6 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life Forever

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These little habits may seem small but they have changed my life. As a minimalist I've seen that its the little habits done over al long period of time that make the biggest difference. \

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1. Use the 90:10 rule. Look for those 10% things that give 90% return on investment of time energy resources.
2. Never leave dirty dishes "soaking". Leave your kitchen in order and ready to use, clear for your clear state of mind.
3. Build systems not goals. Your systems make your goals happen. Not just "I hope to invest someday" but save that 10% off the top every time.
4. Eat for fuel. Be mindful of the impact of each type of item you eat and drink.
5. Say No to most of the opportunities that come along, preserving your t/e/r for what counts.
6. Sign up for scary things that move you further toward what you're on. Get registered for a conference, put the money down, get coaching, make use of accountability.


Hi Gabe. I'm a woman, and quite a good deal older than you, but I wanted to say that it's encouraging to me to see such a young person with this amount of self awareness. This kind of thinking eventually comes to most people, but typically not until much later in life--when the time to implement the ideas is more limited. From my perspective (at 70) I think, wouldn't it be great if more people could become aware of the fleeting nature of time and realize they won't be young forever? The concepts you've outlined are good for anyone and if realized during YOUNG adulthood, how much better their lives would be. BTW, I've been in the 'don't leave dirty dishes' club for years. Drives me crazy to wake up to a mess in the kitchen!


I was consistently racing the clock to get to work on time, despite waking up 3 hours before hand. I started packing my lunch for work the night before, instead of the morning of, and now I am consistently 10 to 15 minutes early. I feel ahead of the game! It wasn’t until I watched your video that I realized how much this small shift impacted my day. I will now look at other areas of my life that need tweaking. Thank you!!


Definitely agree with having a system based approach vs a goal approach. A goal in the end is just a dream. A system is the vehicle that will get you to that goal. Love this video Gabe! 👊


I raised a family of 9 kids. I always clean up as I go through a project(baking, cooking, cleaning) and it is a very nice habit to live with.


Totally agree with saying no more often, it’s actually saying yes to yourself and it’s a habit I will work on. Thank you for sharing this!


In the last 3 years I started flylady and keto, both seemed wacky but have vastly improved my life and health. I curated my clothes, corralled books to create a library/guest room, declutteredcall cupboards and drawers, worked on my budget and created sinking funds - now everything is easy!


I wish more people learned to have all dishes washed esp before bed and reset the home each evening which makes the next day more organized and gives you a good feeling when you get up.


I found whole 30 super helpful in figuring out how different foods made me feel, I kept a daily journal during the food reintroduction phase and was surprised that foods I ate on the regular did not make me feel good! So yeah, listen to your body and food as fuel is a game changer.


Great video! I can def do this! Thanks!


Very GOOD talk Gabe. It's just like you knew what I needed to hear. Going to listen to this several times & take notes. Thanks for the reminders & pep talk!


Thank you for the good, practical tips. A few months ago, I also cut gluten and dairy out, and cut processed sugars way way down, and it’s been life-changing for me as well! Always had issues with my stomach, for my entire life, until I did this…


love your videos. i feel calm and ispired because of the way you talk, seeing greate pics and light in your videos and what you are talking about. maybe something about routine with a kid and work as a nee video ❤never stop 🎉


This week I'm feeling stuck and unmativated, like lost in the life and without any pasion. Your video come to me like a message from the heavens. Thanks You!! I love every video but this one go to favs!


Gabe, you have helped revolutionize the way I think with some of the insightful tips on your videos. I especially appreciate the never leaving dishes in the sink hack. By nature, I am an extremely organized person, and having things ready to go and in their place helps me immensely in the morning.


You have a very pleasant and winning way of presenting this information.
You don't overstate or overdramatise and your content is high value.


Corollary to #2: "Don't put it down, put it AWAY". It's easy to set something down just wherever when you are done with it. Take a sec to put it where it belongs. Everything should have a home within your home.


I am an extremely organized person & I have always wanted to be with a man who is as organized as I am. Sadly I've never found the guy. So, I live alone because I am not cleaning up after anyone but myself. You're a unicorn in men.


Perhaps your best video to date! Thanks.


Especially now, a lot of us would feel unmotivated these days with the current crisis we're facing. But by changing our mindset and our habits, there's nothing to worry about. Just take one action, one step at a time. These are very great tips! Well done.
