5 STOIC Rules on How To Emotionally DETACH from Someone | Marcus Aurelius Stoicism

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Psychology says; never express too much love, affection or care to someone, Because it’s human tendency to underestimate anything that’s free of cost.


I'm not going to spew my story on here because it's long. All I'm going to say is I really needed this type of video.


Went through a breakup that affected me more than i thought it would. I came here and was reminded of my resilience. Thank you for this video. It came right on time.


'It's about detaching from outcomes too.'
True. We only have power over what is within. We are powerless over everything else.


I just get out from 20years marriage that's failure from the beginning. In 2 months I cried, distressed, feeling completely failure. But after that I get up, solely focus on me.. start loosing weights by exercising, focus on my business, focused on my children. After a year I completely in love with new me. I looked great, my business grows, my children happy. There's nothing relieved me more than that. I start to embrace my new life as singlemom and start falling in love again with a better gentleman. I hope everyone that's having the same experience as me can do the same. I wish you all a happiness and remember to find your inner peace. ❤


"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius


Without going into detail, I found this channel during the most traumatic and difficult period of my entire life. I am alone and without support and this channel has given me a lot of strength. I am dealing with my feelings and reactions in a much more tempered manner. Thanks for such profound and thoughtful content.


"I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others." - Marcus Aurelius


Me and my girlfriend broke up. She had some serious mental issues, such as bi polar. Despite that I still loved her more than anything, she knew that. Then suddenly she wanted a break, I found it hard to accept but I had to. The break was a long 6 months atleast. I was always kind to her even though she was always angry, aggressively
Verbally impulsive but I still loved her. Then one day she decided to block me on all social media without an explanation. It hurts, knowing someone you loved, who said they'd always be here for you just cut you out like nothing and not even say why. She made me feel like i could taoe on the world, i felt alive. Despite that i was always kind to her even with the abrupt separation.


You know, I preyed to god earlier today wondering what I should do and somehow while scrolling your video caught my eye. I don’t prey often but I’m working on going to church more and finding a place that I belong. I believe that this video was used as a message for me. Thank you for the time you put into creating this.


Too much emotional attachment can lead to unhealthy attachment. It can have a substantial impact on your current, genuine connections with people in your lives. Idolize no one and find your own sense of self love as opposed to relying on others to define your own self worth


Very important, never attach to someone more then Yourself . Plus this Topic Detachment is Big you can learn alot .


Stoicism is my life saving in the time of my lowest degree of emotion that I almost end my life. Depression poison me almost every beat of my heart. Thank you to stoicism is the medicines that relieved me. You are very right in all of these things.


I’m struggling to detach from family members who have hurt me. I love them but had to stop engaging….. it still hurts


Just be grateful with what you have in life today, for tomorrow no one knows. Losing health, loved ones, family and children is the worst pain of all. Great channel and selection of quotes, but sometimes reality is too much and a lifetime of experience. Good luck to everyone reading this and I hope all your wishes come true x.


Today, I found empathy and humility, as well as an inner calm during a difficult day. Thank you.


I never thought one day I’ll watch this kind of video
I learned just one thing
Don’t give them too much validation they feel queen/king
Even they know nobody takes them seriously except you just walk away and give them shock
They’ll pretend like they don’t care
But inside they can’t digest your move on


I have very little time in my day but I gather daily meditation is the main trick to overcome a lot of the challenges outlined in this video. I also try to live in a day to day mindset and not worry about tomorrow or next week. For me the scarcity comment really hit home. I truly do feel as though if I lost my husband (it’s a bit of a challenging marriage to say the least), I would be alone forever or would end up settling with someone I’m incompatible with. This comes from a scarcity mindset and self worth related thinking too.


Wonderful it’s something I needed today . Detachment from emotional baggage . It’s the freedom that I’ve always wanted, freedom to be myself without outside validation . Thank you so much
