Stop Hating Yourself & End Self-Loathing with This Quick EFT Session - Tapping with Brad Yates

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If you're stuck in a toxic cycle of self-loathing, self-hate and anxiety, I encourage you to try this quick tap today.

These days, it's easy to wind up feeling like you don't deserve to be loved, even by yourself. But that's a cycle you need to break so you can fell happier and more content with who you are.

In this video, I show you how to end self-loathing so you can genuinely feel happier and more content.

How to use Tap With Brad videos
1. Follow along with each tapping video and tap where I tap
2. Repeat what I say
3. Repeat the video as and when you need to

Before you begin...

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So that I can make these videos available, I need to state that you must take responsibility for your own well-being if you choose to tap along. While I'm confident that tapping along with this video can provide great benefits, I make no claims as to what, if any, benefits you will receive. While EFT has yielded impressive results in treating physical and psychological issues, not everyone will benefit in the same way. I am not a doctor, and the information presented here is not intended to replace appropriate treatment by a physician or mental health professional. EFT is still in the experimental stage and, while a growing number of PhD's and MD's are adopting it, we cannot claim that it is risk-free. I am unaware of anyone experiencing negative side effects from using these videos, but different people require different care, and depending on a number of variables, it is possible you could uncover deeper issues within the process that this video is not able to address. It is recommended that you consult a qualified health practitioner prior to using this technique.

That being said, I hope you will enjoy this video and find it beneficial, and that you will share it with others.

This is only my way of using the process, rather than what might be called official EFT.

Be Magnificent!


Рекомендации по теме

As much as I love the office with the artwork, I really like seeing Brad out in nature🌻🍁🎃


I was really hesitant to watch this. I’ve seen countless videos on this topic, read quotes, yadda yadda, and nothing ever clicked. It’s pretty much all talk but nothing to help overcome it, truly. The things you said made total sense. It is true, I have not been good to myself or others due to self loathing. My goal is to be a loving, kind and peaceful person but it’s taking some work and I’ve hit a plateau, so to speak. You made me realize that punishing myself is hurting others too. I’m saving this one to my favorite videos. Thank you!!


As always Brad, you know just what to say that resonates with so many of us. Thanks for your “giving” nature. It is so very much appreciated!!


Gotta love St Francis looking on in the background. Lovely fall backdrop - thanks (yet) again!


This made me cry so unexpectedly afterwards I don’t know how the universe will ever be able to repay the good you’ve done for so many people ❤️🙏🏽


Wow! I’ve only just heard about tapping from my driving instructor, as she told me I might want to look into it as I have anxiety about taking my test...I somehow ended up here, and I’m just surprised by how emotional this was for me. As soon as I began tapping and repeating the words you were saying I started crying. Completely unexpected! It resonated with me, and brought these feelings to the surface which I didn’t fully know were present. Having watched this truly makes me want to be more loving and forgiving towards myself. Thank you


Brad, thank you for being a good soul.


Great tapping session! I felt lighter and lighter as I tapped along with you. I felt things clearing and feel great about me! Thanks for this and all the tappings you share with us, Brad.


One therapist years ago told me that I loathe myself, I never considered that before.she brought it to the light. I’m unsure how to deal.
Thanks for this tapping video


Thank you Brad! These videos help me so much.


In my difficulty to find a tapping amongst all of your "thousands" of videos that I could think of at the moment I found this today (again) and I am so loving it. It actually made me laugh. It gave me happiness. This is exactly what I need right now. You are such a good friend!


thank you dear Brad thank you dear you


Imagine the world if we all lived ourselves more! There would be no room for hate and we could live in peace! Your contribution is invaluable and thank you for your generous spirit!


love the addition of nature to inspire totally natural self love ... for every 'magnificent child of the universe' out there. 💫 💛🌻


Thank you 🙏🏻 many blessings from LA ✨✨✨


Adding this and your self love together and anger is a good combo. 👍


Terrific video! Even after 10 months of tapping I’m amazed at how helpful a seven minute tapping session can be. Thank you.


A great one. Thank you so much Brad.🌹🌼🌹 Funny, i didn't know the meaning of this English word "loathing", I had to consult my dictionary. And yes, unfortunately I know this feeling quite well. With your helpful videos i will be able to turn it more and more into
self-love. A trustful smile to you.😊


I caught myself today with a thought of hating myself so glad you did this
Thank you 🥰


Perfect timing here too! Thank you so much!
