BEST Exercises To Get Rid Of Sciatica

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Sciatica can be caused by many things. It's important to know what is causing the pain in order to treat it properly.
If pain is caused by stenosis, or arthritis, usually exercises that open up or flex the spine decrease pain.
If pain is caused by a herniated or bulging disc, usually extension of the spine feels better.
This video shows three easy exercises that show how to relieve sciatica on your own, fast, and at home to help get rid of back, leg, and butt pain.

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It's good that you are showing people THIS . Too many people are coerist into surgery . These excersies have to be done faithfully and you will experience positive healing, Thankyou .


Thank you, Dr. Kristie, for this exercise. I enjoy watching your videos every time bc you keep the length manageable, your pace is easy to follow and digest, and your language is so clear. You definitely stands high amongst the crowd out there. Best regards.


For the longest time I've had sciatic pain from my piriformis muscle. It wasn't until I got introduced to primal moves (especially the ape reach) that I realized just how out of balance my body was. Been working on that for a while now and the pain in my butt has decreased almost 90%, naturally without surgery! Thank you for these videos.


THANK YOU. Woke up with this Saturday and couldn’t even walk yesterday. Bending over at the waist helps tremendously.


Thanks for this video. Fur the past month I've had pain/numbness/tingling n my left buttock and back of my left thigh.
My doctor says it's Piriformis, my xrays not good enough, im waiting for an MRI.... this was a really good video for knowing all the various issues it could be x

I love your channel !!!!


My physio has been giving me sciatic exercises for my butt muscles. But when i do your tests and get the relief it points to a back issue. i am to see another specialist soon and will be showing them what i have learnt here and see what they can do for me. Thank you for showing us the different causes of pain it is very helpful :)


These are great tips. I've had some really bad left-side sciatica problems over the years and found the pigeon pose is hands-down the best way to stop the pain and keep it from coming back. I do that pose four to five times a week in the morning for a few minutes and it works wonders for me.


Hi. Thanks for the exercise video and suggestions. I’ve been through PT a few times and haven’t figured out the cause of the soreness/tightness feeling in my right calf muscle. The nerve flossing exercise is something new to me. I will give that a try and see if it helps. Thanks again for sharing. God bless.


Thank you so much for the video. This is the first in depth explanation I've seen about the different things that could be causing pain. For me it is number 2. It hurts like crazy if I do situps or try to touch my toes without bending my knees. Also if I try to hold my legs straight up while laying down. Bending backward definitely feels better. Will be trying flossing and see if it helps any. Thanks again.


Doc, thank you for sharing this info. Subscribed!


My uncle had Sciatica from last 5 years. He was unable to walk properly and took medicines from various hospitals but got no relief. Then he came to know about Chandigarh Ayurved Centre and took treatment from there. Now he is totally fit.


Excellent video, very informative . Will share this with a few people having sciatica issues . Thank you


It was so helpful and important for me to hear that sitting on a ball or pressing onto the cramped area would be bad if the pain was being caused by a pinched nerve, as it would aggravate the nerve further. I thought I was stretching out the cramp but believe instead I was aggravating the nerve. I think I made it worse by doing that and your information/ caution against doing this is very helpful thank you for pointing this out.


Great information! On your videos about treating sciatic pain, I am surprised toning the abs is not mentioned. Doing standing abs has
really helped me! I was directed to strengthen my abs by an anesthesiologist who specializes in pain management. I thought I would have an
clinic visit & possible local injection. To my surprise after getting my abs in better shape, my pain essentially went away!


This lady sure knows alot and I'm thankful for the info.I have many of the sciata issues and these have helped.Bet she has had some of these issues looks like athlete bball and volleyball!


Hello ma'am
How do we differentiate b/w sciatica pain and pyriformis pain?


This is working for me thanks for the info


Please what make this to happen from Lawrence .please reply thanks


I am have trouble bending like ths, something is causing me to bend wrong then getting of the ground when I get there, trouble going to urinate at night has-been terrible.
Any tips?


How soon will I notice any progress. Thank you.
