IF you think your EX is never coming back, watch this!

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IF you think your EX is never coming back, watch this!

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#breakups #nocontact #relationshipadvice #avoidantattachment
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Never let someone tell you more than ONCE that they don't want you!!!!


Work on yourself. You'll become happier and eventually forget the ex and find someone better. As hard as it is, I've done it a few times now. It sucks but it is what it is. You will be okay and will one day look back and wonder what you even saw in that person. Trust the power of time


No contact works!!! And focusing on me worked and me being me works as well keep doing you kings and queens they come back and will your choice if you want them back


Rejection is a great redirection. I will remain with God and allow him to be the author of my love story🙌🏿🙏🏾


Don't waste your time focusing on your ex, don't get them to want you.. don't play games if I get my shit together maybe they will want me, do look after yourself, do grieve through the pain of it. time will heal as much as it will suck. that person is not meant to be in your life, the rejection was redirection. gain comfort in knowing that in time you will regonise that this was a blessing. you had lessons to learn, to know your worth, to feel good enough for yourself. take some time out, do date other people, you will be surprised that you will get that feeling again.


Please Lord, don’t send any of those ungrateful, manipulative, headache causing narcissists back into my life. Let them find someone else to torment and make miserable, or remain alone until they get their acts together enough to be happy with someone else. Either way, please do not send them back to me. Thank you Lord. In Yeshua’s name. Amen 🙏🏾.


When I dumb and naive, I was very apologetic and expressing how I missed him. And he ignored me. The moment I stopped and was catching flights, here he comes. I don’t want it no more. I never did, I just didn’t like the feeling of being rejected


It was over for me, but I am good with that now. Thank you for the sage advice. My heartbreak earned me a college degree.


When you chase they will run and this means you don't value yourself know your worth & don't settle for someone who doesn't want to be with you. Move on there will be someone who loves you for you. Beautiful Love awaits you. Keep Pushing..


Why re-attract an ex? They're an ex for a REASON. Please don't reach out to someone that discarded you so carelessly. It's not your fault that they're selfish & inconsiderate of you if you were their partner. I've found that I don't need that toxic piece of trash in my life again. That is what no contact is for. You reconsider whose more important. It's either them, or its you & always choose your SELF. Let them continue to blunder around in their own nonsense. Don't take them back, you're getting back the same piece of trash if you do.


I never begged or apologized and he still isn't back. They don't always come back let's be real.


Once you accept the breakup you will never go back.


Facts !!! You have to move on by accepting that you weren't thriving enough in your own right as a man for her to lose attraction towards you (irrespective of her being in your life or not). Women are only a byproduct of us being the best versions of ourselves. As crazy as it might sound and it may be hard to hear but she more than likely did you a favor in leaving you so you can self improve "FOR YOURSELF". Women rarely want to leave a leader/winner in life. Once you move on and self improve to your highest sense of self, you should be mentally healthy and strong enough to be able to have a clear and concise conversation with her to forgive her for the heartbreak and thanking her for helping you grow and not accepting mediocrity. That mentality helped me till this very day to where I have no malice in my heart towards none of my exes and I appreciate them for the pain they've caused, for it was a necessary evil for my own growth and development. Remember that love isn't about "possession" but it's about "appreciation". #GrownMan #MatureTypeIsh


This is correct. Theres a lot of physcology behind this. After a while, we inevitably remember our ex’s and generally the good times are a bigger and better memory than the bad. By constantly contacting and being desperate what you essentially do is make the break up drama bad times bigger than they otherwise would be. Where as we mostly block that out and focus on the first dates and the sweet things you did instead we remember you harrassing us at our jobs or bothering our friends. So when we do think of you again it’s less likely we will want to come back. On the same token if we do start to think of you and take an interest or you happen to reach out a while later, we don’t want to see a weepy broken desperate person who wasted a year of his life, that’s not attractive. But if we find someone who is positive, who moved on, looked after themselves.. well then suddenly the FOMO kicks in and the roles are reversed, we are the intrigued ones, we are the ones who want to connect with you again. The best way to get back with your ex is to kill that relationship entirely, move on from it and build a new one. But the sad truth is once you’ve moved on from it, truly, and are in the place you need to be for it to work again, usually it won’t be what you want or need.


Understand (like he mentioned) time to work on yourself = time. Time also = your ex messing with other people. This = you being the 2nd option if they ever were to come back. Something to ask yourself, did you give 100%? Did you never stop trying, even when you had them? Did you stop taking them out on dates? Relationships are not 50/50. Need to bring 100% everyday, and never get complacent. If they gave up on you if you did these things, why would you want them back? Big reason is because of the loss. Loss of something we're attached to, with the combination of sudden change in routine, is one of the hardest things us as people can go through. Things to think about


If someone sees you less than you see them, cut your your losses and reciprocate their thoughts and expressions. I think if your ex could not help themselves to invite someone else’s game in the spotlight & interacts sexual with them, then respect your own emotions & values to never go back!Love is a noun expressed through verbs!


He showed me who he was & I don't wanna go backwards I deserve better


Ex cheated on me, so obviously I don’t want them back, but working on myself, went back to college, hitting the gym, living a great life


I think my problem is the opposite, I'm deserving of better than her and yet I still hope and want and believe it can work for many reasons (we have kids together, we'd been together for 13 years, we still live together, etc.). I know I deserve better and I want and need to move on. The self work I've been doing is good for me and the changes I've made in myself are good for me and will be good for whomever. I've got to be about my changes and self work. Stop making anyone a priority that treats me like an option.


Thank you for the good advice I have been in Nc, focusing on me lost 30 pounds, looking beautiful, hanging out with friends, having fun being happy.
