Why self-hatred is difficult to treat

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Hi, I really found it helpful and yes I feel I have been earlier associated with such "coaches" that wanted to me change the BELIEF to get me going and they provided me with certain Affirmations etc. The thing is, I agree with your viewpoint here.. to reflect on the video, I have been self-hating and even punishing myself to an extent that I caused physical harm to myself for repeating certain mistakes, I never looked deeply that why am I inclined to committing mistakes knowingly and what am I really doing by punishing and cursing myself etc etc, I just kept on digging and evaluating, I started writing journals of my behaviour on any specific even and thereby my emotion associated with it. I don't know if I had reached anywhere, but I realise I am less hateful and harsh on myself than I was earlier, rather than following certain excercise or whatever to work on the belief system the clarity on the perpetuating issue is better.


I thought the lecture was well organized and easy to follow. He defined terms, had discernible sections of discussion, and concluded with practical applications. The unifying principle was how doctors can underestimate the deep emotional intensity within those who suffer from BPD. As someone applying for Grad school in counseling, I found this lecture very helpful and easy to understand.


My self-hate can't be fixed, I'm too damaged in the head.
My childhood and teen hood as well as now have destroyed my self-esteem to where I got surgeries to help my confidence and I'm still not happy. I tried getting help and it hasn't worked. I'm just damaged goods... :(


I was really looking forward to listening to your commentary as l have the self-hatred issue but was unsure how to approach that super long lecture without falling asleep. However your tone of voice when you refer to the lecturer is slightly…disrespectful? Idk, it rubbed me the wrong way. There are tons of ways to disagree with a person respectfully without thrashing them. Especially when they work in your field and might be called a colleague of sorts.
