10 healthy habits that changed my life

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10 healthy habits that can change your life.

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00:00 Intro
01:25 tip 1
05:20 tip 2
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07:35 tip 4
09:14 tip 5
09:53 tip 6
10:38 tip 7
11:58 tip 8
12:30 tip 9
14:33 tip 10

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I’m not a medical professional but I find your content very helpful. Merry Christmas 🎄


Yes, please, a video on books that have helped you.❤


Everything on this list 100 percent. Your health comes first. If I had to add something I would say save for retirement when I was young. Don't say you can't afford it - You really can't afford not to. I encounter so many who did not save enough when they were young and were not able to retire or they had to retire and go back to work part or full time. Learn about Compound Interest, look it up. It can really benefit you the younger you are. You can never make up those amounts when you get older. I wish I would of known about them when I was younger. But also put your health first.


Many thanks for this posting! I have started more self care focus especially facial care, weight management diet, meal planning and I would like to grow my hair for a change. 30 minutes outside is easy because as soon as the sun rise I go out to the garden raking leaves, sweeping and chop overgrown plants. I have spent clearing, decluttering over the years and finally feel the house and garden is very tidy. Now it is easier to maintain cleanliness. It gives me inner peace. i like listening to dance music in the bathroom . I like Holden qigong. I do take better care of my teeth.


Yes- videos on books and how to journal. I keep hearing about journaling but don't know how to do this.


Would love to see a video on recommendation of self development books? Thanks


Everything in this video has been so helpful! I’m going to have a sign for my children saying “Don’t put it down, put it away!” As well 😂 thanks Sarah! Xxx


100% interested to hear of the self development books that you rate 😊


I never was an avid reader, but in 2023, I read Atomic Habits (love) and completed reading a book a month all year -- However, this past year... not so much. YES!! Please share your favorite self-improvement books booklist!!! 🙏📚💙


"Get rid of energy drainers" Got it. Now to decide where to send my children. 🤣


Your content is a good educational source. 👏🏻✨


Pls . Would love to see video about journaling and journal new year.. also exercise too. Please.❤. Thank you for all work and inspirative videos you done.❤ Merry Christmas and happy Holidays!🌟🎄


I feel this is a brilliant list but I would add in rewiring negative thought patterns that keep you stuck in bad moods and/or waste energy and stop you relaxing, such as caring what others think etc . For me if I don’t do the rewiring then all the other habits are just building on a poor foundation.


What is the news newsletter you use? Would love to find a good one.


I was invited to an interview at Cambridge University in 2018 at Peterhouse. Also I was given an offer for an undergraduate degree by the University of Nottingham. Also today is my birthday. The 31st of December 2024. Like Express on Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.


What if the majority of the negativity comes from family?? Both of my parents leave me completely drained after talking to them or visiting with them. My grandmother does as well. All of them are constantly complaining, they only focus on negative things, such as murders, car accidents, etc., they make racist comments, comments about anyone that isn’t white, straight, or up to their standards. My father is paranoid about literally everything and is constantly worrying us over stupid stuff (like our water lines bursting, salmonella, or my going to the grocery store alone, ) and my mother is a textbook narcissist.
My parents are divorced, my father lives alone, and my grandmother is a widow, in her 80s, and lives alone.
I only talk to them out of guilt - I hear about it if I don’t call often enough, and when I do, I am left mentally drained from all of their excessive negativity, bitching, and complaining!
How do I handle this? I am at the point that I do not care to talk with any of the three!


For some reason audio projects only on left side of headphones for this video.. anyone experiencing the same?


am i the only one who can only hear this on the left side?
