How to Start a Keto Diet

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The ketogenic diet has been rising in popularity, and for good reason — it is simple and yields significant results. Whether you want to lose fat, increase energy, enhance brain health, improve your blood sugar levels, or improve your overall health, keto may be the diet you are looking for.

However, before we learn how to start a keto diet, we must develop a deeper understanding of what it is and why it is so effective. Knowing the what and why behind this way of eating plays an integral role in your keto diet success as well as knowing how to get started.


See more keto recipes, knowledge and tips on the website to keep your weight loss going strong.

Everything you need to know about the keto diet:

Getting started? Everything you need is here:

We also make things easy with this 30 day diet plan:


Follow Ruled.Me for more tasty food:
Рекомендации по теме

This diet saved me!
Just cut sugar out.
Reduced carbs.
No arthritis.
No high blood pressure.
No looking like a beached whale.
Able to tie my shoes.
Got a new wardrobe!
Best wishes to all who are keto dieters!


I tried this diet I lost 17 pounds but then I gain back eating a lot of carbs 😓 I need to do this diet again. Wish me luck again.


I got an ad before this saying
"Are you In a keto diet or perhaping to start one"


Surprised no one has opened a keto restaurant or food service. Need a shopping list!


The cutting out of the sugar is great..clearer mental focus, more relaxed, no aching joints, lots of energy.


I'm from an Asian family so I can't do this

I need rice for everything


I love Keto. I need to stop procrastinating and just fucking go back to it. My busy schedule and tight money is keeping me from taking care of myself. Never felt so horrible in my life. But on Keto, I was so energetic and happy. Depression was gone. Negative mind was gone. I was fucking on fire. I need to get that fire back.


The first time I tried keto I nearly passed out after three days. I tried again 25 years later and found it really easy. The only difference was, I cut down the carbs for the first two weeks. I didn't go straight into it. I lost about 40lb in 5 months and went from size XL to Medium. My taste buds reset themselves, and I didn't miss the carbs and sugars at all. Hope that helps you guys that are scared to try. No rush. Ease into it.


I wish everybody has a good keto diet journey. Stay motivated, good luck.


Saved my life. Lost 50 pounds more 50 to go. I really love your recepies ❤️


Went from 285 lbs to 178 in 4 months, then Stabilized around 195. 6'2, love this way of living.


Me eating my Popeyes sandwich talking about I’ll start tomorrow


The first week of keto is hard but after that it’ll feel easy and then you’ll feel happier to continue


I did this diet last summer for 1 month. I lost 32lbs. And I never counted calories or took any supplements. I drank a ton of water and basically always made sure my body had food. Simple. It's easy people. High fat + medium protein + a ton of water will make sure your body is healthy.


i did keto for 7 days and lost 10 lbs ( obviously most at the start is water weight) i need to get back into keto now because it makes me more energetic during the day.


The first week is the hardest, just get through that part and don’t give up! I’ve been doing lazy keto where I don’t count anything and just eat the suggested foods and cut the bad ones. I’ve been practicing a bit of restraint when eating as well, but not so much that I feel deprived. I don’t work out (no gym here and I’m not one to do it at home). I’m steadily but slowly losing weight anyway. I definitely feel better. I’ve dropped a dress size in three weeks. I no longer get hungry so fast, no longer need to eat breakfast. I’ve realized that when I eat carbs they burn off really fast and cause cravings for more-so they become a self fulfilling prophecy that keeps perpetuating themselves forever. The more you eat-the more you need. And you need to eat them sooner. Eating protein and fat (and veggies on the side) keeps me full longer, so very much longer that I don’t need to eat as frequently or as much. At first giving up breakfast was hard. It took about a week before my body was programmed to not feel hungry at this time of day, and now a few weeks later it doesn’t even occur to me to want it. If I want eggs, I can eat them at lunch or supper time instead. Sometimes breakfast food for supper is fun and makes it easy to throw together a quick meal for the family.


I lost 40 lbs in 2 months on this diet alone. No exercise. 223 to 183. It works.


Me : secretly goes on diet**
My parents : *WhO WaNts PiZzA!*


I am going to start this diet TODAY! I want to get back to me and be in good health. I am considered morbidly obese, and started working out 4x a week, cut smoking and drinking and cut pork and sugar from my diet. It’s only been 2 weeks but I’ve seen no results. So hopefully this keto diet will take me to the next level! Wish me luck!


How am I supposed to start my diet when everything tastes so good
