Social Anxiety Challenges DON'T Work - DO THIS INSTEAD ⚠️

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Getting to the cause of social anxiety... Use this technique!

From clip: SOCIAL ANXIETY HACKS Every Nervous Person Should Know

Julien Blanc (AKA Julien Himself) is a Swiss-born, U.S.-based self-help speaker, entrepreneur and transformational coach.

Since 2010, he has been traveling around the world and has personally coached tens of thousands of clients face to face... Empowering them to create massive success in their lives!

His record-breaking programs Transformation Mastery, Transformation Mastery Live, Transformation Mastery Live Advanced, Transformation Mastery Academy & Transformation Mastery Mentoring help people around the world achieve the HEALTH, WEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS & HAPPINESS they deserve!


Social Anxiety Challenges DON'T Work - DO THIS INSTEAD ⚠️

How to overcome social anxiety! In this video, Julien Blanc (AKA JulienHimself) reveals how to beat social anxiety and how to get rid of social anxiety for good... Discover the social anxiety cure!

Use this if you're suffering from social anxiety disorder and social phobia.

#julienblanc #julienhimself #anxiety

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Dude this is such a simple trick, but the mental application that it has, it’s incredible, I hope you share this with many many people. As a neuroscientist I can confidently say how effective the cold shower is with THIS specific mindset


Social anxiety challenges will come and spring up automatically - after we dealt with trauma, the source of trauma.
In social anxiety I see abuse, bullying, mobbing as the source of social anxiety and triggers. This means, being helpless, being coward, being unable to respond to abuse and being stuck in abuse and bullying - how can I work on that is different than challenges.
I can learn to retort to toxic people without being aggressive and monster (as Jordan Peterson suggest to have teeth as he says).
I can learn to let go urge to resolve issues which are outside of my control.
I can learn to challenge programming from abuse which propels me to be perfect, normal and allow myself to have mistakes and challenge social norms and conformism.
I can learn how to explain and define being kind and nice differently from the programming in toxic ambient.
I see challenging our definitions, explanations, conclusions about being kind and nice and normal as key in working with social anxiety Charcot hysteria - automatic panic and automatic fears in the presence of difficult people or potential of someone being difficult.
I see our ability to cut contact as opposed to learned trauma response in the form of fawning and staying frozen with abusive people.
I see way out in detection of toxic people - which trauma makes us fuzzy and unclear - inability to define toxic person as toxic person - and thus we stay stuck with them, with normalization of abuse, relativization of their abuse, with enabling their abuse.


It depends exactly on how severe anxiety you have.


If it feels bad I’ll still do it rather than I’ll do it and expect to never feel anxiety again


I literally don't see how this differs from anxiety challenges


isnt anxiety wearing a mask and being scared people are gonna see under the mask? once u learn to accept things as they are and im guessing ur self then it becaomes easier. i got likethis when i used to go out every weekend. u just accpet things as they come. u dont try to control things. and u realize once ur enough ur inperfections become ur calling card. like anime chacters. they all have like a hair sticking out or a scar or something but its thier "thing"
