable "right now" to do full plank and downward facing dog. I am happy that I can gain similar benefits from the practice even if my version varies from yours. You are appreciated!


I'm not a yoga master by any means, but my practice has been consistent for a good few years and I like to think I'm marginally competent by now.
But dude I did this beginner one after a brief period of low activity over the holidays, and I gotta tell you, the phrase "plug your fingers into the ceiling" has completely changed my awareness of my hands in those stronger standing poses now. I just wanted to come back here to say that. Much love and many thanks! We never know enough to stop learning and evolving 🙏🏽💚


Thank you so much for this yoga tutorial! I’m recently beginning a new chapter in my life and this is the perfect way to start. It certainly won’t be easy but it is a worthwhile and meaningful journey as it reflects upon some recent adversities that I’ve faced myself and how I can utilize the strength within to overcome any life challenge. As a Black American, this is very important for me to remember and yoga really helps me to build that inner strength. If my ancestors could use their inner strength to pull through the hard times, then I learn to do the same via yoga and it will help me to go even further in life😄


I have been sick for a while. I’ve finally gotten better and able to do yoga again. This is helping me greatly! 😊 thank you so much 🙏


Thanks for your positive encouraging comments thruout your videos they make all the difference !
