What to do about Insomnia

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Insomnia is in essence a revenge for all the thoughts we forgot to have in the day.

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Produced in collaboration with Daniela Scherer
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i will not rest until i find a cure for my insomnia


Insomnia is living proof that you've faced some tough, stressful shit in your life


I had insomnia for months. Starting to get back to normal though. Hope everyone out there suffering hangs in there.


"...powerful enough to wrestle consiousness into submission" it's like evry word in there was designed for that sentence. It was so satisfying, tell me I'm not alone


this is nothing like my experiences with insomnia. I can get insomnia for overthinking about philosophical questions (mainly if I am unhappy with the answers and do not see how a change might be possible). I get insomnia for having real problems in life, that I cannot runaway from or solve them. I get insomnia for being anxious about all I have to get done tomorrow (my brain thinks that I will not have time to do everything, so it is better to be awake, not to oversleep, so I will have time... stupid brain does not understand it needs to rest).


seeing this at 4am scared shitless for no reason


If you're having anxiety I want you to know that I love you and its going to be okay. Breathe slowly and deeply. You're going to be just fine. You're alright. I'm glad you're here. Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax.


I want to send love to everyone struggling with this.

Been off and on with this for like a decade.

Serious family issues have really left a mark.


The brain looks like a depressed SpongeBob


Something I thought was going to be mentioned when I saw the title of the video was "not to fight" insomnia. I can't say I suffer from chronic insomnia but sometimes I do have trouble falling asleep.
What works for me is to act upon the thoughts which are keeping me awake instead of trying to ignore them, e.g. writing down the ideas coming to my head, listing the possibilities of what might go wrong the next day, drafting an email, etc.
Once I've exhausted all that I had going around in my head, I feel a kind of satisfaction which allows me to fall asleep - perhaps a bit later than I'd have wished but better late than never.


LMAO at curing insomnia with philosophy and self-examination. BAHAHAHA.


Look, I think all day and still have insomnia, using undefined words like "chore self" doesn't help.


This is so true. It is why writing in a journal before bed (anything that is on your mind) helps you sleep better. Try it. It helped me a lot


just go to a testicular cancer support group


I've had sleeping problems literally all my life (and I'm old). I've been told y my mother that I never took naps, and have never slept through the night....ever. Stress, work, diet, self-worth, alcohol, etc. isnt always the case for everyone. Some of us are just wired differently, and if it wasn't for my nighttime medicine, I'd be a zombie all day, which would affect my job and personal life. just my experience.


You forgot to mention the most important things that help you sleep: drink lots of water, go outside, exercise AND - most importantly, at least for me - don't drink coffee or green/black tea in the evening.
P. S. Love your videos! Thank you guys!


This was literally uploaded just as I was about to go to sleep


This video represents one side of the problem brilliantly, while forgetting the other. There are people who do a lot without thinking enough, and there are people who think too much without doing. If you're a thinker and don't do today what deep down seems important, your life will feel naggingly empty and your mind will overcompensate with wakefulness. Decide which type you are and maintain a balance.


Really loving this channel. I can never watch it every day in a row, just feels like an overload of thoughts, but every time I watch, whether I agree with it or not, there's always an uplifting feeling, simply from knowing that there's more than one way to view an issue, and each way of thinking about something provides a new facet of, if not understanding, contentment and greater peace about one's place in the universe.


This seems a bit like a "Philosophy of the gaps" explanation.
If we don't know what causes insomnia, the most plausible cause doesn't automatically become "an unexamined life". That would be a little too convenient a claim, coming from a philosopher, no?
A gardener would say that insomnia is caused by not enough exposure to nature. Donald trump would say immigrants cause insomnia.
