My Ex Said There's No Chance Of Getting Back Together

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My Ex Said There's No Chance Of Getting Back Together
When planning this video, I was stuck for content, so when I was trying to plan the content the best thing to do was to query people like you, asking what things their exes said to them. The biggest comicality I found was that the biggest fear people had was if their ex said they didn’t have a chance with them, why would they come back.
In that exact moment yes, they mean it, but one thing you may not realise in life, and may not take into account is change. Where over time they start to change their mind, time makes things happen that will get your ex more open to getting back with you.
Like in Sarah Michelle’s situation he told her he didn’t love her, that they were never getting back together and we never have a chance of making this work. Then a few months later he is back. Why did this happen? One thing I have noticed during my time doing this is that exes speak to soon and burn bridges too soon.
When emotions run high, logic runs low, and after some time goes by logic tends to take over.
And another thing that people were interested in, if my ex meant it, what can I do?
I’m trying to get you to understand your exes frame of mind when they say this, one of the common types of behaviors that exes will have, this concept of orbiting, or Facebook stalking. The reason why is we tend to miss people, it’s natural to miss people we were so close to. Wondering what they are doing and what close friends are doing. So, it is natural that you are being reminded of their presence for you to silently obsess.
So, what can we use that for?
I think it is great for approaching this unreliability of memory, this is something where we talk about the peek-end rule. Where we tend to obsess about, we remember two distinct points where the best of the relationship and the end. So immediately after the breakup he is angry and the end is a strong memory, but over time he starts to focus on the peek of the relationship.
What are they going to get? Is it worth their time to invest into it? Exes tend to forget the lows over the long run and only remember the highs, and this is where they spend their time focusing on your social media.
Always comparing you to other people, where people have a knee-jerk reaction to get their ex back and they want to get their ex back immediately after the break up is actually the worst time. But if you actually wait a little time do a No Contact Rule work on yourself. After time, you become more attractive to your ex just by simply doing those things.
How to implement these things
Here is the best tip I can leave you with, when you understand what is going through your exes mind, the best thing you can do is spend some time to become the Ungettable girl of being everything your ex would want in a woman and be the ultimate attractive version of the thing he has always want but couldn’t have. When he starts comparing you to other people and you are cultivating this idea on your social media it is going to make him question, why he even left you.
Now this is one of those very specific question that people were dying to have an answer to. Most people pick apart everything their ex says and what it means. But I have found that words are not always consistent with how someone actually feels.
How then can we understand if an ex really meant what they said?
The best thing I have always found is not to focus on a persons’ words but instead to focus on their actions. The way people act and the actions they take can really tell you how they feel about something. I cant tell you how many clients who have gone on dates with exes and they say things went so well and then have their ex never ask them out again.
So what means more, all the things he said during the date?
Or, the fact that he never asked her out again?
This what determines where his head space is actually at, you guessed it the actual act of doing nothing, tells you everything you need to know about how the actual date went. Now I realise it’s hard, and we want those knee-jerk actions and expect often consistent and quick results but this is the kind of thing where that doesn’t really occur. Sometimes you don’t listen to their words, you watch what they do.