Mentally Leaving Society As A Solution - Kapil Gupta MD

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The topic of the video is - Mentally Leaving Society As A Solution.

Watch The Full Video Here -

About Dr. Kapil Gupta (Siddha Performance) -
Dr. Kapil Gupta is more than just an executive coach. He understands the human condition and speaks truth with intrinsic authority. Dr. Gupta personally advises CEOs, Professional Athletes, Celebrities, and Performing Artists worldwide.

Dr. Gupta’s work is for those who dream of immortality in sports. Who imagines being legends of their craft. Who knows that there is an unlimited potential hidden in the depths of their soul, waiting to be awakened and unleashed, to forever change the way humans look at their sport

This journey with Dr. Gupta will be the most difficult one you will ever embark upon. But the Only One that will lead you to The Truth of who you are and what you are truly capable of.

You will experience the sort of Freedom and Peace that cannot be described in words.

#KapilGuptaMD #SiddhaPerformance #society

🙏 Namaste 🙏
Рекомендации по теме

Im 56 years old and based on my life experience most of what he says is pretty spot on. Hard pill to swallow sometimes but worth it I think to at least consider what he has to say. I just kind of wonder sometimes what life without prescriptions would be like. So many people probably need them to get some kind of direction in their life if they cant figure things out on their own.


This video starts at the 38:57 mark of the full video, which is in the description.


This PIDCAST and the buffets by KPAIL GUPTA MD are my doses of TRUTH.
We all are being fed so much of crap daiky that these PURE TRUTHS are too hard to digest.
I downlad, record on my own device these recordings and listen over and over again. THIS IS THE VOICE OF SOMETHING ETERNAL. I keep returning to these recordings. ... Thank you for posting these gems free ..Its one of the best services to humanity.


These videos get cut at such weird and annoying times. But still, it's definitely better than nothing! Kapil is one of the few people worth listening to on the internet tbh


Dude, you cut in the middle of the answer... Is this clip AI generated?
