How to start changing an unhealthy work environment | Glenn D. Rolfsen | TEDxOslo

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Do you think backbiting is happening at your workplace or place of study?
Glenn Rolfsen's talk is about what contributes to a toxic work environment and what the significant factors are that determine our working life quality. His approach addresses how to achieve a permanent end to slander and bullying among adults in the workplace.

Glenn D. Rolfsen is a psychotherapist working in corporate health service in Oslo. He has also worked as a teacher to educate gestalt therapists in Norway and several European countries. He is particularly concerned with the psychosocial work environment in enterprises. As corporate counsel and leadership consultant, he works daily to improve working life quality for employees.

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I have yet to find a work place that has any maturity level above high school. I have yet to work for a boss that not only allows it but is blinded by the people who are bullies and drag morale down... not to mention who aren’t even capable of doing their job. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have been there. It takes a lot of time and therapy to grow through it. Workplace mobbing and Bullying seems so misunderstood in the workplace. It isn't just gossip. The difference is usually that it's an attack on the employees work ethic or character. Unfortunately a lot of bullies can get away with such behavior because the boss either encourages or thinks you're making a big deal of nothing. It's also extremely mind altering when you have all of this evidence and even witnesses contradicting the things the bully is saying, but no one seems to care. It took a huge toll on my mental health. If you are reading this and it is happening to you don't be afraid to fight back. Focus on facts not feelings. Things will get better!!


Good info, but the problem at my workplace is not backbiting. It's lack of leadership and respect.


Unless you are in management or a leadership position, in my experience your best option is to leave. Too many times we are asked to deal with drama or put up with it, when management needs to do their job to fix it.


I believe that gossip and spreading rumors is not only detrimental to a work environment, but also to a social environment too. I used to be a person who gossipped frequently and also spread rumors. Something I enjoyed doing also was instigating. I am not proud of it. It took a while to change, but I did. I am sorry to everyone that I gossipped about and/or hurt in any other way.


No one person can change an entire workplace culture of incompetent bosses, jealousy, gossip, laziness, mental issues, phoniness and two-faced people at work. No job is going to be 100% perfect but I suggest align yourself with a company that share most of your core values. Thank goodness I don't get close with people at work and I have my own personal relationships outside of work that I focus my energy. Good topic


I am witnessing this at the moment where I work and due to absorbing the overwhelming negative behaviour at work I have found myself lowering myself into this negativity and toxicity. I realised after snipping at a colleague I have to rise myself above this and be more mindful. So have decided my colleagues are not my friends, from here on out I will keep it pleasant, not say anything negative and the only person who suffers is me. Just because they want to be negative doesn't mean I do. I have to stay true to me and remain focused on my future goals and visualise a swan, calm, poised and graceful which is what I will be.


Gossiping and backbiting forms a feeling of community among those involved. Usually there is a main unlucky subject made scapegoat. It is unreal the lengths these small clusters of self inflated losers will go in destroying a person.


I have both lost jobs and left jobs DUE TO working environments like this. It is frustrating when “leadership” does nothing to address this. I have also learned how to stop gossiping myself, but others do it anyway. This is very helpful. Thank you for the insight.


I think backbiting comes also from frustration of leaders not leading, dealing with horrible personalties. When you bring it to management, they don't want to deal with it and the turn it back on you.

Its just a terrible situation. There really needs to be some sort of mental health and emotional health test before any kind of employment.

Some people just need to be out of the workforce, and on disability.

Its unbelievable what you have to go through just to make an honest living.


When management is not willing to fix problems, the easiest way to fix it yourself is to find new employment. 🤷‍♂️


If an employer treats some staff differently than others and refuses to see their wrong in this, then they themselves have to take full responsibility for creating a toxic work environment, which left unchecked will ultimately ruin their own company. This unsurprisingly will negatively impact their employees mental and physical health, even that of some of their strongest and most loyal employees!


Bad and absent leadership breeds back-biting


You need to understand the reasons why people back-bite.

1. People like the attention.
2. It is an indirect way to get back at someone by damaging their image; It doesn't matter so much if it is true or not.
3. Some people find the misfortune or suffering of others humorous and even enjoyable.
4. People use it to elevate their own status within a group.
5. Hearing bad things about others makes some people feel better about themselves by comparison.
6. People use it to try and discredit their competition, and win more opportunities for themselves.
7. Sharing "secrets" forms a social connection.

You aren't going to get rid of these with a sign-up sheet. They are too deeply ingrained in human nature.


Im still working in a very toxic work place. It effected my self esteem. The main bosses didn't care about the fairy tales the manger told. She got away with everything. Im now looking for another job. Sadly i lost myself because i been in this toxic environment over 12 yrs.


I just did this yesterday! I am trying to change it now that I am aware of it. I realized that one woman has latched onto me & all she does is complain about others and it has rubbed off. Nothing out of her mouth is good. Also, Brene Brown said it best, when you judge others and gossip with someone you think you are forming a connection with that person, a common ground, but it does the opposite. The toxic work environment needs to change.


Every time you're being compared with somebody, makes an influence on forming your self-esteem. In the working environment where I am right now, there is always the one who is being bullied. And if there is no victim, it means you're the one. For the person who will not adapt and will not support those who are bullying the victim, it will be a high risk to become the one who is being bullied and blackbiten. Believe me, this is much deeper than just gossiping, such things can totally ruin your self-esteem or lead to emotional burnout
For sure, it works differently for everyone, cannot even imagine how devastating the consequences can be


at my work place I experienced toxic environment, and it effects my daily day. I was friendly and communicative person.. once I worked with these toxic people.. it hits me so badly.. I lost my self esteem, I couldn't say the whole sentence every time I tried to explain my self. I hate is work for me. I love my work..but people around me..ruining my happiness. I tried to learn their language and culture but I feel like I'm invisible to them, they dont even include me in the group. They just talk and the whole shift I just quiet. I dont know what to do...


I talk very little to coworkers . I get talked about often .


In my experience time and time again, people will say there is too much gossip at their workplace and they don't like it. However "they" are never the gossips. It's almost always everyone else who is the problem.

So I'm more inclined the believe the real problem is hypocrisy. If people won't accept responsibility for their own roles in office gossip, then giving them advice on how to stop it will go in one ear and out the other.
