I tried 10 HEALTHY HABITS for a WEEK (life changing?)

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In this video I tried 10 healthy habits for a week because i am the queen of inconsistency x a motivating queen i might say? Influencers, life coaches, CEO's, psychologists are always saying healthy habits are the key to a happy life and good mental health. I'm a sceptic at heart though so I of course had to try it out for myself! Also just wanted to mention that I was on a bit of a time crunch with this video so apologies if the editing wasn't as entertaining as usual! I am still trying to find a balance of posting regularly but also keeping my content quality x I hope you understand and I really hope you enjoy!! love ya'll

A portion of this video is sponsored by Emma Sleep but all opinions are of course my own.


Music by Epidemic sound

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Girl I have a sleep disorder and wake up like every hour or so, it's legit so exhausting living like that so the fact that you stuck through all this stuff, especially going to the gym and forcing yourself to get up at a decent hour, despite having disturbed sleep multiple nights in a row is insane. Definitely gonna try and force myself to try harder for a week, even if I'm tired!


My fav healthy habit is definitely keeping my room organized and neat. Always struggled with this habit until I watched your "Deep Cleaning" videos 🙂🙃


A healthy habit I recently discovered is tracking my cycle throughout the month. It helps me understand my mood, bloating, food cravings, sex drive and allows me to be a bit more forgiving to myself 💕


ah yes, watching a healthy habits video at 1:19am, amazing


I just finished 30 days of yoga after a massage therapist recommended it to me. I'd never done yoga or any consistent exercise before that. It helped my back pain almost completely! And it made me feel good about myself, impressed that I was even trying. I will continue with this and see what else I can do for myself, because I deserve it!


One thing I think helps me tremendously is setting a fixed bedtime and wake up alarm that rings everyday. I am not startled when I wake up because my body is used to the time and I immediately know what time it is. The best part I either choose to wake up during that time or go back to sleep. This is the one thing I’ve been able to keep up and I think it really helps with getting ready for the day


Oh my goodness, 2 minutes?? susie your personally the best youtuber <33


Susie just know that you are officially my religion ! I woke up this morning with NO motivation, and you gave us this video. Thank you so much, with my whole heart.
Love from Paris 🤍


PEOPLE WHO WANT TO MEDITATE. If you have Spotify I suggest trying Davina Ho’s guided meditation. Her voice is so soothing (with an accent I can’t quite place). I love it so much and I listen every morning and every night before bed


My favourite healthy habit is making my bed. It just starts the day off with something already done. Keeps me from getting back in bed. And makes my room look cleaner from that alone.


10 Healthy Habits:

1) Stick to a sleep schedule (get 8 hours of sleep)
2) Drink 2 litres of water
3) Movement
4) Eat a healthy breakfast
5) Meditation
6) Read 10 pages
7) Spend 10 minutes outdoors
8) Cut down screentime (especially in the morning)
9) Make bed in the morning
10) Write down gratitudes


I have been thinking lately that i need to work on developing some healthy habits, particularly related to sleep, exercise, and self care. This video is definitely motivating to actually get started. 🖤🖤


My favorite healthy habit is probably doing my skincare every night before bed. I used to be sooo bad at taking care of my skin but now I feel incomplete without doing so. It's like I'm cleansing the day away and preping for a fresh start. Plus, it's that extra bit of "me time" which I always look forward to <3


What a breath of fresh air your videos are! My favourite healthy habits are running and reading, both are little meditative and solo activities that I need to ground myself. I am an extravert and even though I love being around people I realize that it’s not good to rely on others for contentment or peace.


Thank you for this Susie. I was having a horrid day (and it’s only 9am 🙄) but watching this has made it 1000% better.


the paddington pj set is absolutely EVERYTHING


my fav healthy habit: practicing gratitude♥️ it helps with my anxiety and depression


Murray and I did an home work out already… 😉🤭😳


Paused everything to watch this upload!! Loved this!! 8 hours of sleep sounds like a luxury... I need this!! Much love to you Susie


needed that! I've been on a slump for the last few days so this came in clutch🤗 love you❤
