Why Is My Ex Contacting Me After Breakup, When They Are In A Rebound relationship? by Clay Andrews

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Why Does Your Ex Still Contact You? by Clay Andrews

It can be a little confusing when your ex contacts you during No Contact. On one hand, you're excited and thrilled that they are actually reaching out to you...On the other hand, you don't know what to do. Should you continue to do No Contact until you reach the end? Or should you use this as an opportunity to move on to the next step of getting back together?

Watch the video to help you get your ex back and be with the one you love most. Trust me, you still have a chance with your ex:)

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Clay Andrews
Leading Relationship Expert For High Achievers
Free: Mini Video Series: The 5 Stages of Getting Back Together
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Hey Clay I have another question for you. What happens when you end up trying to go to the next level to being a friend then trying to be lovers then you end up realizing that you are better as friends then lovers do they still count as an ex


I don’t think most people realize how much they have ruined their chances once they have paraded another person in your face..the intense hatred that creates


No it's because they don't want you to get over them. They know the contact keeps you on hold. It's an ego boost.


Don't even try to analyze. Focus more on making yourself happy!


I believe any ex making contact while with someone else... is only doing it to leave the door ajar. Slam that door shut! This isn't they love and miss you, you're at best someone to fall back on if things don't work out.


My ex broke up with me for a rebound guy, and did with him everything she was cutting short with me, and now they are having a baby... So much for the getting back thing, so my advice for everyone out there - just cut contact with your ex forever, save yourself the emotional pain and time, because it will be in vain probably...


Biggie Smalls, “ I don’t chase em I replace em.”


When My ex ended our relationship, she called me a month later to say she was dating some one else. She felt she needed to be honest and tell me first before any one else. I let it go, but I did tell her how I felt about after she kept poking some issues. I just didnt want to fight anymor. I wished her the new boyfriend the best and said if shes happy, then Im happy. No, im not really happy about it, but I am not going to dwell on the past, but I will learn from my mistakes. I didn't want the constant check ups from her. I KNOW the person she was dating is a rebound, but if she doesnt want me now, then what other choice do I have other than to just pursue my happiness. If she comes back around, coo but for now, I need this time to focus on my life and finish school and accomplish my dreams in life.


My ex texted me "you look good... I'm proud of you." so I said "Ofcourse.... Me and you will never happen again. I'm happy that you happy. Goodluck with everything. Don't take someone back who left and jumped straight away into another relationship. Take back your power and be beautiful. I have a feeling she will contact again when the rebound dies


Clay you didn't mention the most obvious reason that a man can not let go of his it is because he still loves her.
That was certainly my experience with my ex to him for 5 years and I finally figured out he still loved his ex. What a waste of my time.


I like this guy. He gets straight to it without going on and on and on about nothing. I hate it when "coaches" tell long ass stories about their friend and their break ups etc. Half of the time they never even answer the damn question. Nice!


Out of anger about the rebound relationship, I told him I’m moving on & that when his relationship with her fails to not come back. I’m not an option. I regret saying that because part of me wants him to come back even though he wasn’t good for & really hurt me. He was sending me mixed signals in the first 2 months of breaking up with me & saying he missed being with me & I know he’s comparing it. He wants me to stay around to be someone to fall on if the grass isn’t greener on the other side. But I know this as a fact: A man who misses what he had once with you towards just leaving you will still miss you & miss being with you even when he’s with someone else & pursuing it and trying to make it work. If he really loves you and is supposed to be with you and be yours, you’ll see him again one day. He’ll pop up in your life when you least expect it. Even though I told him to not come back after the rebound, I know he will one day come back to me because I was the best he had.


He's engaged and asked me to be his side gig. I'm glad he revealed himself. Makes it easier to move on.


she wants you as a backup plan just in case the grass isnt greenier on the other side, , , she wants to have her cake and eat it to, , , that way in case it doesnt work out this dude you will be still be waiting for her...go no contact, , live your life and forget about the ex...she made her choice, , which is the other person and not you


Thank you Clay for your videos. Just an update. She just texted me 4 days ago, to see if she can get something from my house. I said I would give her item to her family member, but she insisted she wanted to pick it up in person. I didnt allow that. I told her please be patient as I am packing stuff, moving stuff around, and she can pick up her items later at the new location. I dont plan on being there when she picks them up. She tried to make personal talk and updating me that she is going to interview for a new job. I didn't indulge other than I said good luck, and cut the conversation there. Now today, she texted me again with a funny picture, hoping for a response. So far, Im still happy with life! I am doing perfectly fine with out her, and I have been dating other people. :)


You are on point with everything you say. After 2 years of trying i finally figured out who i needed to be emotionally to reconnect with her. Thank you so much. All thesr other relationship experts should watch your videos


Ladies stay away from depressed men. My ex stole my soul then took my heart! They will deplete you of your worth until there’s nothing left to take that’s when they move on. Then they realise the new woman isn’t working out so they come back to see if there’s anything left to give them an ego boost. Be alert watch for the signs! Leave them where you found them - on the floor !!


My ex's have called and texted me several times after our break ups and they were happy with the new guy they were with, so don't let it go to your head just because they contacted you and eventually they do move on and you won't hear from them any longer. I parted on good terms with my ex's but that didn't bring them back either. My best advice to to try to slowly move on. If they want you back, they will come back but do not dwell on it.


guys and girls i been to so many relationships and i tell u this.. its over when its broken up. no contact 6 months and they regret as hell but u have fun date others and moved on. always awesome to move on everytime esp from toxic relationships


Or, things are not going well, in their new relationship! Your crush could be thinking of breaking up with the rebound. If that's the case, that's where you come in. Time to be the hero! Take back what was once yours!
